National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 134: Insanity and multiple personalities, what about these buffs?

After Angus and Su Fan exchanged a few words, they glanced at the fat man gently.

With just an ordinary glance, the walking fat man's feet seemed to be fixed by nails, and his whole body was instantly stuck in place.

This invisible force is so terrifying that even with the fat man's physical fitness, it is difficult to make any resistance.

And next, the fat man was like a newborn baby, being played with by invisible hands and kneaded into various terrifying shapes.

Soon, the fat man, known as the "Human Armored Vehicle" and with "extremely strong" combat effectiveness, was squeezed into a ball of blood mist.

Scarlet mist spread to the surroundings, and the pungent smell made them understand that this was not a dream.

John and Gabriel's expressions were dull and their mouths were wide open. A bomb called "terror" had quietly appeared and was waiting to be ignited.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows. During the process of the fat man being manipulated, even though his expression was extremely painful, he did not let out a scream, and his limbs were unable to react.

Create the illusion of death, control the will of mental patients, control voices, invisible terrifying power...

"Tch, the known abilities are very difficult, including the unknown abilities..." Su Fan had a rare fear on his face, "It's not an exaggeration to say he is omnipotent."

"Is that you? Doctor!" Gabriel asked the young man fearfully.

He doesn't know why the doctor has become younger, nor why he has become so powerful, but at least he is someone he knew before, and maybe he will take some care of him?

"It's me, Dr. Gabriel, the person who once discussed vsn-5 with you." Gabriel looked at Angus expectantly and approached.

With such a powerful backer, he even fantasized about having endless treasures in the future.

However, the moment he finished speaking, Angus's expression became extremely cold and his eyes were empty, as if he had turned into a living puppet.

The next moment, a human mouth suddenly appeared on the side of his face, and he began to speak: "Oh? It's you, Gabriel."

Faced with such a curious sight, Gabriel and John were instantly frightened. Just when they were at a loss, Angus changed again.

I saw that the muscles on the side of Angus's neck swelled, and as a ball of pus exploded, a second head emerged from the side of his neck. It was a vague-looking sarcoma, but it made a female voice, "Death." All the employees involved in the plan must die!”

Gabriel's eyes were horrified, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, "B...Billy's voice, are Billy? Demon Billy?"

John was stunned for a long time when he saw the magical scene. He just felt that his mind was a little hard to turn around.

"One body contains multiple personalities?" Su Fan said to himself in surprise.

"Doctor Gabriel, come here."

“Fuck, die, die, die!!!”

"Come, come here, let me tell you, the research has made a very important discovery."

"Ah, why do you want to use me as a test subject?? Why?!"

A harsh howling sound came from the sarcoma, and the doctor's calm voice came from the mouth, causing the scene to be a bit strange and very chaotic for a while.

Angus's face regained expression, and he suddenly went crazy, with an abnormally ferocious look on his face and shouted: "Shut up!!"

At the same time, his body was trembling as if he was ill. After a while, he rolled his eyes and kept digging at his scalp with both hands, making creepy sounds.

"Hey, hey, brother Angus." Su Fan covered his face and looked like he couldn't bear to look at him, "Insanity and multiple personalities, where are you putting these buffs?"

"That's all. Just stay in the depths of the research institute. Don't mess around with this plan or that plan all day long. Just rest assured and take good care of yourself."

John now looked at Su Fan with a horrified expression, "Damn it, Mr. Su, what kind of brain circuit do you have, how can you be so calm?"

Angus ignored Su Fan's trash talk. After a few seconds, his mouth and sarcoma disappeared at the same time. Slowly, he stopped breathing and his whole body returned to his normal state.

"Haha, these two people are really strong-willed. After I swallowed them, there was still part of their personality hidden in my body." Angus said the shocking words with a calm expression.

"Good guy, so who are you?" Su Fan touched his chin and asked directly.

Angus glanced at him coldly, "What am I... let's not talk about it for now."

"Wait... you..." Su Fan seemed to have guessed what he was going to do and immediately stopped him.

But obviously, it's too late.

Two more masses of blood mist exploded in front of Su Fan's eyes, and the strong smell of blood rushed straight into his forehead.

"Okay, now that there are no other viewers, we can safely talk about... issues that only belong between us."

Angus snapped his fingers, and the scene changed instantly. They walked from the wide corridor to a six-sided room. The walls of the room were made of unknown alloys and looked full of technology.

Su Fan had returned to his usual attitude at this time. He looked around with interest and asked lightly, "Is this the inside of the research institute?"

"Not bad." Angus walked to a large sofa and sat down, then stretched out his hand to motion for Su Fan to sit opposite.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows and said with a sense of ridicule: "Oh, I don't see that you are quite polite."

"So Mr. Angus, what are you looking for me for?" Su Fan sat down gently, crossed his legs and asked very casually.

"Su Fan, actually I sensed you when you first entered the mental hospital." Angus smiled flatly.

On the surface, Su Fan's expression changed slightly, showing a fearful expression, but in fact, he was dismissive in his heart, "Does it mean that the range of mental perception is only the size of a hospital? That's really a young life."

"But you don't know, there is actually a person who looks exactly like you in the doctor's memory. And this person... is also his most proud disciple." Angus snapped his fingers, and a cup of coffee appeared in his in hand.

Su Fan's eyes flickered. The character he played was actually related to the doctor. Could it be that in his memory, he mistakenly thought that the hospital map was the same as the game he played, but in fact, the character's memory conflicted with his own?

"You want to say that 'I' escaped from the mental hospital because I was dissatisfied with the doctor's inhumane experiments or for some other reason, and then returned here as if I had thrown myself into a trap. The contradictory behavior is very strange, isn't it?" Su Fan followed his words. asked.

"Yes, it's convenient to talk to smart people." Angus took a sip of coffee and said, "Want a cup? It tastes pretty good."

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