Why are you using fake talismans to deceive ghosts here?

On the other side of Ben Ziguo, the goods have already been paid for.

On the other side of Bangzi Country, they still want to struggle.

Bangziguo wisely proposed to let the country’s number one Taoist Taoist temple, the master of Jinguang Temple, take action.

Also make talismans.

Since the Taoist priests of Longguo can draw symbols.

There’s no reason Bangziguo can’t do it!

In the country of Bangzi, there were countless netizen Aite Jinguangguan Guanzhu for a while.

half a day later,

The official website of Jinguangguan also released a news.

“The master of Jinguang Temple personally draws evil spirit talismans and amulets! Tonight at 0:00 am, they will be sold on the official website!”

Watching Jinguangguan send out dynamics.

Bangziguo netizens got excited.

“Hahaha! Let me just say, my Bangzi Guoxuanmen can also do it!”

“Xiba! The Lord of the Golden Light Temple is amazing! Let’s see what will happen to the Dragon Kingdom.Bangzi Kingdom doesn’t need their talismans at all. ”

“That’s right, set the alarm clock and go get the talisman tonight!”

Netizens from Bangziguo are hilarious.

A few minutes later, Bangziguo Jinguang Temple posted another update.

“Jinguangguan produces evil spirit talismans, 200 yuan a piece!”

“Jinguangguan produces amulets, 500 yuan a piece!”

As soon as this dynamic comes out.

Bangziguo netizen: “????”

“Isn’t it? Do the talismans on our side also cost money? I heard from the people of Longguo that the talismans on the side of Longguo don’t need money!”

“Yeah, I heard that Longguo doesn’t want money for free! What’s going on here?”

“Xiba! Five hundred yuan a talisman, so expensive!”

“It’s half cheaper than that of Longguo! It’s too bad!”

For Bangzi domestically, see the price issued by Jinguangguan.

The Bangzi people were instantly upset.

On the other side of Longguo, the talismans and seals produced by Qingyun Mountain are all directly given to the people of their own country.

Let’s see what’s going on here?

There is also a fee for Jinguangguan’s talismans.

And it’s so expensive!

Five hundred yuan for an amulet!

It’s almost catching up with Longguo’s import of talismans.

It’s too dark.

Of course, someone shouted expensive.

Naturally, some people also clean up the grounds of Jinguangguan.

“I’m really not what those who call it expensive think. Is five hundred yuan a talisman expensive? Isn’t it cheaper than Longguo’s?”

“That’s right, Master Jinguangguan also wants to eat! What do you know? Do you know what it means to support domestic products?”

“Anyway, do you want to buy it or not? Anyway, I’ve already made a reservation. Don’t rob me when the time comes, just Smecta.”

Over there in Bangzi Country.

Since Jinguangguan produced talisman seals.

Bangzi Kingdom officials also temporarily canceled the talisman transaction with Long Kingdom.

The situation on the Bangzi Country was sent back to the Dragon Country.

Longguo netizen: “Good guy, it’s canceled again? What kind of plane is this Bangziguo?”

“I want it for a while and don’t want it for a while, it’s really hard to serve!”

“I heard that a Taoist temple called Jinguangguan in Bangzi Kingdom has also started selling talismans, and the price is cheaper than ours, so people in Bangzi Kingdom are planning to buy talismans from Jinguangguan.”

“Is it real or fake? Can you buy something cheap? Does the talisman of Jinguang Temple have any effect?”

“I don’t know if it has any effect, but I always feel that there is something wrong with the stick!”

Night, zero o’clock.

The live broadcast of Jinguangguan has started.

All kinds of talismans produced by Jinguangguan began to be sold in the live broadcast room.

That night, thousands of people from Bangzi Kingdom squatted in the live broadcast room, frantically buying talisman seals.

Jinguangguan’s tens of thousands of talisman seals were sold out in an instant.

The staff of Jinguangguan looked at the shopping cart that was emptied in an instant.


Gone so soon?

Netizens from Bangziguo were also dumbfounded.

I squatted all night, just about to start grabbing.

This is gone?

Didn’t get it at all!

In the live broadcast room.

Full screen: “?????”

“Xiba! I can’t get it at all, where are the staff? Restock!”

“That’s right! Just tens of thousands of copies, what’s enough? I didn’t get any of them, so go ahead!”

“No, no, is this the only stock?”

Looking at the live broadcast room, there was a bullet screen urging the goods to be shipped.

The staff of Jinguang Temple looked embarrassed and said: “I’m sorry, netizens, there are only so many talismans prepared by the masters of our temple for you, and they are all gone.”

“What? This is gone? It’s too little! It’s my fault that I’m still waiting here for a long time!”

“It’s outrageous. There are tens of thousands of talismans for such a large Taoist temple? I waited for nothing.”

“Hurry up! I’m still waiting to buy it back to save my life.”

“What time is it? Can’t even prepare the talisman seals? What are you doing to eat?”

“I heard that there are hundreds of millions of talismans in the Dragon Kingdom every day. What’s the matter with you? Isn’t it better than the Dragon Kingdom?”

