National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 116 Three-star agnostic copy!

The first is Xiaohuo. The human body shape has not changed at all. He still maintains the impoverished loli figure, and three pink tails have grown out of the back of his butt again.

Hanhan's changes were very big. In addition to the crystal clear jade horns growing on the top of his head, there were also dense rock protrusions on his back.

The most shocking thing is that Hanhan's body shape has changed very horribly. From the original five meters long and three meters wide, it has become twenty meters long and eight meters wide now. It has grown into a monster that looks like it comes from Jiuyou. of ferocious beasts.

He grinned and let out a blood-curdling roar, like an ancient beast cracking the earth, breaking free from its restraints, and reigning in the world again.

Su Fan was a little stunned when he saw Hanhan. Hanhan's body was so huge that his home would probably be exploded. Fortunately, he was in an almost infinite "under the starry sky" login space.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the two pets have evolved, they have not gained new skills, which I have to say is quite a pity.

"By the way, I don't know how the progress of Tuntian is?" Su Fan thought for a moment, and then he concentrated on feeling the physical condition of Tuntian in his body.

In the space inside his body, Tuntian was still sleeping with his eyes closed, and his body was exuding a vague wave, as if it had reached the most critical stage.

Su Fan got out of his mind and thought to himself: "Maybe there is a treasure in the system mall that can help Tuntian."

Thinking like this, he stopped hesitating and called Xiaomei to inquire. He found that there was indeed a level 3 magic weapon called the "Great Void Seal" that could speed up Tun Tian's ability to comprehend "empty".

This treasure cost Su Fan 200 danger points, so after two rounds, he only had 225 danger points left.

"Oh, the risk value is so worthless." Su Fan sighed, remembering the huge benefits of exploring the dungeon, and couldn't help but lick his lips.

"Which developer came up with the setting of the dungeon? He's such a damn talent. Various worlds collide. It's much more interesting than simply completing tasks."

Thinking back on what he had experienced, Su Fan missed the dungeon more and more. It used to be like a pool of stagnant water, and he was fed up with the overtime life of working from nine to nine every day.

Now experiencing the training of various dungeons, although he has been wandering between life and death, it makes him feel addicted.

"Tuntian, Hanhan, Xiaohuo, hurry up and absorb the pet potion in the login space, and then we will proceed to the next instance." Su Fan ordered with an excited look.

Hey hey hey, in the next copy, I want to choose the single-player survival mode, the world view has been cracked, here I come!

While the pets were absorbing the potion and evolving, Su Fan also returned to the real world and upgraded his home and the Nether Dragon Heaven-locking Formation.

When he came to the login space under the starry sky again, took the pets into his body, and opened the game copy selection interface.

system hint:

"It has been detected that the beast master Su Buyu has successfully cleared the first copy and some permissions have been opened."

"Permission 1: You can observe the number of other beast masters participating in the copy."

"Permission 2: Optimize the friend mode. You can send friend requests with partners who have formed a team together to easily invite them to participate in the multiplayer survival mode."

"Permission three: Open the main world under the starry sky, which is a world full of beast masters. The beast masters can be unlocked when they reach level 30."

"Permission four: When the beastmaster reaches level 40, you can create a team and invite like-minded partners to join."

Su Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he clicked on the single-player survival mode without any care.

"You have chosen single-player survival mode, please confirm."

"To confirm, the copy is being generated..."

"Generate a three-star agnostic copy."

As soon as the system finished speaking, Su Fan felt a storm in his heart.

The agnostic level, as the name suggests, cannot predict the difficulty of the copy at all. The mortality rate may be 1000% or 0%, which is extremely weird.

"Loading begins, please wait."

"Welcome to the starry sky." A hoarse voice whose gender could not be identified sounded.

"The dungeon introduction will be played soon. The game will start immediately after the playback is completed."

The opening CG appeared, seemingly in a room, and the screen moved forward slowly from a first-person perspective. The narration narrated: [One autumn night, you finished your work for the day and dragged your tired body back to your rented apartment. single. 】

[The lights in the room flickered, and the screen began to move slowly at this time. 】

[However, just when you wanted to take a rest, an email suddenly popped up on your computer. 】

"You must go to a mental hospital deep in the mountains and reveal a series of horrific secrets before you can live to see the sun tomorrow."

[Bang, demonstrative gunshots rang out, the bullets almost grazed your head and flew past, hitting the wall in front of you heavily. You knew you had no choice. 】

The scene turned and the protagonist drove to an old mental hospital, which looked somewhat similar to the 19th century Western buildings on Blue Star.

The lights in the mental hospital were sparse, and the sky above was densely clouded, making the mental hospital look unusually eerie.

[The ominous aura spread unabashedly from the hospital, rising from the withered trees and gray walls. Just like that, you are full of nervousness and terror, ready to step into this mental hospital...]

The words stopped abruptly here.

Su Fan felt his eyes light up and immediately regained control of his body.

He was now standing in front of the main entrance of the mental hospital, opposite the almost rusty iron fence. The strong wind blew by, making a creaking sound, like countless little ghosts whispering.

Su Fan frowned, he found many unusual things.

The copy cg has been played for so long, and the request can be summed up in one sentence: Explore the mental hospital.

There is nothing much to say about this. What surprised Su Fan was that the pets were missing?

To be precise, he has no way to enter the space inside his own body, and naturally he cannot get in touch with his pets.

Not only that, Su Fan also keenly discovered that his physical fitness had been greatly weakened.

How weak is it?

Needless to say, compared with practitioners, they are probably at the level of special forces on Blue Star.

For an ordinary person, this kind of physical fitness is definitely enough, but it is more or less difficult to break into unknown level dungeons.

Physical fitness is one thing, and luggage is another.

Su Fan could tell that he was unable to take out any equipment or props from his backpack, including the three-foot Time Sword that was integrated with him, and there was no reaction at all at this time.

In other words, Su Fan has lost all combat power at this time. Compared with the special forces on Blue Star, he is not much stronger. If he encounters any special monster, he will basically die.

Unexpectedly, Su Fan is not an ordinary person.

He smiled coldly, his eyes full of excitement, and he subconsciously judged that the type of copy this time was puzzle-solving.

“It’s getting more and more interesting!”

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