Someone Comes to Single-Swipe Celestial Master Qingyun Mountain for Cleaning

Yang Ye said: “With the two of us’s current cultivation bases, it shouldn’t be a problem to forcibly resist a door of ten thousand ghosts. Then brother Qin, I will leave the affairs of Yangjian to you for the time being. I will go back to the underworld first and fix the broken door.” Two ghost gates.”

Qin Hao and Yang Ye have already negotiated a plan.

Yang Ye got up immediately, planning to go back to the underworld to repair the ghost gate first.

Seeing that Yang Ye planned to leave now.

Qin Hao also stood up to see him off.

At the same time, before Yang Ye left, Qin Hao asked about the situation of Ling Ruyue who he had sent to the underworld.

Yang Ye said: “The note left by the celestial master will definitely give me face! Don’t worry, I have already arranged for Ling Ruyue to go to reincarnation as soon as she enters the underworld. She is a benevolent person of the seventh generation and deserves to enjoy it.” VII wealth.

I specially opened the back door and arranged for her to be reincarnated in a wealthy family, and now she lives comfortably. ”

Yang Ye patted his chest and said.

We are fellow villagers in this matter, you take care of me and handle it properly for you, there is nothing wrong with it.

Then Qin Hao asked about the group of little devils he sent to the underworld yesterday.

Specially take care of Yang Ye, and send the most stubborn primary school student to the strictest family.

Give him a full childhood.

Listening to Qin Hao’s words, Yang Ye laughed out loud.

Let Tianshi rest assured that after he returns to the underworld, besides repairing the ghost gate, he will definitely choose it himself.

Help that kid find a good home.

Qin Hao sent Yang Ye to the gate of Tianshi Mansion.

However, just when Yang Ye planned to leave with black and white impermanence.

Outside the Tianshi Mansion, a strange energy fluctuation came from the foot of the mountain.

Qin Hao and Yang Ye looked at this energy fluctuation.

Both of them frowned.

“Huh? What happened?What’s the matter? ”

Qingyun Mountain actually has energy fluctuations.

And it seems that the visitor is not good.

Several red-robed Taoist priests of Qingyun Mountain rushed towards the mountain gate.

Check out what’s going on.

Qin Hao originally planned to send the guests away first, and then go to see the situation.

He said: “Brother Yang, there is probably a small problem, nothing to worry about, Brother Yang, let’s go first, I will solve it myself later.”

The matter on Qingyun Mountain, of course, Qin Hao solved it by himself.

But Yang Ye said at this time: “My fellow, if you say this, you will alienate me. Today, the two of us meet, and it is rare to catch up on the old days. I want to see, who is here to make trouble?

Since I am your guest here, do you, the host, need to do this little trouble yourself? I solved it for you. ”

Yang Ye was also polite.

Know that Qingyun Mountain is in trouble.

It’s fine if I didn’t bump into this guest, but since I bumped into him, can I just leave as if nothing happened?

Just to see who is here to make trouble?

Don’t you know that Qingyun Mountain Celestial Master is your fellow Yan Wang brother?

What the hell, I made you Yang Ge feel bad, now hook your soul down and carry it away!

Yang Ye walked towards the gate of Qingyun Mountain with Black and White Wuchang, Bull Head Horse Face and Qin Hao.

Let’s see who takes a long time to make trouble.

At this moment, at the gate of Qingyun Mountain.

Two foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes stood at the gate of Qingyun Mountain.

One of them, wearing casual clothes, was holding a mobile phone in his hand and was broadcasting live. In the other hand, a red flame burst out, and he seemed to be able to control the flame at will.

Like the Son of Fire.

At this moment, he had an invincible and disdainful attitude.

The other person, dressed in black, was thin and thin, and his face was extremely arrogant.

Looking at a group of red robe priests at the door.

The foreigner in black said, “Is this the Qingyun Mountain? It doesn’t look very good, and the administrator of doesn’t know what to think. Even such a third-rate force can rank fourth?”

The young man playing with fire in casual clothes also said with a smile: “Tsk tsk, is really getting less and less authoritative. This group of Taoist priests looks so ordinary, William, believe it or not, I feel that I can sweep the entire Qingyun by myself Mountain!”

The foreigner in black: “Leave the word “feeling” out, and why do you, an A1-level power user, take action? I, an A3-level power user, can destroy them all! Let the administrator of take a look today. How did Qingyun Mountain in China be overthrown by me without any effort!”

The foreigner in black looked at the group of red-robed Taoist priests at the door, and said, “Hey! I heard that the strongest in Qingyun Mountain is the one in purple? Let you come out and fight me! You red-robed You don’t deserve to fight me!”

At the door, Daoist Jingchen and the others helped up a Daoist in yellow robes who had been beaten and injured by the two of them just now.

These two people obviously came to Qingyun Mountain to pick trouble.