The Jinguangguan staff didn’t know what to say.

Do it soon?

Every talisman seal was drawn by the Taoist priest himself.

Need to pour mana.

It took a long time for the priests to draw these tens of thousands of talisman seals.

Do you think the talismans are printed out?

How much do you want?

There were only tens of thousands of Bangziguo Jinguangguan talisman seals, and they were sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves.

And the news that the talismans were not available was sent back to the country.

Netizen: ”

! Tens of thousands of talismans were sold out in an instant, it was too real. ”

“What is this? Have you forgotten that it’s time to snatch up talismans on Qingyunshan’s official website? Isn’t a few hundred million talismans empty in a second?”

“Hahahaha, yes, our Dragon Kingdom is stronger than Bangzi Kingdom!”

“Bangzi Kingdom still doesn’t seem to work! The total population is only tens of millions, yet there is still not enough supply of talismans. Look at our Heavenly Master, there are more than a billion people in the Dragon Kingdom, and we have grabbed several of them. There is no shortage of talismans at all.” use!”

“You take the stickThe comparison between Jinguang Temple and Qingyun Mountain is too much! Are these two comparable? ”

“However, I’m also very curious. How did Qingyun Mountain’s talisman seals be drawn? Not only are they strong, but they can also be shipped quickly. Good guy, there are hundreds of millions of them a day! The master of heaven can’t break them!”

“Don’t talk about it, hahaha, I have already imagined the appearance of a celestial master writing and drawing talismans in front of the table. It’s so funny!”

“Hundreds of millions of sheets a day, and the quality of each sheet is so good, I don’t think it is necessarily drawn. Do you think it is possible that the talisman seals were printed?”

“Print? Are you kidding me? How can something as strong as a talisman be printed? Do you think it’s a test paper? Let’s rule it out first! It must have been drawn by the Celestial Master himself.”

“However, the talisman of Bangzi Kingdom actually has to be bought with money. We are so happy. The talisman of Qingyun Mountain will be given away for free. This is the difference!”

“Don’t say anything, Tianshi yyds is done!”

Longguo is also discussing the talisman seal produced by Bangziguo Jinguangguan.

However, at this moment, I am afraid that no one will think that it will be just one day later.

Because of this talisman, Bangzihui once again appeared on the trending searches.

This day, night.

A well-known live broadcast platform in Bangzi Country.

dance channel.

A female stick anchor was dancing in the live broadcast room as usual, twisting her protruding body.

While dancing, thank the big brothers in the live broadcast room for the gifts.

Nowadays, supernatural events are erupting.

Many units were immediately shut down.

Employees are resting at home.

Many people have nothing to do and can only watch the live broadcast to pass the event.

This also contributed to the surge in the traffic of the live broadcast industry in Bangziguo during this period.

The same is true of this female anchor live broadcast room.

In normal times, the number of online viewers in her live broadcast room was only a few thousand at most.

But since four or five days ago, the number of people in her live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

Now there are hundreds of thousands of people online in real time.

There are also many people who give her gifts.

In the past few days, this female anchor has already made a lot of money.

“Thank you Brother Wuji for the big rocket! Thank you Brother Wuji, Smecta!”

The hostess bowed and said.

Another rocket.

On the platform of Bangziguo, a rocket is worth 2 million stickcoins.

The platform deducts half, and she can also get 1 million stick coins.

That is 5000 soft sister coins.

This month’s income, she may have to break through the monthly income of 100,000 soft sister coins.

Thinking of this, the female anchor of Bangzi Country danced even more vigorously.

However, she didn’t notice.

Just when she dances hard in front of the camera.

Behind her, a green smoke rose.

A large amount of green smoke began to diffuse in the room.

The first Bangziguo viewer who watched the live broadcast noticed the green smoke behind the female anchor, and he was the first to send out a barrage: “Anchor, what is behind you?”

This bullet screen is very eye-catching.

Soon, other viewers also found out.

A bullet screen was sent out.

“What’s behind the host?”

“Xiba! It’s so weird. Is the green smoke a live broadcast effect?”

“Hey! Why do you see a figure in the green smoke! Host, is this your backup dancer?”

“Why do you feel something is wrong?”

In the beginning, there were only a few barrages.

The dancing female anchor did not see either.

But when there are more and more bullet screens.

The female anchor noticed these barrages.

She had goosebumps all over her back.

Because only she knows.

She is just a small anchor of a platform.

I didn’t make much money, so where did I get the money to hire a backup dancer?

This house is still the apartment she rents.

She was alone in the room.

How could anyone?

She looked back stiffly.

In the next second, a fierce ghost with a ferocious face stood behind the female anchor.

The figure mentioned by the audience just now, and the green smoke.

It’s just playing tricks.

The hostess screamed in fright.

The audience in the live broadcast room also realized that something was wrong. ..

“Fuck! Xiba! There really is a ghost!”

“Did you really find a ghost? No way! Live broadcast!”

“Exciting, really exciting, the host stop shouting, run!”

