National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 140 Swallowing the Sky vs. Phantom Feather Peacock

"Hey, what a guy." Su Fan exclaimed as he just emerged from the black mist. He watched the purple-black and bluish-white colors sweep in front of him, and immediately commanded the small fire to soar into the sky to avoid the aftermath.

They have now all reached the Tuxu realm (level 21-30), and they are not simply Tuxu.

According to common sense in the world, there are three steps to treading the void. The first step (level 21-23) gives you the ability to stay in the air for a short period of time, making it difficult to fly freely.

The second step (level 24-26) is similar to a strong Dou Zong in a certain world, but it is not exactly the same. They regard the sky as flat ground, walk in the air, and glide for a short time.

But the three steps (level 27-30) are different, they can fly in a true sense similar to birds and monsters.

"Speaking of Master, since the stinky fart is at a lower level than the birdman, shall we stage an unfair battle?" Xiao Huo smiled, eager to go up and join the battle.

Su Fan smiled slightly, with a golden glint in his eyes, "There's no need, Tun Tian, ​​he really doesn't necessarily lose."

Tuntian's eyes were radiant, and he moved forward. His purple eagle claws seemed to contain living thunder, and he gently reached out and grabbed the birdman in front of him.

The phantom-feathered peacock remained calm and still slapped it with one palm, containing a bluish-white divine light.

Claws and palms meet, and the collision between the two is not flashy at all, but a real physical competition.

The physical body of the monster beast is indestructible, and it is already slightly stronger than the practitioners of the same realm. At this moment, in front of these two people, this situation has been shown to the extreme.


The two who had collided with each other dozens of times suddenly separated. Huan Yu Peacock was shocked in his heart. He couldn't believe that his little master, who was only level 14 a few days ago, could actually fight with him physically.

But before he could even sigh, Swallowing Heaven's attack changed again, and it was really as fast and violent as thunder.

I saw lightning flashing from Tuntian's mouth, and several thunder beasts shrunk countless times poked out, including thunderbirds that let out ear-piercing wails, thunder wolves with bloodthirsty eyes, and domineering and powerful thunder dragons.

Swallowing Sky's wings trembled, and the three thunder beasts received the order. Electric arcs appeared all over their bodies, and they wandered through the void. They attacked the bird-man from different angles with extreme cunning, change, and different angles.

“Oh my God, this isn’t the King’s ‘Electric Chidori’, is it?”

"My little master actually played tricks on me."

Countless monsters were extremely shocked.

The thunder beast is so powerful that it looks like a real ferocious beast king. It looks like three living thunders. It is so varied that it is difficult to distinguish.

There was a roar, and three thunder beasts sandwiched the peacock in the center from three directions. They were so big that they submerged him in them.

"Peacock Fighting Technique!"

The phantom-feathered peacock looked up to the sky and roared, its beard and hair flying. He quickly swung out three huge peacock demon claws, directly tore apart the three thunder beasts and smashed them into the void.


Taking this opportunity, Tun Tian moved and instantly disappeared into the void.

"Not good!" Huan Yu Peacock was alert, paying attention to every movement around.

Tun Tian dodged and came to the rear of the Peacock. The dark wings flashed with cold light and turned into a five-meter-long black blade, which suddenly struck in front of the Peacock.


The Phantom Feather Peacock passively fought back, punching the black blade with a punch, making a sound of gold and iron, and instantly flew backwards.

However, Yan Tian's speed was incredibly fast, his wings vibrated again, and he instantly caught up with the peacock with phantom feathers that flew backwards.

He turned into thousands of phantoms, and used his claws and wings one after another, which was bound to tear the birdman's body into pieces.


Swallowing Heaven's claws grabbed at it at an astonishing speed, tearing the air and making a heart-shaking sound.

This was a violent attack, and the purple-black light dyed their whole bodies brilliantly.

This attack hit Huan Yu Peacock's right shoulder accurately, leaving a small bloody hole.

Huanyu Peacock tried to resist, but swallowing the sky, who had the upper hand, pressed forward step by step, without giving it any chance to breathe, and launched various moves one after another.

Huan Yu Peacock looked ugly, and he was uttering arrogant words. At this moment, he was suppressed and beaten by Tuntian. How could he, who had always respected his identity and claimed to be his teacher, feel sorry for himself?


The Phantom Feather Peacock roared loudly, stepped hard with the sole of his foot, and spread his wings to both sides of his body, forcing the surging swallowing sky back.

"Why, do you want to surrender?" Tuntian's chest rose and fell slightly, and even his wings trembled unconsciously, but none of these could stop him from saying this with a proud look on his face.

"Hmph." A heavy groan came from Huan Yu Peacock's mouth. The demonic aura on his body soared into the sky, and the peacock's screen image behind him appeared again.

"Will I surrender? What a joke, everything has just begun!" The peacock with phantom feathers became more powerful, and the feathers on the peacock behind it showed a little bit of gold.

Tuntian's eyes were cold. He had a hunch that the next blow from the birdman would be earth-shattering, and it was very likely to contain a killing move.

Sure enough, the green and white feathers rustled like leaves in the wind, and a dreamlike red mist slowly spread from them.

Tuntian guessed correctly that this move could not be easily performed by Huan Yu Peacock. However, he did not expect that this move was not a killing technique at all, but a psychedelic attack.

Tuntian secretly thought that something was wrong and wanted to close his hearing, but the rustling of blue and white feathers was like a demonic sound penetrating his ears, making him gradually addicted.

Not only Swallowing the Sky, but all the monsters watching the battle far behind were also affected. Those with lower realms couldn't help but kneel to the ground at this moment.

The impact of these green and white feathers is direct pain in the soul, and the terrifying tearing feeling makes people almost go crazy.


Tuntian spread his wings and let out a howl, as countless arcs of electricity swam across his body. He was using electric current to stimulate his body and force himself out of this state.

At the same time, countless electric arcs gradually condensed into a set of purple armor. A lot of dark divine light emerged from the armor, blocking the sound waves in mid-air.

Tuntian's eyes regained clarity, and he stared at the Huanyu Peacock with a proud expression. Although he didn't speak, silence was better than sound at this time.

Fantasy Feather Peacock remained silent. As a subordinate of the Thunder Condor, he also knew what abilities his boss had mastered. Among them, the "Xuan Lei Armor" could indeed block mental attacks.

But he couldn't imagine that the "Xuan Lei Armor" that Tun Tian had mastered before could now even isolate his own illusions. It was simply unbelievable.

"Since you have nothing left to do, it's my turn to take action." Tuntian's eagle eyes were extremely sharp, and his whole body was covered with countless thunderbolts as thick as snakes.

Moreover, the thunder continued to expand with it as the center. In an instant, a sea of ​​countless purple-black thunder enveloped the two.

Huan Yu Peacock couldn't keep his eyes calm, and he exclaimed with a clearly raised tone: "How...possible! This is the ultimate secret skill that was only realized in the late stage of the King's Out-of-body Realm (Level 37-39). There is no reason why you can do it now... "

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