The Taoist priest in yellow robe had an angry expression on his face.

Said to Daoist Jingchen: “Senior brother, these two people just asked for directions and asked if this is Qingyun Mountain. As soon as we nodded, they suddenly attacked. If I didn’t react, how could I lose to them?”

There was dissatisfaction on the face of the Taoist priest in yellow robe.

These two people don’t talk about Wude.

At first, the Taoist priest in yellow robe thought that ordinary tourists came here to ask for directions.

Who knew that they would launch a sneak attack suddenly.

It caught him off guard.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be injured, and it’s even more impossible for these two to be so proud.

Daoist Jingchen patted him on the shoulder, and a burst of spiritual energy injected into his body to heal his injury.

At the same time, he said: “Supreme Tianzun, it’s okay, it’s just two troublemakers, I’ll drive them away in a while.”

These days, it is not uncommon for people to come to Qingyun Mountain to make trouble.

It’s just that these two are a bit special, and they have a little superpower.

But Daoist Jingchen is not a vegetarian either.

Now all the red-robed Taoist priests on Qingyun Mountain are in the foundation building stage.

The Taoist Master Jingxuan with the strongest cultivation base has even reached the peak of Foundation Establishment.

If it weren’t for Taoist Jingxuan going to another city to solve the supernatural incident today.

I’m afraid that with Jingxuan’s temper, he would have already gone up with a flying sword.

Even if Junior Brother Jingxuan is not around.

Daoist Jingchen’s cultivation is not a joke.

In the late stage of foundation establishment, half a step is complete.

Dealing with these two little Karami is also cutting vegetables and cutting melons.

The current Daoist Jingchen will heal the wounds of the Huangpao Daoist first, and after a while, he will beat them down the mountain crying.

But at this moment, the two foreigners looked at these Taoist priests, they didn’t know the seriousness of the matter.

The fire-playing young man in casual clothes was still playing the live broadcast.

The title of the live broadcast room is all written.

“U.S. EF Group’s A-level power users single-handedly use Qingyun Mountain!”

Such an arrogant title.

It was just changed by the youth playing with fire.

That’s right, they are superpowers created by EF Group, the third-ranked extraordinary force on Gray God Online.

Of these two people, the power user who played with fire was called Davis, and the other young man in black was called William.

Some time ago, they happened to be performing group missions in Asia.

I happened to see a list of superpowers integrated by Gray God Network released in the group of superpowers.

Seeing that the EF group was following them, it was actually a force called Qingyun Mountain in Longguo.

At that time, someone in their group talked about it.

It happened that both Davis and William were on mission in Asia.

And both of them are A-level power users of the company.

After carrying out the task, he would be idle even if he was idle, so he simply went to Longguo to explore the bottom of Qingyun Mountain.

Take a look at Qingyun Mountain, what is so powerful about it.

The group’s top management also meant the same thing.

After all, the second-ranked Dragon Country Yuxu Mountain.

The group has some information about Yuxu Mountain.

Knowing that this force is very powerful, it should not be underestimated.

But Qingyun Mountain, I had never heard of it before.

Internationally not known.

The group also needs some information on Qingyun Mountain’s combat power.

At least know the opponent’s strength.

Hasn’t Long Guo always had a saying?

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

The executives of the group asked the two of them to play forwards to try it out, and gave each of them an extra salary.

William and Davis came over immediately.

I thought Qingyun Mountain was quite strong.

But at the foot of the mountain, Davis sneakily attacked a yellow-robed priest.

they found out.

The yellow-robed Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain seems to be very weak.

He was slapped flying by Davis’ palm of fire.

And suffered serious injuries.

According to their information on Qingyun Mountain.

The Taoist priest in yellow robe is the third among the group of Taoist priests in Qingyun Mountain.

The second is the one in the red robe, the strongest purple robe is only that one.

William and Davis laughed instantly.

Before coming here, I thought that Qingyun Mountain was very strong.

Only now did I realize that it looked like it was all blown out.

Number three is so weak, it can’t be compared with their EF group!

The strongest of their EF group is the SSS class power users.

The second sequence is the SS class.

The third series is the S-class.

A1-level and A3-level employees like William and Davis can only belong to ordinary employees in the EF Group, the fourth grade.

Available in the EF group only for two people in fourth gear.

After coming to Qingyun Mountain, they were able to randomly kill the third-level combat group of Qingyun Mountain.

They judge instantly.

Qingyun Mountain is really weak.

Those in yellow robes are so weak.

It seems that the one in the red robe and the one in the purple robe are not very good.

They became courageous in an instant.

The live broadcast is on.

The boy who played with fire even said directly in the EF Group’s internal group: “Brothers, we have already reached Qingyun Mountain. The people here are frighteningly weak. Believe it or not, today William and I can swipe the entire Qingyun Mountain alone?”

