Strength: 199

Spirit power: 210.

Chakra: 200. (attributes fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, yang, yin)

Calculated to be about 10 Kakashi.

He was able to obtain such strength from a mediocre ninja because he had sold more than 100,000 ninja tools and obtained 100,000 copies of spiritual energy in the past three years.

With a steady stream of spiritual energy, he can continuously produce chakra, chakra regenerates electromagnetic escape, strengthens biological currents, continuously strengthens muscles, and responds to nerves.

Strengthening physical fitness can in turn fuse more spiritual energy to produce more chakra.

Several combine to form a positive cycle.

Sell ​​ninja gear - get spiritual energy - produce chakra - strengthen bioelectricity - strengthen body energy - produce more chakra - produce more ninja gear.

Mu Feng's strength also increased exponentially.

The current sluggish or even declining sales will seriously affect his development of strength. Fairy Book Pavilion

For himself and for the village, he must save the village's financial crisis and make the village rich.

"I'll go to Fengying and talk to him about the development of the oil industry."

"You guys have to do your own work first."

Temari and Kankuro agreed in unison.

"Okay, boss."


Sand Ninja village executives are also holding high-level meetings to discuss how to deal with the growing financial crisis.

It was the Fourth Kazekage Rasa who presided over the meeting.

Huangsha, Shashang, Dingshi, Longsha and other high-level officials attended.

Huangsha reports the data situation.

"The daimyo cut our village's military budget again this month, and the village's public funds are already less than one million taels. The tasks assigned to us have also been transferred to Muye Village by 40%. It is expected that the situation will not improve in the second half of the year, and the village will not be able to maintain it. "

"The village will go bankrupt!"

All high levels are dignified.

Sand Ninja Village is different from other villages, 80% of the desert makes it impossible for them to be self-sufficient in food.

Without money to buy food, the village collapsed.

Luo Sha's eyes flashed with hatred.

In his heart, Sand Ninja Village fell into such a situation because of the hateful Konoha Village.

Their strength forced the daimyo to submit to them and move closer.

Luo Sha: "Everyone tell me how to get through this difficult time."

Dingshi: "Can you consider reducing the scale of ninjas, especially the middle and lower ninjas, to cope with the crisis?"

Sagami sneered: "Every time we reduce the number of ninjas, the scale of our ninjas is very small. If the reduction continues, the village will not be able to maintain it."

Sand Ninja Village The natural and geographical conditions in Ninja Village are the worst. Eighty percent of the land is desert, with a high temperature of more than 40 degrees during the day and freezing cold at night.

The harsh natural environment makes Sand Ninja Village the poorest village among them.

The poor sand ninja village has always pursued the cultivation of a small number of elite ninjas to maintain the village's military capabilities.

Huang Sha: "Can you lobby Daimyo again to get him to pay more attention to Qisha Ninja Village or assign more tasks to us?"

Long Sha: "Lobbying also takes time. No matter how you spend this time, the ninja's salary will be paid."

Ding Shi suggested: "Otherwise we can ask Mu Feng to borrow money to spend this time."

Luo Sha immediately became angry when he heard the word Mufeng.

"Don't look for him, he is a person who has no collective honor in the village."

When Mu Feng was mentioned, Luo Sha got angry.

Obviously the richest man in the village, he would rather use placer gold to build his sandworm lair than donate it to the village.

What made Luo Sha even more ashamed was that he wanted to force him to hand over the gold dust by force, but he defeated him.

Fortunately, only he and Mu Feng knew about it.

Mu Feng did not publicize it afterwards.

Otherwise, the Fourth Kazekage would be defeated by a Genin, and if others found out, he would be ashamed to be Kazekage.

"Short-term funds, I will seize the time to refine some placer gold to get through this difficult time."

Sagami: "Fuying, but relying on you to refine placer gold with magnetic escape is not an option."

In order to maintain the village's finances, Fengying turned into a miner.

70% of the village's expenditure depends on him to use magnetic escape to refine placer gold.

