"Death is just another beginning."

In this way, Death God Villa allowed itself to be covered by fleshy feet.

The piece of meat can detect the existence of the Reaper's Villa through its own space-time ninjutsu instinct and can swallow it.

But Kelan's own law of death is a power that the meat piece can't understand at present.

After the meat block covers the Death Mountain Villa, the meat block cannot digest the Death Mountain Villa.

Going deep into the flesh of the Reaper's Villa, the mouth keeps dying under the law of Reaper's death.

The meat lump also seemed to be aware of what he had swallowed that was indigestible.

Its head began to move in this direction while increasing its efforts to digest this strange thing.

A contest between life and death is underway.

Three figures flew down from the sky.

They came from the sky.

The landing is on the back of the meat.

The three of them are in the Datong Mutao style, the Datong Mupu style, and the Datong Mujin style.

The trio worked together to break free from the electromagnetic shackles and escape the falling moon.

In a panic, they just found a place to land.

The landing point is so good that you can't die. It happens to be the country where the meat is located.

When the three of them flew down from the sky, they saw large dark brown patches under their feet.

Datong Mutao said contemptuously: "You can tell by the color that this is a barren planet."

Chapter 431 Wind, My Friend Feng Brought Me a Message

Datong Mutao pose, Datong Mokpo pose, and Datong Mujin pose felt wrong as soon as they landed.

At a glance, there are dark brown, wrinkled, and pitted strange environments everywhere.

Stepping on it has a sticky feeling like stepping on plasticine.

He stomped the ground in the big-tube wooden peach style, and said in distaste: "What the **** is this? It's really disgusting."

Otsutsu Mokura-style: "Let's destroy the trap first, and find the person who set up an ambush for us."

On the other side of the sea, the electromagnetic light beam emitted by Mu Feng is like a sky pillar.

It is clearly visible even thousands of miles away.

Datongmutao style: "Hmph, if you dare to sneak attack our Datongmu people, I must teach that despicable guy a lesson."


The three of them began to float in the air, preparing to fly to the Demon Desert.

Own food is leaving? !

In fact, the piece of meat does not have an organ such as a brain, and there is no subjective consciousness, but a group consciousness that is similar to a swarm of insects and is based on cells.

They are simple, pure.

Just two things on my mind.

Absorb, split.

Otsutsuki Mokura style, Otsutsuki Mokura style, Otsutsuki King Kong style if they are seen by humans or ninjas.

The three of them knew that they were not easy to mess with, as they looked like they had a third-grade albinism and bone hyperplasia.

He will definitely not come to pester the three of them.

Meat does not, in the consciousness of the cells, it is nothing more than a larger energy.

The three of them took off, how could the meat block let them go.

Whoosh whoosh.

A dozen fleshy tendrils rose from the ground to wrap around the three of them.

Big tube wooden peach sneered.

"It turned out to be a low-level monster. Dare to provoke us Otsutsuki is simply courting death."

"Golden style."

Datong Mujinshi, he is a subordinate of Datong Mutaoshi, with a huge body, capable of refining chakra into a red weapon, and has an extremely fast attack speed.

Jin Shi has pale skin and long gray hair, no eyebrows, and a hard horn that turns up to the upper left corner of his head. His eyes are white, he is wearing white clothes, the clothes cover the right side of his face, he is more than 2 meters tall, his body is very huge, and his thick hands and feet like trees possess overwhelming strength. His coat covered his body from back to heels. Wearing a karate suit and gloves.

There is a red ring floating behind it, from which various weapons can be made. A blur similar to Kamui can be used. .

Otsuki Kinshiki casually pulled out an Odachi from the red ring.

With a wave.

All the meat must be cut off.

This is like messing with a hornet's nest.

Numerous beards rose from the ground and grabbed the three of them with the grieving ghosts in hell.

Big tube wooden peach style: "Boring, this kind of low-level stuff,"

Datong Mujin style cut again.

All flesh must be swept off.

The minced meat falls on the meat blanket and quickly melts and absorbs.

The meat also felt that the opponent was powerful.

