National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 105 The ominous attack, the terrifying sound

The red-haired monster walked resolutely, crossing tens of thousands of meters, stepping on the ground covered with corpses of "Iron-clawed Demon Bats", and passing through stone caves carved with many murals.

It happened to be that when it was passing by the mural, it suddenly stopped.

This is the first time that the red-haired monster has stopped. It is unshakable. It seems that its pace will not be affected by anything, but it seems to be fixed in place by nails.

The red-haired monster had no expression on his face and didn't make any movements. He just stood quietly, wondering what he was thinking, or maybe he was thinking nothing at all.

Soon, it started moving again, with the same spacing, exact pace, and the same speed.

It seemed to be taking one step after another slowly, but its figure actually appeared very far away in a strange posture, as if it had shrunk into an inch in the legend.

After the first time, the second time happened very quickly. The situation was extremely abnormal.

The red-haired monster stopped in front of a huge pit. The bottom of the pit was full of dead heads, mixed with the corpses of countless centipedes with wings.

A creepy gurgling sound came from its mouth, and the breath on its body was like an abyss, completely erupting at this moment.

The red-haired monster took one step forward, crossed the pothole, and walked in one direction with great purpose.

Su Fan and the others killed hundreds of purple-winged centipedes, and the exploration rate of the restricted area was improved again, from the original 10.3% to 10.5%.

Not a lot was added, which proves from another aspect how amazing the discovery of the murals is.

And Su Fan checked Huangfuchuan's exploration speed and found that he, like Meng Baijiang, had no change in exploration speed for a long time, and he didn't know what happened.

About an hour has passed since the beginning of entering the "Mirror World". Su Fan's exploration speed is firmly ranked first, even far behind the second place.

It can be said that winning is basically within reach, unless... something huge happens.

For example, Huangfuchuan made another major discovery, and its exploration rate soared instantly, winning the first place again.

For another example, although he had a high degree of exploration, he encountered an irresistible danger and was killed in the Strange Insect Valley. He did not survive for two hours.

To determine the final conditions for victory, you must first meet the survival time requirement, and then start competing for exploration.

Xiao Huo shook his sore lotus root arm. With Su Fan's acquiescence, he extinguished the lotus fire in his hand, then took out a medium-grade spiritual stone and put it into his seductive red lips, trying to quickly absorb the energy inside. .

Su Fan closed his eyes and rested his mind, and Tuntian and Hanhan did the same, waiting quietly for Xiao Huo to recover.

Since many dangers had been eliminated one after another, and Su Fan was extremely confident in his own hearing and Tuntian's hearing, he did not use other means to provide lighting.

After all, when it comes to lighting alone, Little Fox's "Red Lotus Fire" is the most cost-effective, labor-saving and wide-ranging.

If you really want to say it, Su Fan can do this trick, but the beast control master draws energy directly from the spirit stone, which is horribly inefficient and can be described as a fatal weakness.

For a moment, Su Fan and the others fell into extreme darkness, and the sound of a pin dropping to the ground could be heard in the surrounding silence.

However, suddenly, there was a strange gurgling sound in a very far distance.

It's not that Su Fan has no basis for judging this extreme distance.

Su Fan's hearing is blessed by level 18 physical fitness, which is not bad. As for Swallowing the Sky?

This aspect is even more terrifying. The physical fitness of level 20, coupled with the hearing of an eagle-like spirit beast, is a powerful weapon second only to vision.

It was Tuntian's telepathy that allowed Su Fan to confirm this "extremely far" fact.

Su Fan frowned, but did not panic, but listened calmly.

Except for the terrifying gurgling sounds coming from the distance, the only sound left was the rapid heartbeats of Su Fan and his party.

He listened carefully, focusing all his attention on that voice.

Su Fan found that the gurgling sounds were very strange, sometimes far away and sometimes close, making it difficult to tell the specific location.

Suddenly, Su Fan and Tun Tian were stunned at the same time. They both found that the gurgling sound suddenly disappeared!

Su Fan tilted his head, then looked at Xiao Huo who closed his eyes and concentrated on absorbing the spirit stone with an extremely weak light, and looked innocent without noticing anything unusual, and let out a breath.

However, the moment Su Fan was about to turn around, an extremely eerie and clear "cluck" sound appeared in front of him.

It was so real that it was almost right next to Su Fan’s ears!

Su Fan's scalp suddenly became numb, and he subconsciously looked back. There was a sound, and his eyes began to move unconsciously. A golden data stream flashed through, and the Eye of Deception actually activated on its own! !

This is something that has never happened before!

Su Fan used the golden light flashing from the Eyes of Delusion to instantly see a hideous, bloody, strange face that almost stuck to the tip of his nose.

His whole body was covered with strange red hair, and a pair of terrifying eyes stared at him tightly.

At the same time, the Eye of Destruction seemed to bring some reaction to the monster. It howled strangely, staggered back a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Su Fan frantically sent signals in his heart, urging the three pets to enter his body quickly.

Tuntian, Xiaohuo, and Hanhan all sensed the seriousness of the matter from Su Fan's mind. They stopped all their actions at the same time, were extremely obedient and quickly transformed into balls of light with different colors in their eyes, blending into Su Fan. Fan's body.

However, in just a few seconds, Su Fan felt a strange sensation under his skin, as if something was eager to get out of his body.

Not only that, Su Fan's eyes were in a trance, and he realized that his intelligence was slowly being taken away.

After being completely deprived of it, both the three pets in the body and Su Fan himself will only end up "dead".

Su Fan forced his eyes wide open and bit the tip of his tongue, stimulating himself to regain his consciousness. Then he accurately and quickly pulled out the small moving talisman from the storage device, and activated it without hesitation.

Ripples were generated in the void, wrapping up Su Fan and sending him to an unknown place in the Strange Insect Valley.

It was at this moment that the reusable small teleportation talisman exploded in Su Fan's palm, and the red-haired monster also recovered, and pounced on Su Fan with a flash of eyes.

"Ouch!" The red-haired monster was extremely angry. The void was as flat as a wash. There was no trace of Su Fan. It was obvious that he had jumped away.

But just for a moment, the red-haired monster suppressed all his emotional fluctuations, turned around and walked out of the cave with an expressionless face.

It seems to have some purpose, its steps remain unchanged, and it is still mysterious.

Cain looked stunned in the Death Arena. The moment the red-haired monster caught up with "Su Buyu", he actually lost his sense of the picture.

This is unprecedented, and...

Cain looked at the three people at the guest table without leaving any trace. From the subtle expressions on the beauty's face, he could tell that this one might also have lost his senses.

As for the two others, although their expressions couldn't tell anything, they were probably about the same.

Cain's pupils dilated, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes, "It's just that, after being marked, the red-haired monster will not stop fighting. There is still one hour left, and I don't know if 'Su Buyu' can survive until then. ?”

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