National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 144 The forbidden wilderness, the trial for the beast master

The Thunder God Eagle was shocked, but when he thought about the immortal Taoist opposite him, who had lived for thousands of years and experienced various times of light and darkness, it was very possible that he knew this secret.

"But I can't say." Unexpectedly, the Taoist Immortal suddenly came to a sudden stop.

The Thunder Condor was speechless for a moment. Did he make a mistake? First he aroused his curiosity, and then he stopped thinking about it. This was too funny.

The Taoist Taoist Immortal looked at the resentful eyes of the Thunder Controlling Eagle, and said in a nagging voice: "It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I can't say it. When you reach the realm, you can naturally hear it. If you don't reach the realm, it's useless for me to say it, and it won't do you any good. "

So evil?

The Thunder Condor took out a breath and suppressed the curiosity in his heart, "Then what can I know? Brother, just tell me in one breath."

"Listen up, dear brother." The old Taoist restrained the rest of his expression, leaving only a serious expression, "One of the taboos is that when you encounter a beast master, you must not interfere too much."

"The second taboo is that when a struggle occurs that affects a wide area, you must use your spiritual sense to scan the surroundings in advance to see if there are any special humans. If there are any, immediately restrain the fluctuations to prevent the spread."

The old Taoist paused for a moment, "That's all these two for now?"

"For the time being?" The Thunder God Eagle noticed the strange wording of the veteran, "Can I tell you who set this taboo, and what the punishment will be if it is violated."

The Immortal Taoist's face suddenly darkened, "Huang told me secretly. That's all I can say. Don't ask about the rest. As for punishment..."

The Immortal Taoist's face was gloomy and terrifying, "The Great Demon Lei Ze is the best example."

"The Great Demon Lei Ze?" The Thunder Controlling Eagle looked fearful upon hearing the name, "Is it the Great Demon Lei Ze from the Broken Void Realm (Level 46-50) of the Second Broken Realm?"

"Not bad." The old man nodded slightly.

"Legend has it that he went crazy and escaped into the depths of the Mogu Forbidden Land, and never came out again..."

The old Taoist gave the Thunder Condor a deep look and said, "This legend is true. Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and lifted the restriction between the two.

The Thunder Condor's expression was uncertain. The beast master... So what kind of beast master does this have such a big background?

Doesn't that mean that he can only let his son follow this human being?

The Taoist Taoist Immortal moved slightly and came to Su Fan in a flash.

"Isn't this old Taoist going to arrest me too?" Su Fan was shocked in his heart. On the surface, he didn't reveal anything and said respectfully: "Senior Immortal Taoist."

"Young beast master, there is no need to be polite." The old Taoist waved his sleeves in the air and gently dragged Su Fan up.

Beast master?

The stone hanging in Su Fan's heart suddenly fell. He knew that as a beast master, he must be inseparable from the system. In other words, he was probably safe for the time being.

The Immortal Taoist said the lines he had prepared a long time ago with ease, "Since I found my little friend, please come with me."

"No need to be nervous, it's just a simple trial. There is no punishment for failure, but there are amazing rewards for success."

The Taoist Immortal smiled, but Su Fan smelled something irresistible from his gentle words.

And looking at how skilled the veteran is, it seems that he has met more than one beast master. Perhaps this so-called trial is something that every beast master must go through?

Su Fan had some guesses in his mind.

"Little friend, don't think too much, every beast master will participate." The Taoist Immortal's next words confirmed Su Fan's guess.

"Ahem." Su Fan scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Senior, I will definitely participate in this trial, but... you see my body is so weak, right? My equipment is also in tatters, so why not..."

The immortal Taoist was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, you are a monk who has stepped into the Void Realm. You say you are weak and your eyesight is really dim. You have a level 4 growth-type spiritual weapon in your body. How dare you say that you can’t use treasures?

After living for thousands of years, he has never seen such a shameless beast master. The few people who saw him before were either too scared to say a few words, or they looked respectful. How could they dare to say anything to this person? Are you reaching out to ask for benefits?

"My little friend..." The old Taoist paused slightly, "He is really a wonderful person."

Looking at Su Fan's "pitiful" eyes, the old Taoist felt a little helpless, "Well, since you and I are destined, I will reward you with a level 4 spiritual weapon - the Netherworld Immortal Refining Token."

After that, a black token with a unique shape and a simple smell appeared in the palm of the old Taoist.

Su Fan took the token. The old Taoist didn't say the purpose of the token. He wanted to activate the "Eye of Destruction of Illusion" to observe the information, but he thought that the Taoist Immortal was nearby, so he couldn't help suppressing the idea.

"Then thank you, senior." Su Fan accepted the token with a smile and thanked him seriously.

Although he was justified in harvesting the wool from the system, after all, it was the Immortal Taoist who gave it to him, and he still had to thank those who deserved to be thanked.

"Brother Taoist, can you explain in detail about your experience?" Su Fan shamelessly called a peerless master who had lived for thousands of years as his eldest brother.

Not far away, the Thunder Condor was darkened, and he cursed in his heart, "That bitch is too much. Brother, are you allowed to call me brother?"

He has lived for hundreds of years and lived with the Immortal Taoist in the Mogu Forbidden Land. Only then did he dare to shamelessly call him brother. Otherwise, he would have to respectfully call him senior. In the end, you are a human in his twenties. Also call me big brother?

It's a good thing that he didn't call him "senior", otherwise he would have called this human being "senior" if he had backhanded him as a super senior. Haha, it's really shameless.

Seeing the Immortal Taoist chatting happily with Su Fan, Yu Lei Shenying felt sour inside.

"Don't worry, little friend. You can settle everything first and we'll talk as we walk." The immortal Taoist smiled mysteriously.

"Then...okay." Su Fan responded happily.

"Hanhan, carry the survival base with you. We are going on a trip." Su Fan greeted Hanhan.

After receiving the order, Hanhan nodded slightly, came to the survival base in twos and twos, used the power of the earth element to pull up the foundation together, put it on his broad back, and flew back to Su Fan.

At the same time, Su Fan also took pets with different looks into his body.

He turned to look at the immortal Taoist, "Brother Taoist, you can go."

The old man waved his sleeves again and drove them into the towering clouds, leaving only a group of monsters on the ground staring at each other.

"I still don't know what my little friend's name is?"

"Su Fan, big brother, just call me Xiao Suzi." Su Fan said quite freely.

"Ahem, little friend Su Fan." The old Taoist had lived for thousands of years and was embarrassed to say it out loud for a while.

Su Fan didn't care and smiled as he listened to what the old man was going to say next.

"The test site is called the 'Ancient Bronze Palace'. It is a relic from ancient times. What you can get depends entirely on your luck."

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