Don't worry, it's okay. I'm not you looking at heaven every day to make chakra scarce. If you don't teach me, I will drag Naruto and Hinata to bother you every day.

Hearing what Izumi said, Kakashi chose to compromise. Of course, the most important thing is that Rachel doesn't seem to be harming the user, so Kakashi is relieved to teach Raikier to Izumi.

After getting Raiqie's ninjutsu scroll, Izumi and Hinata left hand in hand. Of course, Hinata doesn't have the guts to be so close to Quan in front of so many people, but I can't stand Quan's thick skin.

Izumi and Hinata returned to Hyuga's house, and they met Neji on the way. They hated Neji Izumi very much. Of course, it was only the current Neji. When Neji understood everything, Izumi still thought he was very good.

Izumi-kun, are you going to start practicing ninjutsu? Back home, Hinata guessed that Izumi was going to learn Raikiri.

Don't worry, Rachel is not a ninjutsu that can be learned in a while. What you need to do most now is to rest well. Don't talk about others, your current state is also very bad. Even if you win Neji, you will not consume much. Xiao, let’s have a good rest today, go shopping with me early tomorrow morning, don’t worry about cultivation, anyway, there is still a month to go.”

Izumi and Hinata returned to their respective rooms, took out a change of clothes and began to wash, no matter whether it was Hinata or Izumi's five-day survival exercise, both of them were about to become mud children, Hinata was better, Izumi and Orochi Maru's battle made Quan very embarrassed. Although he regained his physical strength later, there were a lot of mud and blood on his clothes and body.

After washing up, Quan and Hinata ate something and went back to their respective rooms to rest. As soon as Quan returned to his room, he fell into a deep sleep. He hasn't had a good rest these days. Don't get enough sleep.

Compared to Izumi, Hinata was tossing and turning when she returned to her room. Izumi had told her before that she would leave after the Chunin exam, and now there is still a month before the finals. The Ninja exam is coming to an end, in other words Izumi is leaving.

Today, Hinata and Quan have just confirmed their relationship, but a month later they will be separated, and Hinata is really unwilling to be separated from Quan like this.

All night, Hinata was thinking about Quan's going to leave, and when she fell asleep, the sky had already become slightly brighter.

On the morning of the second day of the qualifiers, the sun had already climbed over the branches, and Hinata woke up now. After washing up, she looked at Izumi sitting in the corridor and felt a little apologetic.

Quan-jun, I'm sorry, I got up too late. Hinata said with a red face.

It's nothing. I'm just waking up. It's normal for you to sleep more after you've been exhausted these days? Your breakfast. As he said that, Quan conjured up a breakfast out of nowhere.

Under Izumi's gaze, Hinata blushed and wiped out the whole breakfast. Seeing that he finished eating, Quan still looked at Hinata and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and his cheeks became more and more rosy.

How does it taste? Seeing Hinata blushing, Quan suddenly asked.

It's okay, it's okay. Although I don't know why Diquan asked such a question, Hinata still answered truthfully.

That's good. I'm afraid that what I made is too unpalatable, so let's go shopping after we leave.

Without waiting for Hinata's reaction, Izumi dragged Hinata out of Hinata's house together. Hinata didn't expect that the breakfast just now would be cooked by Quan, but after knowing it, Hinata's heart was very sweet.

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