Luo Sha: "Don't worry, everyone, I have found a way to solve this problem once and for all."

Everyone looked at Luo Sha in surprise.

The gauze covered his face.

Only those eyes full of confidence shone with light.

He has reached an agreement with Yinnin Village to formulate an action plan called Konoha Crash.

After weakening Konoha and defeating Konoha, the daimyo will naturally pay more attention to Sand Ninja Village, and the village will prosper.

After the meeting, Luo Sha received news of Mu Feng's visit.

Is this businesswoman here to see my joke?

"Let him in."

Wind Shadow Office.

Luo Sha meets Mu Feng.

The atmosphere was not pleasant.

Luo Sha looked at Mu Feng coldly.

"What are you doing here?"

The fact that Mu Feng defeated him was not mentioned.

It doesn't matter if you don't contribute his property to him.

As a ninja in the village, he never accepts tasks to earn commissions for the village, and only makes money in his own ninja factory.

Luo Sha believed that it would be no problem to complete the S-level task with his strength.

A miser with no sense of responsibility for the village.

Mu Feng fully understood what Sha Luo was thinking.

He doesn't care about his misunderstanding.

Because he has never experienced the industrial revolution and the development of the information age.

A poor village like Sand Ninja wants to be rich and prosperous.

Relying on farming will not work.

Not even by fighting.

Only the development of industry, the development of science and technology.

To develop these requires primitive accumulation.

I am tirelessly accumulating funds, and the raw materials are waiting for an opportunity.

Now is the time.

Mu Feng: "I heard that the daimyo cut the village budget again."

Luo Sha sneered: "Hmph, what does that have to do with you? Even if you are rich and capable and defected from the village, I will have nothing to do with you."

Chapter 5 What Is Science For? Is it to enhance the strength of the ninja or to make money?

Mu Feng sighed.

"It seems that you have a deep resentment against me."

"Hmph!" Luo Sha snorted softly.

Mu Feng: "I can tell you that I have feelings for Sand Ninja Village. After all, if the village hadn't taken me in, and if Jialuluo hadn't helped me, I would have been a bone in the desert."

"Your feeling is to stand by and watch?" Luo Sha stabbed.

Mu Feng: "I never stand idly by. I choose to accumulate when my strength is weak, and I choose to attack when I have strength. Now the time has come."

Luo Sha: "What time?"

Mu Feng: "I found oil in the desert."

Luo Sha is no stranger to the word oil.

Mu Feng often talks about oil, oil industry chain, textile and clothing, transportation, daily chemical, agriculture and other terms.

It is said that as long as oil is found, everyone in the village can live a prosperous life.

Many people were bewitched by him to search for the so-called black gold all over the desert, but they found nothing.

Later, no one went crazy with him, so he dug everywhere in the desert by himself.

Luo Sha sneered: "Then congratulations."

Mu Feng: "You don't seem to have any joy at all. You have to know that with oil, our village will soon usher in great development."

Rosa sneered.


"What problems can development solve?"

"Ninja World is a world where survival is determined by military power."

"I might be happy if you dig out resources such as tail beasts or gold from the ground."

"You dug up the oil, and according to your statement, you still need to build this factory or that factory. When will the village wait?"

Mu Feng shook his head.

"Luo Sha, development is the last word. Only by developing industry, developing technology, and increasing productivity can Sand Ninja Village have a future."

"I need your cooperation, let us work together to make Sand Ninja Village prosperous and strong."

Luo Sha: "Don't talk nonsense here, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. You go."

Mu Feng persisted.

"You don't have to trust me but you have to trust science."

science? !

Luo Sha found it funny.

"What's the use of science? Is it to strengthen the ninja or to make money?"

"Of course!"

Mu Feng pointed to himself.

"I am either science or the best proof of power."

Luo Sha's nose was crooked.

He felt that Mu Feng was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Mu Feng's personal experience is just the most unscientific.

Originally an ordinary ninja who barely graduated, he worked in a village ninja factory for three years, and suddenly he became a magnet, and his strength was stronger than himself.

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