There were four thunderclaps behind him.

"Ghost Lantern Huanyue, get out of the way!"

When he looked back, he saw the four thunder shadows flashing with lightning, and they rushed towards the connection.

They resorted to thunder and thunder to torture Chiyomai.

The high-intensity electric current formed by the thunder escape chakra is concentrated on the hand, ready to pierce the joint.

The four of them are like four huge thunder guns, charging with thunderous momentum.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue hurriedly dodged, if he was attacked by these ruthless people, he would be torn apart.


Ghost Lantern Huanyue dodges in an instant, and the four thunder guns slammed into the connection.

The arm group ninja army started to move.

"After evaluation, the four lightning bolts plus physical strength will cause 6% damage to the connection."

"Defensive method, use wind escape to cover the joint to offset the damage of thunder escape, then the damage will be reduced to 1%."

"Use the wind escape ninjutsu scroll to cover the back of the connection and cast it on time."

bang bang bang.

A large slab of what looked like glass was affixed within the inner wall.

There are wind escape scrolls all over the glass.

This is the anti-ninjutsu armor similar to the explosion-proof reactive armor on the tank.

Four thunder guns pierced the joint.

Lightning exploded.

Lightning is everywhere.

The four Raikages rushed forward desperately.

Just when there was a slight crack at the contact point of the connection, there was a sudden wind.


A gust of wind rises from the surface of the junction.

The gust of wind swept away the thunder and lightning.

The four thunder shadows were also blown upside down.

That tiny wound healed instantly.


The four Raikages cursed in the air.

Under the four of them, Tsunade from the forest of ancient trees like Tianzhuban, Jiraiya also began to use their own methods.

Tsunade channeled slugs.

The white and soft slug came out and asked softly, "Tsunade, what happened?"

Tsunade looked up at the sky: "There is a **** who is too strong. I am going to smash his house now. I will definitely be injured. You can help me heal when the time comes."

Tsunade rolled up his sleeves and was about to go up and smash the iron sheet with strange force. .five

Slugs look up, people are stupid.

"Tsunade, are you sure? This seems too big."

"Look down on my Tsunade, right? I'll beat him when I'm old."

Tsunade swished along the tree trunk and rushed towards the fierce handsome giant fist.

Jiraiya is a direct psychic to Fukasaku and Shima.

He is going to start the fairy mode and start working.

Fukasaku and Shima were also dumbfounded.

What kind of monster is this fierce man?

Ninja pill?

Zhima: "The child's father, should I inform the elder?"

Fukasaku: "Well, I'll go back first."

I was also shocked.

Is the Patriarch of Mount Miaomu, the Great Toad Immortal, coming too?

Chapter 418

After a while, Toad Wentai appeared on the battlefield with the big Toad Immortal on his back.

Hamo Wentai, who has always been arrogant and acts like a gangster boss, is also frightened and at a loss when he sees the fierce commander.

The sleeping Fairy Toad also stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The towering steel giant, with its giant fists covering the sky and the sun, is destroying the jungle-like giant tree forest.

Ninja Village Kakage is attacking around his fist.


Is chaos coming?

Back then, the Sons of Chaos were about to cause the biggest chaos in the ninja world.

Zilai also jumped over.

"Immortal, you are here too. What shall we do now?"

The big toad fairy, a thousand-year-old monster, calmed down in an instant.

"What are you doing? Why are you still doing nothing here, why don't you retreat quickly."

"We need to retreat now to discuss a solution."

He patted Hamo Wentai, and Hama Wentai received it, jumped up and landed beside Qianju Zhujian.

Qianshou Zhujian said with a smile: "Immortal, you are here. Hurry up and help."

Great Toad Immortal: "Zhujian retreat quickly, put a distance, let's find time to discuss what to do."

retreat? !

Qianshou Zhu was stunned.

The Great Toad Immortal said helplessly: "You all run away, won't its punch be in vain?"

At this moment, Senshou Zhujian turned his head around.


Just run and be done.

What are you all doing here.

Senshou Zhujian shouted loudly: "Everyone, quickly move all the ninjas within the range of our fists away, and we will regroup behind."

At present, there are Zhongnin and silly Yunnin within the scope of the fierce handsome fist.

As soon as Qianshou Zhujian shouted, everyone acted immediately.

It was only then that the kamiyun ninjas came back and ran back in a panic.

Senshou Zhujian: "Their speed is too slow, please help."

Flying Thunder God Express, between the thousand hands, Minato Namikaze shuttles back and forth to bring people out of the shadow of the giant fist.

Lei Ying also followed suit, picking up their men and running away.

The one with the highest efficiency is the Great Toad Immortal. He directly channeled the big toads one by one. The big toads swallowed a large number of people and then jumped away.

Jilai also went to pull Tsunade who was hammering your chest with small fists.

"Let's go, retreat."

Tsunade was not convinced but could only leave.

I hammered hundreds of punches, but the opponent's iron skin was only dented a little.


Tsunade also withdrew.

Others are running only Qianshouzhujian, and the Tuying are still holding on.

The Sand Ninja people in the command room also discovered this situation.

Gaara: "My lord, make sure you don't let them escape."

Mu Feng shook his head: "The ones running are all small shrimps, it won't affect anything, let them go."

After the personnel were withdrawn, Qianshou Zhujian and Tuying Shihe exchanged a look.

Everyone worked hard together, Jumu and Gaoshan soared together and pushed the giant fist a little, and then the two also evacuated.

Wu and Onoki also flew away.

There is no hindrance to the fierce and handsome fist.

It lightly smashed towards the original intended target, the camp of Yun Ren Village.

All the giant trees and mountains were destroyed like powder, instantly turning into powder.


The giant fist hit the camp, and the ground made a muffled sound like a drum.

With the fist as the center, the ground wave spreads outward.

Everyone can see the ripples on the ground with the naked eye, just like the water surface is hit by a stone.

The power is too great, and the ground is as fragile as a skin in front of it.

Ripples spread to the surroundings wave after wave and spread far away.

Everyone seems to be on a turbulent boat.

Great Toad Immortal, Qianshou Zhujian and others sighed: What a powerful force.

The handsome man stood up and raised his fist.

I saw a big flat pit at the fist.

Inside the pit is not sand but glass-like crystals.

Because the force is too great, the sand is directly squeezed and hammered into crystals.

The crystals shone brightly in the sunlight.

Everyone's heart palpitations again.

If I was hit by a punch, I am afraid that I will become like this.

The Great Toad Immortal patted Toad Wentai.

Toad Wentai jumped forward.

The Immortal Toad yelled at the Commander Meng.

"Young man, can you come out and have a chat?"

Mu Feng's laughter came from Marshal Meng's head, which could be heard from a distance.

"Oh, the ancestors of Mount Miaomu have come out. I remember that your old man was never born.".

Great Toad Immortal: "I didn't want to come out. The desert here is dry and dry, and it's not suitable for us toads. But I have to come out for the ninja world."

"Young man, you have done many things in the ninja world, and I, Miao Mushan, have never interfered. What you did this time seems a little too much?"

Mu Feng: "Where is it too much? Do I still have to stand still and let them kill me? I let them shoot twenty shots, and I just punched them. How can this be called too much?"

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