Uchiha Madara: "What usage?"

Mu Feng spread his hands.

"I'm not pretending anymore."

"I originally wanted to get along with you with an amiable image, but I didn't expect to encounter your censure, criticism and beatings. Then I just don't pretend, and I have a showdown."

"Actually, I am an inhumane person who is extremely anti-ninja and anti-ninja."

"The formation I set up is called the formation formed by the sage's stone."

"I'm planning that if I can't win at that time, I will launch a formation to sacrifice your flesh and blood into a sage's stone."

"When the time comes, we will all die together."

Everyone doesn't know what the Philosopher's Stone is, but they do understand the sacrifice.

Everyone felt a chill when they looked at the complex, gorgeous and exquisite Liancheng formation on the ground.

I didn't expect that I was standing on the opponent's trap for a long time just now.

"What a vicious person."

"I didn't expect such a scum to appear in my sand ninja village."

"He shouldn't have been taken in in the first place."

Feng Ying criticizes Mu Feng wantonly.

Jiraiya is also careful about Tsunade.

"Why do I feel like he's talking nonsense again?"

Tsunade said unhappily: "Of course it's nonsense, how could he be so cunning and die with others."

"Also, he has always been extremely defensive and loves the ninjas in the village. How could he sacrifice the ninjas in his own village?"

"I think he must be planning to use this formation as a final bargaining chip if he can't win at that time."

Mu Feng would definitely give Tsunade a thumbs up if he knew.

Still you are facing me.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is a bit simple-minded.

"Master, there is no need to die together. I can kill them."

Mu Feng laughed when he heard that.

"With you as a big sister to worry about, it won't be so annoying."

"The guys in the ninja world just like to mess around."

"Isn't it good for everyone to build a beautiful new home together? We have to call back and forth."

Qianshou Zhujian also smiled and said: "Haha, it seems that he is just pretending."

Uchiha Madara: "Damn, do you still need to pretend that you have the ability to destroy the world?"

"Whoever dares to disobey will conquer him with dancing."

Between the pillars of a thousand hands. . .

"I never heard you like dancing before?"

"When did you learn it?"

Uchiha Madara. . .

Chatting and chatting, the formation of the Philosopher's Stone also completely revealed its true face.

Mu Feng admired his masterpiece.

"Oh, it's so beautiful."

He mentally connected with his daughter Altair.

"How about it, the formation that Dad prepared for you is spectacular."

Commander Meng's internal brain wave control room Saber Ji Altair was very happy.

"Thank you, Dad."

In order for her daughter to be born successfully, Mu Feng still lacks the God's Stone representing the body and the Devil Fruit representing the soul.

He planted the Philosopher's Stones in the desert to form an formation, of course it was not for boring negotiations.

I am already so fierce, and there is no pressure to single out the whole ninja world, so why bother to die together.

He originally envisioned that when the war is over and the Black Jue is over, Obito will catch the two guys and let them split me up infinitely, and then make up enough sacrifices to sacrifice the Philosopher's Stone.

This is to prepare Hei Jue to be raised as a pig.

The pig farm failed to open, but accidentally broke into the big meatloaf.

This is really a pleasant surprise.

It can be regarded as a wrong move.

Such a large patty should also be able to be made.

Ready to work, Mu Feng started to work.

Work is still very hard.

The big meatloaf has an area of ​​100 miles and most of its body is outside the formation formed by the sage's stone.

Mu Feng still wants to drag it in.

First, it is tied with a rope using a magnetic rope, and it is dragged in a big way.

Then it is to fly to the meatloaf and use the rowing style.

In the end, I still felt unhappy, so I flew to the back and an old man pushed the cart.

Push the patty hard.

In this way, countless methods are used to pull the big meatloaf into place.

Chapter 456 Three-Body, Dimensional Universe

Mu Feng manipulated the magnetic field outside to drag the big meatloaf.

The big meatloaf continued to devour the big tube of wooden peaches unconsciously.

It has almost no IQ estimate and will not understand what changes in the external environment mean.

It is a low-energy baby who only knows how to eat, sleep, and wake up to eat.

Mu Feng likes this kind of IQ opponent.

You send it to show my status.

However, the changes in the magnetic field outside affected the Blizzard Villa inside the Big Meatloaf.

The villa surrounded by different-dimensional energy began to shake slightly.

Conan was very surprised when he noticed it.

He frowned.

"How can there be power to shake my defense?"

Since the villa is a prison, it is also a kind of protection for him.

If he leaves this range, he will gradually be assimilated by the outside world, lose his power and even die.

Of course he can't leave here.

Kaedehara Manyo felt the familiar magnetic field manipulation power.

He exclaimed in surprise: "It's my boss, he's here, and he's made a move."

"We're saved."

Conan widened his eyes.

He can feel the power of the big meat pie in the body of the big meat pie, and the big golden eyeballs almost represent the upper limit of the world's power in this dimension.

"Can he deal with this strange beast?"

Alien beast is Conan's name for the big meatloaf.

He felt that there was always an indescribable abnormal feeling about the strength in Big Meatloaf's body.

It's as if one's own strength is also an anomaly to this world.

Fengyuan Manyo: "Simply put, the sense of security you give me is less than one-ten-thousandth of his."

Conan was shocked.

Fengyuan Manyo is not the kind of person who likes to exaggerate when he comes into contact with him.

"If it's such a powerful person, then he should be able to deal with this strange beast." Conan touched his chin.

Fengbara Wanye said happily: "Then we can go out after he finishes."

Ke Lan raised his eyebrows sharply.


"If he is too powerful and breaks the defense of my villa, it will be very dangerous."

Kaedehara Manyo: "What danger will there be?"

"Haven't you been looking forward to getting out of here?"

Conan shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, I don't know how you escaped to this dimensional world and I escaped from the rice flower world."

Rice Flower World?

Maplebara Manyo frowned.

He listened quietly.

He felt that what Conan said would be related to his lost memory.

"I am actually a detective in my world. I investigate the truth of various cases, especially homicide cases."

"Everywhere I go, homicides happen for no reason."

Conan smiled wryly.

"That's why I'm also called the Death Elementary School Student."

"I have also been living in the rice flower market, and occasionally travel."

"My life has been very peaceful."

"Until one day, the gate of heaven opened, and another dimensional world appeared above the rice flower market."

"That world began to send troops to attack Mihua. There are only a bunch of useless policemen in Mihua City, and they are not opponents of those monsters at all."

"I took Xiaolan and Xiaowulang to this villa."

"I don't know if it's because there are too many dead people or because of a chance."

"Just when those monsters came to attack the villa, I awakened the power of Mihua Death, and grasped the door to the truth of death."

"I use the power of the door of truth to teleport and then pass it to this world."

"In this world, I have been sleeping and slowly recovering my strength."

"Once I was discovered by the people of this world, namely Tang Country, and my strange power of death aroused their worship. They worshiped me as a god, and even sacrificed people to me in exchange for eternal life."

"It's been like this until now."

"During the period, I used the door of truth several times to find out the location of Mihua's world, the situation of monsters and why they attacked our world."

Fengbara Manyo felt incredible when he heard it, but it seemed to be closely related to him.

"What is the truth?"

"there is only one truth."

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