National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 118 The source of blood, horror diary

It is indeed an unknown level dungeon, almost full of dangers at every step, and it is estimated that there will not be too many flags that are not obvious but are fatal.

"Nightmare difficulty is the only one with the challenge." Su Fan gently licked his dry lips and slowly stepped into the opposite room.

There is enough light in the room, so there is no need to use a camera for lighting.

"It turns out it's human blood, not a monster." Su Fan let out a breath. He was still a little worried. There was a ferocious beast sitting at the door that had just been injured.

The blood was flowing from a human wearing a security uniform. There was a black hole the size of a bowl in his chest, and the bones and even internal organs could be clearly seen.

Obviously, this security guard is dead.

"Nothing is missing, only the heart is missing. Maybe it's the person who killed him, or the monster has a soft spot for that thing?"

Su Fan guessed secretly.

"Weird, very weird." His eyes kept scanning the security guard's body.

Su Fan stretched out his finger and put it on the security guard's ferocious face without hesitation.

"There is still residual warmth left, and the time of death will not be long. Coupled with the condition of the blood, it further confirms this guess."

"But just now there was only a wall between me and the corpse. What kind of monster could kill it without a sound?" Su Fan looked a little worried.

The threat level of a creature that can make a strong man be tortured and killed without even letting out a scream is quite high for him now.

Bang bang bang, the humanoid creature on the right side of the corridor was still knocking on the wooden door.

"That's wrong." A flash of light flashed across Su Fan's eyes.

"The sound of the humanoid knocking on the door on the right side of the corridor is in front, and the blood flowing from the security guard is in the back. In other words..."

"He should still be alive when the door knocks. A normal person will definitely react when he hears the noise. He shouldn't be sitting calmly on the boss's chair like him."

"What if the security guard was given sleeping pills or some kind of magic drug, causing him to fall into a deep sleep and then be tortured to death."

"I can barely explain it."

"It seems like the monster's strength may not be as terrifying as I imagined."

Su Fan tried to make some assumptions.

"I don't have anything useful on me, let alone the most important access card." Su Fan spat, turned around and continued to search the room.

"Well, the things in this room are also very messy, but judging from the remaining items, it is probably a staff duty room."

Su Fan observed while searching for useful items.

"There is a table here. There seems to be something on it?" As Su Fan leaned against the table, some of the items on it had readable entries.

【Camera Battery】

[Note: Charge your baby. Hey guy. Remember, I don’t care who you are, but don’t forget to charge your camera. 】

[After all, man, can you imagine it? A dark space full of obstacles, me, and a monster with night vision who just wants to eat you. 】

"It's a battery." Su Fan was a little happy. When he read the notes, he couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, that's such a sad story."

"Including this one, there are four batteries in total."

"Well, let me see what else there is?"

Su Fan continued to clean up the messy desktop. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was very messy. In addition to various office necessities, there were also dots of blood on the desktop.

Su Fan even took out something strange from a book bag - a cold hand.

Think about it, a person, in this dark and strange place, with a dead body behind him, there may be unknown monsters in all directions, and he also took out a hand from the "blind box"... If you are this person, What will be the reaction?

Anyway, Su Fan muttered, "This reminds me of a certain office worker who yearns for a peaceful life."

Then, he threw away the useless palm.

"This is...a folder?"

Su Fan looked at the bag in his hand and was slightly startled.

According to the general routine of the puzzle genre, folders have always been the best choice to understand the background of the story.

Su Fan did not hesitate and opened the folder directly.

Not to mention that he might be able to decipher the worldview and obtain the danger value by relying on this, but just understanding the stories inside this mental hospital was also a satisfaction for him.

At the top are several conspicuous large characters - Project Bluebird.

[First, can we hypnotize people into committing acts that violate basic human moral principles? 】

[Second, can we guarantee that a person who is hypnotized will completely forget what they just did when they wake up? 】

[Third, can we change a person’s personality? How long will this change last? 】

[On March 10th, we found two normal people for hypnosis. We hope there will be no accidents in the experiment. Oh, God bless. 】

[On March 12, the process of hypnosis was somewhat tortuous. One experimenter’s subconscious seemed to be very resistant to it, which made it difficult for us to get him into a deep sleep state. However, the goddess of luck favored us, and in the end both of our hypnosis sessions were very successful. 】

[On March 13, after the two of them adapted to deep sleep, we gave instructions to A, who has a phobia of guns, allowing him to use any means to wake up B next to him. If he couldn't wake him up, he could kill him with a gun. 】

[The results of the experiment were astonishing. In the end, A raised the gun without hesitation. Of course, the gun was not loaded at all. In addition, we woke up A and asked her, and found that she really did not remember what happened before. 】

[On March 17, the senior management recognized the results of the experiment so much that they bought a mental hospital in the mountains. But I can’t think of any relationship between the two. The senior management may also control secrets that I don’t know about. 】

[On March 24, the senior management’s supervision of us became more and more strict, and our free days became less and less. Damn it, the regulator is here again...]

[March 28, damn, damn! Didn't anyone tell me that they use humans as guinea pigs, like those ridiculous guinea pigs? 】

When I got here, the handwriting on the document suddenly became very sloppy.

[On March 29, I cannot let them do whatever they want. I must find a way to escape or send the message. 】

[April 10th, crazy, all crazy. A horrific mental illness spreads among the patients. They eat people, kill each other, smear feces on the walls, and write various patterns of unknown meaning. 】

[But even so, the higher-ups still firmly trap us here. God, it’s such a crazy world. 】

[On April 11, I can write my diary freely, because the supervisors are all dead, and I probably won’t be far away from accompanying them. If anyone can see this, please mark my words, run, run, get out of this damn place. 】

[Otherwise you will be (smeared here), which is a punishment more terrifying than death. 】

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