National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 113 Dangerous Question! Hades is coming!

"What did you say?" Su Fan widened his eyes and subconsciously took two steps forward, interrupting Gu Jinlai's words.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small problem." He smiled nonchalantly.

Sensing the tremor in their master's heart, Xiaohuo and Hanhan slowly moved forward, ready to attack Gujinlai if they disagreed.

But throughout the ages, with just a glance, an invisible force held them firmly in place.

"Who told you to move?" He was no longer casual in ancient and modern times, and said in the tone of an adult scolding a child: "Listen to the question!"

At this moment, a strong sense of oppression seemed to envelope them all, and Su Fan felt his heart beating faster involuntarily.

Gu Jinlai squinted his eyes and continued to ask: "So far, you have been able to accurately obtain the opponent's information, which contains many things, such as level and attributes."

"Answer according to the options...a, yes; b, no."

Gujinlai whistled easily, "It's a simple question, isn't it? There are only two options."

Su Fan frowned and looked at the past and present, and calmly and calmly spit out an answer, "a."

Before anyone could decide what was right or wrong, the system spoke first, [You gain 1,000 danger points].

"Is it really dangerous? But this also exposed part of my golden finger's ability. I just don't know who the audience of this show will be." Su Fan thought to himself.

"My lord, is this a question that has nothing to do with the dungeon?" Su Fan asked in a deep voice.

Gu Jinlai narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Of course, it's just a personal issue for me."

Haha, has anyone ever told you that you are really stupid?

Su Fan tilted his mouth and muttered in his heart.

"second question."

Su Fan's expression changed slightly, "Are you coming again?"

There was a thump in his heart, and he sensed the slightest trace of malice hidden beneath the calm exterior.

"The reward for answering this question correctly is... a pet egg with the qualification of a brilliant diamond." After Gu Jin finished speaking, the purple-black pet egg floated in the palm of his hand.

"If you answer incorrectly, your three-foot sword of time will disappear."

As expected, things were not that simple. Su Fan's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about whether there was a way to break the situation.

"Hmph, huh, enough is enough."

A voice that was somewhat familiar to Su Fan sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Su Fan could see the face of the visitor, he and his pet turned into white light and forcibly teleported out the copy.

"You're actually here?" Gu Jinlai asked in surprise with a smile on his face.

Behind him, a black portal appeared. At this moment, a gap slowly opened, and endless underworld energy suddenly poured out.

A figure walked out of it. The figure was wearing gorgeous jet black armor, and boundless killing intent burst out from his body, as if he had come from the Nine Nether Hell.

Not only from ancient times to the present, the host Cain and the two guests at the table have changed, especially the God of Death. It is like a student who was playing in class and suddenly saw the class teacher who came to inspect. His sitting posture and expression became rigid.

The audience at the scene was in dead silence, with an invisible sword hanging above everyone's head. They did not dare to make any noise for fear of attracting this person's attention.

Hades, the king of Hades, stood in front of the ancient and modern people with a calm look on his face, "Are you itchy again?"

"Haha, my skin is not itchy, but my hands are a bit difficult to handle." Gu Jinlai grinned, his eyes were as fierce as a madman, and the white hair behind him was as calm as the wind.

Hades glanced at the audience indifferently and said in an undeniable tone: "Get out of here."

The various monsters and ghosts in the audience not only did not get angry when they heard this, but they relaxed and smiled with relief.

They didn't dare to make any more noise for fear that Pluto would change his mind.

The audience was rolling and crawling towards each exit. Although the scene was extremely chaotic, it was extremely quiet. The contradictory two fell into a strange balance.

In just about ten seconds, only Cain, three guests, and Pluto were left in the entire program group.


After the obstructionist left, Hades suddenly took action without saying a word, punching Gu and Jin Lai in the face. Immediately, the underworld surged, overwhelming the sky, and giving people an unparalleled terror.

The ancient and modern eyes shot out two streams of essence and shouted, "Well done!"

His body glowed with brilliance, and the space around him was instantly distorted, giving people a feeling of being far away and close at times.

A palm that goes back and forth between ancient and modern times. The seemingly light palm actually contains the laws of space, and the divine light on it is as thin as the ocean.

Now he is like an ancient god.

Cain looked horrified, subconsciously clenched the scepter in his hand, and murmured in a low voice: "He has actually cultivated to this level?!"

Palms and fists meet.


A violent roar came out, and every inch of space around the two people was filled with a terrifying divine radiance, which made people's souls throb.

The expensive guest seats were instantly shattered by the aftermath. Light flowed from the God of Beauty and the God of Death. They stepped back tens of meters, not daring to stay under the aftermath easily.

His expression has changed since ancient times.

The next moment, he was punched out by Pluto. There were bloodstains all over his body, and his condition was extremely critical.

Cain looked at Pluto showing off his power and swallowed.

At the same time, he was a little gloating in his heart. This old fox-like thing in ancient and modern times was finally beaten.

"Humph, when I conquer all realms, who can compete with me? You, the younger generation, are too arrogant. You'd better practice for thousands of years."

After Pluto punched, he stood with his hands behind his back, his tone still indifferent, as if the injury was just a trivial matter.

"Hey hey hey."

Gu Jinlai wiped away a few strands of blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly: "Lord Pluto, you may not have noticed that the gap between you and me is gradually narrowing."

After saying that, he took one step forward and disappeared directly into the world.

Pluto remained silent. As a top figure in all the worlds, there were so many world leaders who wanted to challenge him that he had no time to remember them all.

"Long time no see, Lord Pluto." Cain, the ancestor of vampires, ran over all the way, nodded and bowed to get close to him.

"For the sake of what you just stopped, I won't pursue any unnecessary matters."

Hades said lightly, and then suddenly shouted: "Come here!"

Cain looked confused, and just as he was a little confused, he saw the God of Death flying lightly in front of Hades.

"Have you finished all the tasks I assigned?" Hades asked sternly, pretending to be a boss reprimanding his subordinates.

"" The God of Death took off his black hood and lowered his skull head with a guilty expression on his face.

"Then you still have the leisure and elegance to record the show here?"

"Okay, sir, I understand. I will disappear immediately." After saying that, the God of Death turned into a ball of black smoke and left.

"And you, don't always watch these people fighting and killing. It would be great to cultivate your sentiments by raising flowers." Hades pointed at the God of Beauty and said.

"I'm happy with it, do you care?" Although the beauty said something fierce, her body was very honest. She transformed into a green light and disappeared into this space.

The next chapter is too bitter, a lot of things are blocked, damn it!

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