One update! The author wishes all readers a Happy New Year!

This war meeting lasted for three hours.

In the end, Orochimaru decided to play it safe in terms of strategy. He would conduct a tentative attack first, and then launch a general attack after finding out the combat effectiveness of the Suna Ninja! After all, Sunagakure Village is not comparable to Rain Ninja Village. If you are too aggressive, even the elites of Konoha will suffer heavy losses.

Why is Sunagakure Village still ranked among the five great ninja villages despite being located in the Wind Country, the country with the worst environment among the five great powers, and without a particularly strong line of blood inheritance?

Because Sand Hidden Village has their unique puppetry technique!

For example, the six thousand sand ninjas faced by Xingye and the others were not comparable to six thousand when they really started fighting.

Sand Hidden Village is considered one of the five great ninja villages. It has the smallest number of ninjas, but it can also be said to be the most powerful ninja village.

They have a terrible puppet mechanism! An irresistible hidden weapon! Horrifying poison!

When enemies fight against Sand Ninja, they often have to face a huge army of puppets!

An excellent sand ninja puppet master who can control about three puppets to fight! Puppet does not know fear and pain! This is the most terrifying murder weapon on the battlefield!

And Chiyo, currently the most terrifying puppet master in Sand Hidden Village, is even able to control ten terrifying puppets! Comparable to a super elite team!

It is conceivable that if Konoha blindly advances, it is likely to pay a heavy price under the terrible puppet mechanism of the Sand Ninja!

The ninjas of Konoha don’t have the ability to elementalize like Starry Night. Once they fall into the puppet trap, they will only end up with a tragic death!

However, Xingye didn’t care about command matters this time. As the captain of the special operations team, he had a very free range of activities.

In fact, the members of the special operations team are strictly two people, Hoshiya and Hatake Sakumo!

These are the two sharpest knives in Konoha right now!

Kill the elite squad, go deep behind enemy lines to carry out beheading operations, and destroy Sunagakure’s supply lines!

These arduous tasks cannot be completed by ordinary ninjas, so they fall on Hoshiya and Hatake Sakumo.

Xingye was also happy like this. Rather than commanding large-scale battles, he preferred to go to the battlefield and fight!

This can accelerate the improvement of your own strength!

And Tsunade will not step onto the battlefield easily. There is a very important reason why Tsunade came to the battlefield of Sunagakure Village. Detoxify!

Sunagakure’s toxin is really terrifying, especially after a peerless genius, a thousand generations later.

The terrible poison became famous in the ninja world. During the last war, countless rain ninjas died from this terrible poison.

As the number one medical ninja in Konoha, Tsunade’s most important task here is to crack the poison developed by Chiyo!

But if you want to break the poison, of course it is necessary.

So nearly half a month has passed

“Is it Yuki Izawa? “Xingye looked at the information in his hand and asked lightly.。

“Yes, Starry Night Lord. Orochimaru smiled slightly and said, “This is a relatively famous puppet master in Sunagakure Village. Our intelligence shows that his puppets contain poisons developed by Chiyo, which is also one of the poisons currently used by Sunagakure puppet masters.” one。”

“We have not found any traces of the other main puppe

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] t masters. The one who is relatively clear now is Izawa Yuki. Orochimaru’s face was also a little serious, “I’m sorry to trouble you, Starry Night-kun, but you must get the poison in his hand back. If it can be cracked, it can save the lives of many of our ninjas.” ”

In the past half month, Konoha has begun tentative battles with Sunagakure.

Although Konoha ninjas are generally stronger than Sunagakure, the difficulty of the puppet technique is still beyond Orochimaru’s expectations. The

woods in, under the ground, in the river……There may be hidden puppets operated by the Sand Ninja Puppet Master!

While the Konoha ninjas were marching, resting by the river, and eating in the open space, the terrifying puppet mechanism launched an attack on them!

The scarcity of sentient ninja means that it is impossible for every team in Konoha Village to deploy a sentient ninja, so Konoha ninjas are often seriously injured before they can find the hiding place of the Suna Ninja Puppet Master.

With the elite ninjas of Konoha, few are killed by puppets on the spot, but the poison on the puppets is the biggest trouble!

Injured Konoha ninjas often die painfully from this terrible poison within a few days after returning to the base!

The medical ninjas of Konoha were completely helpless against this terrifying toxin.

And Tsunade, the only one who can delay the onset of the toxin, also needs to obtain a sample of the toxin in order to develop the antidote.

Although the puppet masters have terrifying puppets, they can perform at a level far beyond their own strength. But they are often weak themselves. A puppet master can bring out the strength of a jounin. Once the puppet is lost, a powerful chuunin may be able to end the puppet master’s life!

Therefore, the identity and whereabouts of the puppet master have been kept secret by Sunagakure.

This puppet master named Izawa Yuki is one of the only puppet masters whose traces have been found in Konoha, and his hands almost certainly have one of the most poisonous poisons used by Sand Ninja puppet masters!

Therefore, we must get the poison in Izawa Yuki’s hand! In this way, Tsunade can create the corresponding antidote and save the lives of Konoha ninjas。

“Don’t worry, leave it to me. Xingye said with a faint smile. Puppet is a nightmare to others, but to Xingye, it is a joke! The

materials of puppets are often made of special hard wood and chakra using specific techniques.

But no matter what Special, it is also wood! It is as powerless as a child in front of the magma in the starry night.

And the hidden weapons and poisons possessed by the puppet have no effect on the starry night.

Is it possible that the magma is poisonous? The magma itself contains terrible poison!

Soon, these Sunagakure puppet masters will feel despair in front of Xingye!

Orochimaru also smiled slightly when he heard this, and confidence flashed in his eyes. He obviously trusted Xingye’s strength. After Xingye’s debut, he also There was no experience of mission failure!

A terrifying 100% mission completion rate!

Xingye took the information in his hand and turned around to leave. He went back and packed his luggage, mainly taking some seal scrolls containing a large amount of meat. This is Xingye must bring it with him every time he goes on a mission. After all, Xingye’s appetite is getting more and more terrifying.

After that, Xingye came to Konoha’s medical base and saw that touching figure.

PS: Please give the author a rating, It’s been brushed off again. Please give me a full rating! Please order it! Please order it all! Thank you!_Feilu

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