Raised thicker whiskers again to catch, and at the same time, countless eyes on the whiskers opened and began to shoot.

Fireballs, water balls, clods, whirlwinds, lightning, etc. all kinds of ninjutsu shot at the three of them.

Large tube peach style slightly discolored. Chinese website

"Hmph, people in this world are really boring, making such imbecile toys."

"Weili should belong to oneself. What's the use of such low-level ones? It's a waste."

Stretch out your right palm in the big tube wooden peach pose.

The eye of reincarnation in the right palm opens.

The pupils are red.


The eye of reincarnation is like the eye of the wind, absorbing all ninjutsu into it.

One left hand, the reincarnation eye in the palm of the left hand increases the power of all ninjutsu, and then counterattacks back.

Fireballs become big fireballs and water **** become big waterballs. . .

Colorful and various ninjutsu bombarded the meat blanket.

Intensive ninjutsu is like a torrential rain pouring on the meat blanket.

Boom boom boom.

Numerous explosions shattered the meat blanket instantly.

The piece of meat seemed to be stunned and remained motionless for a while.

Otsutsu Mokpo-style: "The beam of electric light in the distance seems to be weakening. The other party is afraid that he will run away. Let's deal with the person who set the trap first."

The big tube wooden peach style doesn't want to play with this low-level stuff either.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them flew in the direction of the Devil's Desert.

The piece of meat began to squirm at this time.

It may not have feelings of anger, but it knows that there are three big pieces of meat that are going to get out of its range.

The food ran away which is unbearable for the meat loaf.

It began to squirm quickly, diving into the sea to track down the three.

In order to speed up, it naturally uses various ninjutsu to speed up itself.

The wind pushes it, the earth tunnel lightens its weight, and the water tunnel forms a shield.

Although the piece of meat is huge, under the influence of various ninjutsu, it can actually follow the three of them closely in the sea.

The air fortress is floating on the seashore at the junction of the land of water and the land of wind.

Old and weak women and children in the village, artisans and other non-combatants are staying inside.

The Fifth Division and the Sixth Division are responsible for protecting them.

The captain of the 5th division, Yezheng, chatted with Fengbara Manyo and others at the top of the fortress.

Ye: "I don't know, how is the battle between adults?"

Cai Xukun: "It's okay, at worst, I will beat them with Kun fist."

The others laughed.

Cai Xukun always brings happiness to everyone.

Fengbara Manyo suddenly frowned and looked towards the direction of the sea.

Ye: "Is there something wrong with Maplebara Manyo?"

Kaedehara Manyo listened attentively.

"Wind, my friend Wind has brought me a message."

He pointed to the sea.

"Four horrors are coming over there."

"We're afraid we're in trouble."

Chapter 432 Comers stop, sand ninja ahead, extremely dangerous

Fengbara Manyo looked serious and spoke seriously.

Everyone present paid attention.

Cai Xukun asked anxiously: "Then what should we do now?"

Ye Hui said: "We should first activate the air fortress to avoid incoming attacks."

Kaedehara Manyo nodded.

"Well, it must be as soon as possible."

Ye shouted loudly.

"Everyone hurry back to their posts, we must immediately push the power of the air fortress to the maximum and then avoid the incoming attack."

"The Fifth Division is responsible for controlling the fortress, and the Sixth Division will trouble you to maintain order."

Team 5 team members Chen Jue and Qi Kou Zimi rushed to the power room immediately.

The transformation of the air fortress has not been long, and the transformation is still in progress.

Especially in terms of power transformation is insufficient.

Chen Jue pushed the switch up: "Start the electric energy charging."

The plasma began to be poured into the power engine, and then it was input into the vector engines installed everywhere along the kinetic energy pipelines everywhere.

The engine tail nozzle emits jets according to the direction of the control room control adjustment, pushing the air fortress forward inland.

With hundreds of engines working together, the air fortress just moved lazily.

In fact, according to Mu Feng's vision, the overall structure of the sky fortress, which is made of stone, should be completely replaced with a new ultra-light alloy.

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