"You are such a domineering kid. Who are you from, and who are your masters?" There were many disciples of the Supreme Sect in the tavern. Seeing that the stalwart man was too arrogant, he couldn't help but block the attack and reprimanded him.

Su Fan's eyes flashed, wondering if there were any restrictions placed on the tall man, and he couldn't see through his specific realm.

Of course, this is without using the "Eye of Deception".

Under normal circumstances, try not to use it as much as possible to avoid being countered by certain abilities and causing unnecessary trouble.

"Master, this arrogant and domineering guy has the aura of the demon clan in him." Xiao Huo lurked in the inner space, reminding him with seductive pupils.

"Yes, and very familiar. He may be of the same race as me." Tun Tian added.

"Same race?" Su Fan was a little surprised, "Could it be that they are also eagle-like monsters?"

"Where did you get out of this piece of trash?" The stalwart man looked at the speaker with indifferent eyes and answered the question with questions.

"Brother Beidou is here too?"

"It turns out he is the holy son of the supreme sect Tianji Sect."

"I really didn't expect there was a Holy Son in this little tavern. Hey, how arrogant is he now?"

The speaker was obviously very famous. As soon as he spoke, many guests in the tavern recognized him.

"I have heard of Li Mu, the First Holy Son of the Tianji Sect, but who are you? Why do you dare to appear in front of me." The stalwart man dismissed it and spoke of the First Holy Son.

"Haha, this is also the Holy Son of the Tianji Sect. He entered the Void Realm a few years ago. He is an unparalleled genius of the Tianji Sect and has few rivals among his generation."

Some people may speak out to defend Beidou in order to curry favor with him.

"Why don't Li Mu get out of here and waste my time?" The stalwart man was so arrogant that he didn't take the so-called Holy Son seriously.

"How arrogant, where are you from!" Beidou asked with narrowed eyes. He knew that the stalwart man had an extraordinary background, but he was also a member of a supreme sect, so he didn't have much fear.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!" The stalwart man looked down at everyone present, stretched out his right hand and slapped Beidou directly with unpredictable power.

At this moment, many people were frightened and felt suffocated. The strong pressure made people unable to breathe.

An illusory palm appeared in the air, with thousands of lines intertwined on it, flowing like water waves.


Beidou raised his hand to his forehead and pressed his palm against it, but his expression darkened and he only felt numbness in his arms.

The Dao lines on the palms glowed brightly, exuding bursts of mysterious and mysterious auras, and the power on them became heavier and heavier.


The floor under Beidou's feet showed cracks, and the cracks were as dense as a spider web. He was about to be unable to bear it. When he was suppressed downstairs, his body suddenly became radiant.

Then there were dozens of stars surrounding Beidou, like diamonds with two eyes, shining brightly and flashing continuously.

"This is the Glorious Star Technique, the supreme secret technique of the Tianji Sect. For ordinary people in the Void Realm (level 21-30), it would be amazing to sacrifice just one star. He is worthy of being the Holy Son of Beidou, with dozens of stars surrounding his body. "

Many spectators were shocked. The Holy Son is the Holy Son. Even if he is not the number one, he should not be underestimated.

Two dazzling divine lights shot out from the pupils of the stalwart man, which was breathtaking, as if he was about to perform a killing technique.

Su Fan remained calm. To be honest, he basically didn't see the fight between the practitioners. At this moment, there happened to be two truly proud men in front of him. It would be good to know their methods and be prepared in the future.

Suddenly, he raised his brows and saw the Wuxin monk opposite him, and he stood up slowly.

"Master, are you trying to stop the two from fighting?" Su Fan muttered to himself, "If you dare to intervene in a battle at the level of a Saint, I am afraid that you are not only powerful, but also have extremely extraordinary forces behind you."

"Benefactor of Huntian Xiaopeng King, the competition has not started yet, why bother to start a big fight?" Monk Wuxin simply said, but the Buddha's light was mighty on his body, and countless Buddha shadows appeared in the sky, muttering unknown Buddhist scriptures.

"What, this stalwart man is Huntian Xiaopeng King!"

"Isn't that the famous great power of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, the descendant of the Great Saint Peng Demon King of Huntian?!"

"No wonder I don't take the saints seriously. I heard that King Huntian Xiaopeng's cultivation is unfathomable and he is the top master of the younger generation of the demon clan. I didn't expect that he would also be attracted."

As soon as Monk Wu Xin's words came out, he instantly caused a commotion in the tavern. He never thought that this black-haired man who looked like a human being was the notorious Xiaopeng King among the demon clan.

"Who are you?" King Huntian Xiaopeng's eyes were as murderous as knives, his tone was cold, and he was very dissatisfied with the Wuxin monk who stopped him.

"Baima Temple——Monk Wuxin." Wuxin began to introduce himself to his family.

Su Fan was startled. If he remembered correctly, White Horse Temple was also one of the eight top orthodox traditions in Kyushu.

Su Fan carefully looked at Wu Xin again, thinking that he was probably a Buddhist son comparable to the Holy Son.

"Baima Temple...Wuxin..." King Xiaopeng of Huntian's pupils were as sharp as knives, his eyes could penetrate into a person's bones, and murderous intent enveloped Monk Wuxin.

Regarding the title of "Wuxin Monk", everyone in the tavern was confused. They knew about White Horse Temple, but they didn't know that there was such a prominent figure among the Buddhist disciples of White Horse Temple.

Perhaps it was because Monk Wuxin was too low-key on weekdays, they guessed in their hearts.

But Wuxin himself, faced with the substantial murderous intention of Huntian Xiaopeng King, remained calm and composed, looking at him with a kind smile.

"Hmph." Huntian Xiaopeng King sneered and turned to look at Holy Son Beidou, "Well, since the abbot of White Horse Temple has been kind to us in the past, let me spare my life for the time being."

Beidou's face was gloomy. King Huntian Xiaopeng was really lawless and his tone was frivolous, as if taking his life was just a trivial matter, which made him extremely annoyed.

However, after a duel just now, he understood that Huntian Xiaopeng King did have the arrogance. What's more, his elder, Peng Demon King, was extremely fast and even the leader of the supreme religion was quite afraid of him. He was not an ordinary power.

After thinking about it, he could only pretend that he didn't hear it, snorted and looked away.

Huntian Xiaopeng King smiled disdainfully, glanced around, and moved his gaze to an empty seat.

An old man behind him took a few steps forward, brushed off the dust on the table and chairs, and then allowed him to sit down. Then the two old men stood beside him like guards.

"Haha, it seems that this prosperous age has really attracted many outstanding people. There are several figures who are comparable to the Holy Son in a tavern. The Holy Son is really everywhere." Su Fan looked at the returning monk Wu Xin who sat down peacefully and said, He said with a hint of something in his words.

When Monk Wuxin heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Donor Su, do you blame me for hiding the identity of the Buddha?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Su Fan directly denied it and gave a surprising answer, "Although I think Master is weird, I can tell that you have no ill intentions towards me."

Of course, there is no malicious intent at this time. Su Fan added in his heart.

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