National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 131 Avoiding the fat man and raising doubts

Su Fan's expression was slightly condensed, and he immediately turned around and saw, sure enough, in the shadows, a familiar figure was walking towards this side with a rusty machete in his hand.

He couldn't help but curse secretly: "This damn fat guy is really haunted."

John followed Su Fan's gaze and was instantly startled. Needless to say, Mr. Su's solemn look, just the oppressive figure of the visitor, covered with blood spots as black as ink, was enough to show that he was here. thorny issue.

"Mr. Su... us?" John squeezed the bone chopping knife in his hand and asked in a panic.

Su Fan's thoughts were spinning rapidly, imagining various possibilities, and finally uttered one word decisively: "Run!"

Theoretically speaking, John's combat power was not much different from Fatty's. With his own help, there was actually a high chance of killing Fatty, who was obviously not very intelligent.

But considering that John may have stage fright, and there is really not much benefit in killing the fat man, the thirty-sixth strategy is the best strategy.

After receiving a positive answer, John turned around, holding the bone chopping knife in one hand, and with the other hand he picked up Gabriel, who was lying expressionless on the body, and ran away.

Su Fan's movements were a little faster than him, but due to some differences in physical fitness, he was quickly caught up.

The fat man behind him laughed ferociously, and stepped hard with his fat and broad feet, displaying an astonishing speed. The distance between the two parties was constantly shortening.

Su Fan looked at Gabriel in John's hand and asked quickly: "Is there a narrower place?"

"Ah, what, Mr. Su, aren't we going to the research institute?" John asked somewhat honestly.

Gabriel did not speak immediately, but instead squinted his eyes and tried his best to recall the map in his mind.

Now he, Su Fan and others are just grasshoppers on a rope. At least, Su Fan and others can still communicate, but that ugly fat man is not an easy character to get along with at first glance.

Seeing his expression, Su Fan didn't rush him, but just waited quietly for him to speak out.

But John was different. The ferocious laughter behind him became more intense. He could even smell the strong smell of blood coming from the fat man. All of this made him anxious.

Just when John was extremely nervous, Gabriel finally spoke up, "Start from the corner ahead and walk to the left to the end. I just want to mention that my memory may be biased, so I can't guarantee it will be accurate."

John was startled when he heard this, and then looked at Su Fan beside him, wanting to hear his opinion.

"Very good." Su Fan smiled with the corner of his mouth raised, and replied quickly: "I also want to mention, Dr. Gabriel, ordinary mistakes don't matter, but if we are led to some strange place, such as a trap, Or it’s a blind spot, then I’ll have to throw you to the fat man to buy time.”

After hearing this, Gabriel still had a cold face, showing no expression.

Indeed, similar thoughts came to his mind the moment he agreed to lead the way in the emergency room, and he was ready to find an opportunity to take action.

But obviously, not now.

"The caretaker is dead, and the range of movement of the patients is uncertain." Gabriel said coldly.

The implication of his words was very clear, that is, there was no guarantee that he would not encounter other obstacles along the way. It was a precaution in advance to prevent Su Fan from slandering him.

"But the route I mentioned is absolutely guaranteed." Gabriel looked confident.

It seemed like they had been talking for a long time, but in fact it was only a few tens of seconds, and the movement of their legs did not stop, so there was no need to worry that the fat man was disconnected.

"Go to the end, turn right and walk thirty meters to a room. There is a small hole in the room where you can jump directly."

The moment Su Fan and the others turned left, Gabriel reminded them.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows. The room was a closed environment. If Gabriel remembered it wrong, they would be in trouble. However, considering the distance between them and the fat man, they still had time to try.

He glanced at the environment in front of him and suddenly felt relaxed.

I saw that there were dozens of small carts on both sides of the narrow corridor. The gaps were basically just enough for them to pass through, but a fat man with an average body shape might be restricted.

Su Fan and the others quickly passed through and arrived in front of the room Gabriel mentioned.

At the same time, the fat man from behind happened to arrive in front of the corridor. He looked at the carts on the ground, roared to the sky, put the machete upright in front of his chest, and rushed forward like that.

The fat man was like a "human armored vehicle", running rampant, crushing the cart and passing by, but his speed didn't slow down much.

Hearing the movement behind him, John's expression changed drastically. He didn't dare to hesitate and kicked the door open.

The scene inside came into view, and there was indeed the pothole that Gabriel mentioned. The diameter of the pothole was one and a half meters, which could perfectly accommodate Su Fan and others.

But with the fat man's size, it is absolutely impossible to get in. If you want to continue the pursuit, you can only use violent destruction.

In this way, with Gabriel who was familiar with the map guiding them, Su Fan and the others quickly got rid of Fatty's pursuit.

"Huh, huh." Su Fan panted slightly on the side. The amount of exercise was still a bit too much for him.

Su Fan glanced at John without leaving any trace, feeling a little confused in his heart.

The effect of vsn-7 is so powerful, I'm afraid John himself didn't notice it. After holding Gabriel and running for so long with the bone chopping knife, he still had a steady pace and a well-proportioned breath.

Gabriel, who was out of danger, breathed a sigh of relief. He reminded loudly: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that you need to swipe the employee's ID card to enter the underground research institute."

He paused slightly and showed a regretful expression, "I also have that thing, but it's a pity that I threw it away early."

"I told you earlier, what's the use of saying it now." John stared at Gabriel in his hand angrily.

Su Fan shook his head slightly and said calmly, "Fortunately, I got an ID card by chance, so I don't have to waste time looking for it."

Then he looked at Gabriel with a strange expression and chuckled twice, "Even if your life is in our hands, your bad taste in playing with others will not diminish at all."

As soon as these words came out, the playful smile on Gabriel's face froze slightly. This was not because he deliberately made fun of Su Fan and the others, but because of the bad habits he had developed over the years.

Gabriel immediately coughed twice and awkwardly changed the subject, "Whose ID card is it in your hand? I know all the employees of the Underground Research Institute. Let's take this opportunity to see who the poor guy is."

"Angus." Su Fan said nonchalantly, then thought about it and added: "Hey, that's right. Speaking of him, I still have a few doubts."

"Angus?" Upon hearing the name, Gabriel looked a little confused.

Seeing his appearance, Su Fan stopped what he was about to say.

"John, put down Dr. Gabriel. We may have to talk about this matter." Su Fan ordered in a deep voice.

John responded honestly, then gently put Dr. Gabriel down and assumed a posture of sitting against the wall.

Su Fan took a few steps forward, squatted down, looked at Gabriel who was confused, and asked softly: "There is no one named Angus among the employees, is there?"

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