In Davis’ live broadcast room.

At this moment, many foreign netizens and Longguo netizens have poured in.

These ordinary people have also seen the ranking of extraordinary forces on before.

But I have never seen any scenes of people with extraordinary forces showing their faces.

Now, unexpectedly, a superpower who claimed to be EF Group showed his face.

They are naturally drawn in.

And the title is awesome.

EF Group superpowers single-handedly brush Qingyun Mountain?

This is the pace at which the third extraordinary power on the ranking list will start a war with the fourth ranked power!

At the beginning, many netizens felt that this title was a little too crazy.

One third and one fourth, how big can the difference in strength be?

But watched the live broadcast.

When these netizens saw that Davies had attacked Qingyun Mountain Huangpao Priest with a palm before, and knocked the Huangpao Priest into the air with one palm.

These foreign netizens posted barrage discussions one after another.

“Oh! God! This Qingyun Mountain sounds powerful, but is it so powerful?”

“I heard that the person wearing the yellow robe on the mountain is the third most powerful person in Qingyun Mountain! Didn’t expect to be blown away by a single palm?”

“It’s too weak. Although it’s a sneak attack, it’s not so weak!”

“This William looks very powerful, but he can actually release flames from his hands? What kind of skill is this?”

“I heard that the EF Group specializes in superpower awakening potions. This William, the awakened should be some kind of fire superpower!”

“Fire, cool! I’ve watched anime, and fire is the strongest superpower!”

“I don’t know about that. Anyway, it looks quite powerful. They said they want to use Qingyun Mountain alone. I don’t know if they can succeed!”

“I think it’s okay. The third person is so weak, I guess those who wear red robes and purple robes are just average.”

Foreign netizens talked a lot.

Of course, there were also many Longguo netizens who poured in in the live broadcast room.Looking at the behavior of Davis attacking the Taoist priest in yellow with a palm of fire just now.

They are very angry.

“Damn it! You bastard! What kind of skill is a sneak attack? How dare you say that others are weak in a sneak attack?”

“The Taoist priest kindly told you that this is Qingyun Mountain, but in the next second you will sneak attack, what about face? Do you want face?”

“Brothers tell a joke. I asked the international wrestling champion for directions. I took advantage of the wrestling champion’s distraction and stumbled over the wrestling champion. In summary, I have won too many wrestling champions. Do you think it’s funny?”

“Laughing to death, these two idiots really think that Qingyun Mountain is weak? Are you still single-handed? The one in the red robe hasn’t made a move yet, and you still want to challenge the one in the purple robe? I’m afraid the one in the purple robe will come out, and a thunderbolt will kill you two Send it away directly!”

“The last one who came to challenge the Celestial Master is still sweeping the ground on the mountain. You dare to hurt the yellow-robed Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain. You probably won’t be able to leave today after kowtowing.”

“Zhou Yuanpeng called the experts directly! He also said that the sweeping team will have two more members in the future!”

“Heavenly Master: Here we go again, how many times have we said this, don’t come here to single out if you have nothing to do, Qingyun Mountain is full of cleaning, are you finished?”

“Hahaha, just watch and see how these two idiots were beaten up by the Heavenly Master.”

Longguo netizens know the horror of Qingyun Mountain Celestial Master.

Why is Qingyun Mountain so awesome?

It was never because of how awesome the Taoist priest in yellow was.

Even the Taoist priest in yellow robe didn’t do anything.

Most of the work in Qingyun Mountain is logistics work.

The really awesome ones have always been wearing purple robes and red robes.

Especially the kid in the purple robe.

One punch stunned the dragon, and one sword killed the corpse king.

The distribution of Qingyun Mountain’s combat power, Huangpao Daoist probably can’t even account for 0.0001.

The red-robed Taoist chief accounted for 0.9998 at most!

The remaining 99% of combat power is all on the master of heaven!

The two foreigners didn’t understand the situation, so they came over.

It’s still silly.

After a while the person in the purple robe will come, and you will know how to write the word crying.

Just wait and see in Longguo netizens,

Daoist Jingchen was just about to teach the two foreigners a lesson.

These two people know why the flowers are so red.

In the next second, several figures came out of the Taoist temple.

The one at the head was dressed in a purple robe.

There are five other people beside him.

The ones I wear are weirder than the other.

Instantly attracted the attention of countless viewers.

Longguo netizen: “Damn it! Said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here! Look, the Celestial Master is here!”

“Two foreigners, hurry up, the one in the purple robe has really come out, if you don’t run away, you will have to stay in Qingyun Mountain as a cleaner!”

“Here he is, here he is, the celestial master has invincible written all over his face!”

“Look, who is that next to Tianshi? He looks so domineering, and he’s still wearing a black python robe? What the hell! What the hell is that behind him? A bull’s head and a horse’s face? Damn it!”

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