National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 125 A doctor with unique hobbies

Hiss... In a daze, Su Fan only felt a throbbing pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard with a stick.

He slowly opened his eyes and found that his hands and feet were bound and tied to a wheelchair.

The arm was pressed against the armrest of the wheelchair. The leather holster was not tied to the arm, but to the wrist, but even so it was difficult to exert force on the elbow.

Just as Su Fan was trying to figure out where to use it, a bone-numbing voice sounded from behind him.

"Are you awake? Man."

The sound is so pleasant that it can even make people subconsciously put down their guard.

Before Su Fan could turn around to look, the person who spoke walked up to him.

Unexpectedly and unexpectedly, this person turned out to be the cold man Su Fan saw in the surveillance video.

The cold man's overall appearance tends to be ugly, so it is difficult for people to connect his voice with his appearance.

"Ah, yes, I'm awake. I'm glad to meet new friends after some leisure time." Su Fan didn't panic, but instead smiled and greeted him calmly.

It's like you're not being strapped into a wheelchair, but preparing to have a friendly and impressive party with your friends.

The cold man was slightly startled. He was a little surprised by Su Fan's attitude, but he didn't care much.

"You must be exhausted. Let's take a rest, okay?" The cold man bent down and put his face in front of Su Fan, "An old-fashioned double Gabriel dinner, let's chat casually."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Su Fan's answer and went around to push the wheelchair.

"Gabriel's dinner? I've never heard of this kind of dinner." Su Fan looked forward and chatted about home affairs.

"Then you are so lucky. You will have a different experience later." The cold man smiled mysteriously, without leaking any useful information.

"Okay, let's talk about something else."

"What's your last name? How old are you this year? Are you married? Do you have children? Have you had dinner with other patients? Have you tried new recipes, and then...or did you have any leisure activities after dinner?"

The man had a sullen face, bearing the bombardment of Su Fan's trash talk. His expression changed, and he finally couldn't help but angrily shouted: "That's enough!"

"My name is Gabriel, so that passage means dinner cooked for me."

Then he looked strange, lowered his head and glanced at Su Fan, and said solemnly: "As for the recipe you mentioned... Maybe you can try it if you have a chance. Today is a great day..."

Hearing this, Su Fan's expression changed, and he seemed to have grasped something extremely important.

After walking for a few minutes, Gabriel pushed Su Fan to the intersection of a cross corridor.

He pushed the wheelchair so that Su Fan faced to the left.

Su Fan looked at it and saw that it was an open door with a few small glowing red letters written on the top of the door - emergency exit.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows. Is this the real exit of the mental hospital?

It's not that far away from you. If you run, it only takes about ten seconds to completely leave this ghost place.

"I like the fresh air outside at night. Do you want to go out for a walk?" Gabriel approached Su Fan again and pointed in that direction with his thumb, "Go, I'll wait for you here. "

"Go ahead and run free. I'm not in a hurry."

Su Fanxu stared at Gabriel quietly for a few seconds.

And Gabriel returned Su Fan's sincere smile.

Of course, if he had not tied up Su Fan, perhaps the credibility of his words would be higher.

The corners of Su Fan's mouth rose, and he opened his mouth slightly, making a gesture of preparing to speak.

An unnatural expression flashed across Gabriel's face. He seemed to have remembered the fear of being dominated by trash talk again. He immediately stood up and pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Ahem, don't go? That's fine. Okay, then let's Go this way."

After speaking, Gabriel pushed Su Fan to an old-fashioned elevator.

The elevator door is not completely sealed, but is composed of crisscrossed iron bars with many gaps in between.

Gabriel asked Su Fan to face the elevator entrance, then took a few steps forward, pressed the button for the destination, then put his hands behind his back and waited quietly.

There was a stream of golden data flashing in Su Fan's eyes, and he wanted to confirm his guess.

If I'm not wrong, maybe that prop can play a key role.

[Name: Gabriel]

[Identity: Former doctor]

【high speed】

[Attack: Medium]

[Defense: Medium]

[Combat power: medium]

[Ability: Extremely stable hands, allowing you to experience a second life without feeling too much pain. 】

[Disadvantage: weak combat effectiveness]

[Personal experience: His tragic experience as a child left him traumatized. Slowly, his spirit began to become distorted, and finally he acquired hobbies that were difficult for ordinary people to accept. 】

As expected, Su Fan smiled confidently. The system will not make any meaningless actions. Even if it seems to be an outrageous adult prop, it will be useful.

In almost tenth of a second, a perfect plan appeared in Su Fan's mind.

"Hey, Gabriel!" Su Fan shouted.

The old elevator didn't move very fast, but it wasn't too slow either, and he had to hurry.

Gabriel heard the sound and turned his head in confusion.

Su Fan said quickly, "Gabriel, there is a treasure in my left pocket. Believe me, it is definitely what you have dreamed of."

At the same time, Su Fan secretly calculated the time in his heart. There was a fleeting but extremely important opportunity. He had to ensure that the prop was in Gabriel's hands at that time.

"Really?" Gabriel looked confused and took a few steps forward. "If you're trying to bribe me with money, you're doing it wrong."

"No, it's definitely something you like."

He doubtfully put his hand into Su Fan's left windbreaker pocket.

The pockets are very big, so it doesn't look awkward to carry that thing.

"This is…"

With his experienced experience, he could tell what was in Su Fan's pocket in just a moment.

"You actually carry this with you." Gabriel looked a little surprised, but soon, this surprise was replaced by surprise.

He quickly took the treasure out of Su Fan's pocket, then held it in his hands and played with it with a look of fascination.

Su Fan muttered in his mind: "Three, two, one!"

It was at this time that the old-fashioned elevator almost always vibrated violently when it went up to each floor.

Although it was only for a moment that Su Fan looked cold, but what about this!

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