“It’s over, you won’t die!”

“Don’t panic, I’m calling the police, sister, hold on to Smecta!”

Netizens in Bangziguo frantically used barrage.

In the female anchor’s live broadcast room, with the occurrence of supernatural events, new viewers flooded in quickly.

After the female anchor screamed for a moment.

She looked at the ghost and did not attack her for the time being.

She also reacted quickly.

“By the way, the talisman seal I snatched from Jinguangguan a few days ago!”

female anchor urgentZhong Shengzhi suddenly thought of this.

A few days ago, when Jinguangguan launched a live broadcast to grab talismans.

She also tried to grab it.

I was lucky and got two of them.

A talisman and a talisman to ward off evil spirits.

It cost her seven hundred dollars.

But being able to grab it is already a way to ward off evil spirits.

Seven hundred yuan was spent.

I didn’t expect to hit a ghost today.

The female anchor hurriedly took out Jinguangguan’s talisman from her clothes.

Fortunately, supernatural events have often occurred recently.

She carried the talisman with her.

Now it really comes in handy.

The hostess held a 200 yuan Jinguangguan evil spirit talisman in her hand.

He said to Li Gui: “Don’t come here! I have a talisman drawn by the master of Jinguang Temple in my hand! If you touch me, I will make you lose your soul and Smecta!”

The female anchor held a talisman and bravely fought against the ghosts.

Such a scene was filmed by the live camera.

The audience in Bangziguo in the live broadcast room: “Hey Xi! Girl can do it! You are really brave! You are not afraid of ghosts!”

“This girl can do it! But luck is good. That day, Jinguangguan only had tens of thousands of talismans in stock, and she actually snatched them! The hand speed is really fast!”

“I’m so envious, you don’t have to be afraid of ghosts if you have a talisman, why didn’t I grab it that day!”

“Sister, come on, fuck the ghost to death! I’ll give you a Rocket Smecta!”

There are audience members in the live broadcast room to boost morale.

The female anchor is also more courageous.

With the talisman in hand, what is she afraid of?

She had seen the news before.

The international student from Longguo held the talisman in his hand and instantly killed a slit female ghost.

I have a talisman in my hand, so it shouldn’t be that I am afraid of ghosts, but that ghosts are afraid of me.

In the apartment, the ghost in front of the female anchor was looking at the female anchor with a confused look.

It was thinking, why is this human being not afraid of himself?


Isn’t he scary?

Seeing that the female anchor was not afraid of him at all, she was dangling a piece of yellow paper in front of him.

Even Li Gui lost his confidence.

The ghost observed for a while, not knowing what was going on with this woman.

It didn’t bother to observe any more.

He rushed towards the woman directly, sucking her yang energy.

The female anchor held a talisman in her hand, and the talisman was always facing the ghost.

I thought Li Gui would be afraid of the talisman in her hand.

Unexpectedly, after the ghost screamed directly, it rushed towards her.

The hostess was taken aback.

Look at this lifeless ghost.

The female anchor also hurriedly read the runes.

“Hurry up like a law! Hurry up like a law!”

After reading it several times in a row.

Sure enough, the hostess saw that the evil spirit talisman in her hand began to glow.

A gleam of light came on.

At the same time, the hostess felt that the talisman was getting hot.

She was overjoyed.

It seems that the talisman has begun to take effect!

“go to hell!”

The hostess threw the talisman towards the ghost.

Scared the ghosts.

Ghost: “Fuck! Why is this woman crazy?”

But in the next second, after the talisman was thrown out.

There was no effect, the glowing talisman, like a piece of ordinary paper, slowly floated to the ground, and the shimmering light slowly went out.

One person and one ghost looked at the talisman on the ground, lost in thought.

The ghost even looked down at his body.

Li Gui: Am I okay?

This talisman, is it funny?

The female anchor is also stupid.


My mother bought it for two hundred yuan, how the hell do you shine?

What about the evil spirit talisman that was agreed upon?

Life and death are at stake, don’t be so deceptive!

The female anchor is numb.

At this time, the ghost became angry.

Are you kidding me?

How about using fake talismans to deceive ghosts here?

The ghost suddenly felt that the people in Yangjian were getting worse and worse, and all kinds of fakes were confusing the real ones, scaring it very much!

Li Gui was teased once, and now he became more angry, and rushed towards the female anchor again.

This time, it not only killed the female anchor, but also tortured her. This is the price of playing with itself!

The hostess watched Li Gui rushing over again.

She quickly took out the expensive one.

She took out a new talisman.

This talisman is a talisman.

Also from Jinguangguan.

But unlike the last one, this one is worth 500!

“Hurry up like a law!”

The hostess gave a loud shout.

Sure enough, the effect of this expensive one is really different from that of the cheap one.

A golden light that was brighter than the 200 yuan talisman just now lit up.

Li Gui’s eyes were stabbed.

“This light… is so dazzling!”


The third update! Currently 12,000 words!rush! Keep going guys! ! !

I will ask for a monthly pass again when the 20,000 words are updated today!

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