National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 110 The birth of an inexplicable creature, a shocking collision

The atmosphere in the death arena was completely silent. Number 3, who had high hopes and was the most expressive, was actually beaten half to death by number 4.

There were no small tricks or other changes, but the terrifying strength was used to completely crush it head-on, crushing it in all directions.

"Damn it, my starry sky coins!!"

"This angel Su Buyu is really a big angel."

"If the rules didn't allow it, I would have wanted to kill him."

"Shh, this is the bottom line. If you dare to touch the contestants, do you want to die?"

"Okay, I'm moving to the edge of the underworld tomorrow."

"Hey, good guy, the environment in that place is quite bad."

"Haha, I am still smart. I always invest 100 Starry Sky Coins in the big surprise. Now I can make a lot of money."

"Dog, you are really as stable as an old dog."

The audience was extremely noisy, and they unanimously believed that the game could be declared over in advance.

The atmosphere was peaceful, the monsters and ghosts who had some entertainment and spent their free time were ready to pack up and go home to wash up and sleep.

However, at this moment, an unexpected change occurred.

"Not good!" When the picture of Huangfuchuan changed as he moved, his expression, which had always been casual and always showed that he was unmoved by everything, actually changed slightly.

He instantly rose into the air, and the majestic pressure on his body shook the entire death arena. All the demons and monsters were trembling, penetrating into their bones.


Walking in the void from ancient times to the present, I came to the light curtain representing Huangfuchuan alone and shattered it in an instant.

Faced with this change, all the monsters on the field were stunned and cast doubtful glances at the owner of the Heavenly Mirror, the Lord of the Sky Realm.

They don't understand why they have broken the rules in ancient and modern times. For this reason, they even did not hesitate to smash their own secret treasure-a trace of the original projection of the mirror of the sky in public.

Even if it is not the secret treasure itself, but just a trace of the original energy, it is still considered a huge loss. Treasures without a certain value may be difficult to repair.

Huangfuchuan raised his head and looked up. He saw an endless horizon with no end in sight. "It turns out that we are still in the Jingtian Mine, and it seems that we are directly under the mine?"

"Huh? What is this?" Huangfuchuan looked surprised. He seemed to have discovered something. He ignored the severe pain all over his body, sat up and looked at the target.

"Ah~ It's so beautiful!"

It was a golden stone, exuding a soft divine light, and there seemed to be something inside.

"Ahhhh!!" Huangfuchuan suddenly screamed strangely. His expression was stern, and his extremely powerful blue-white eyes exploded instantly, as if he had seen something he shouldn't have seen.

"What is it? What exactly is it?" Huangfuchuan waved his hand and summoned the black-lined double-headed snake.

In just a few minutes, he experienced the biggest setback in his life, several times in succession, which made him murderous and almost crazy.

"Su Buyu, Cain, the organizer of the show!! Kill them all. Kill them all. It's hard for me. None of you can live!" He rolled on the ground in pain.


Violent tremors came from his side. Although he couldn't see it, the sticky blood splashing on his body and the weak breath plummeted again told him that the black-lined two-headed snake had fallen!

He still died with his whole body exploding, and his death was probably extremely miserable.

"Death, death, death, you have to die." Huangfuchuan Hen's teeth were chattering.

"Ancestor!! Why don't you come out to save Chuan'er?"

Boom, the ground trembled, and a murderous intention swept over like a sea, roaring, like a demon emperor crossing the heavens and arriving here.

And at this moment, two golden lights burst out from the golden stones opposite Huangfuchuan, like two scorching suns, and they turned out to be two eyes.

From the heights of the shocking mine, a bloody palm covered with countless innocent souls was actually explored at this moment. The five fingers were spread out and covered with huge golden stones, giving people a feeling of the world falling.

The creatures in the gold nugget seemed to have noticed something. The ancient stone skin on it cracked, blooming with a peaceful and magnificent light like colorful glass.

At the same time, a huge pressure came, and the bloody palm was fixed high in the sky.

Huangfuchuan on the side was extremely frightened, his calves were weak, and he could hardly move. He knew that if the ancestor's clone took care of him, I am afraid that under this pressure, he would be crushed into blood mist in an instant. .

The inexplicable creature was born with such extraordinary power. It is no wonder that in ancient and modern times, it did not hesitate to waste a trace of the origin of the Heavenly Mirror and directly smashed the screen with one punch.

If everyone in the arena were to face these two men, no one would survive except for a few.

The blood-colored palms clenched into fists, inspiring supreme demonic flames and blasting straight towards the newly born creatures.

"sulfuric acid!"

The blood-colored palm shook back, terrifying energy fluctuations spread out, and a golden light emerged from the treasure light, forcing the "ancestor" back.

The colorful glazed divine light dissipated, the golden stone exploded, and a palm-sized golden cicada emerged from it.

Huangfuchuan's eyes were horrified. It was unbelievable that this little insect could repel the ancestor's attack.

"Golden cicada, has six-winged flying knives? Six-winged golden cicada?!" Ancestor Kongming's voice sounded here, causing Huangfuchuan's heart to tremble.

"Six-winged golden cicada? The ancient king of vicious insects?" Huangfuchuan looked at the small figure not far away and was extremely shocked. This was the legendary vicious insect.

The achievements in ancient times are even more astonishing. Killing saints is like killing chickens. Can the ancestor suppress such a terrifying existence?

Huangfuchuan's worries were unreasonable. After the ancestor said these words, his bloody palm froze in place for a moment, as if hesitating whether he should take action or not.


However, the newly born six-winged golden cicada didn't care about this. Without any tricks, the golden and transparent cicada wings vibrated slightly, and a divine light with heaven-breaking power struck out.

With one blow, the void was like a scroll, trembling in different ways, as if he was afraid of this attack, showing his domineering aura.


The divine light that made the void tremble hit the bloody palm and made a loud noise. Even Su Fan, who was very far away, felt his eardrums hurt and became unsteady.

Su Fan swayed left and right with a solemn look on his face, "What happened? What does this fluctuation mean? It's just like a world-destroying disaster."

This wave is too terrifying. It is the strongest force Su Fanyi has ever seen so far. He has no doubt that it is only a matter of time before the Weird Insect Valley is destroyed under the raging force of this force.

"Can the second round continue?" Su Fan took Tuntian into his body so that he could safely absorb the general's soul, while looking into the distance with worried eyes.

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