Ninjutsu is to bind ninjutsu to the body, so as to form a state of being ready to use.

There is a degree here that needs to be mastered.

If you don't master the escape technique well, you can release it.

And physical exercise.

The escapism technique also requires the body to have sufficient strength.

After exploring and developing, Yunnin Village sorted out a set of experience methods.

Lei Yingai only talked to Mu Feng about the key points that were bound to him.

Mu Feng understood.

As for the physical strength, there is no problem at all.

He tried to use light escape to try.

He bound the light escape energy on the body surface and continued to grow, then a giant of light appeared.

Of course, if he wants to, he can also use different escape techniques to make giants of fire, giants of water, giants of ice and so on.

Master the principle, then you can play any tricks you want.

Mu Feng stood inside the Giant of Light.

This thing looks like Susano, but in fact it doesn't have Susano's ability and combat power at all, it's just a mass of chakra escape energy.

With the star ring, maybe you can play some tricks.

Or teach it to the ninjas in the village.

It's useless to Mu Feng.

At his stage there is very little that can enhance his strength.

Maybe we can see if we can make a breakthrough in the direction of the soul.

Or chakra cracking.

After playing for a while, Mu Feng put away the light giant form.>

Lei Yingai looked at him with shock in his eyes.

"You will do it soon?"

Mu Feng was puzzled.

"is it hard?"

Lei Yingai shook his head.

Lei Yingai's evaluation of Mu Feng went up to a higher level in her heart.

Things that I pretended to force did not work.

Lei Yingai could only go back to the office depressed.

"Kazekage, let's join hands to rule the ninja world."

Lei Yingai expressed his thoughts after thinking hard.

As soon as the words came out.

Mu Feng was shocked.

Fuck me.

You are making trouble again.

Lei Yingai looked serious.

"I look at the heroes of the world, only me and Fengying."

Thunder roared outside the window.

But Mu Feng's psychological quality is strong enough.

Don't be intimidated.

Lei Yingai expressed his thoughts.

"You and I have two villages, one in the northeast and the other in the southwest. We happen to attack the countries one by one from the east to the west, so the countries will definitely be unable to defend if they are attacked one after the other. Then we can unify the ninja world."

Lei Yingai's eyes flickered.

"How about it?"

"Fengying, what do you think?"

Mu Feng: "Then how will the ninja world be divided?"

Lei Yingai: "Of course it is divided according to the territory that everyone actually occupies. You sand ninjas have to act quickly, otherwise the territory will be taken away by us."

What is the only benefit of Mingzuo's appearance in Senshouzhujian?

That is, after people have seen the power of destroying heaven and earth, they will lose many delusions.

The country of thunder is the strongest country in the ninja world.

The idea of ​​wanting to make troubles has always been there.

Don't think that the ninja world is friendly and harmonious just because of the fourth ninja world war and the unity of the ninja world.

No one has less ideas in private.

Lei Yingai agrees with Mu Feng from the heart after seeing Mu Feng's strength.

This is a man who is qualified to ally himself.

Therefore, Lei Yingai sent an invitation to Mu Feng to conquer the world.

Mu Feng wrinkled his nose.

He shook his head.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

"If there are only two of us in the ninja world, then our two will definitely fight."

"Not good, not good."

Lei Yingai also thinks this is the truth.

"Then what do you think?"

Mu Feng was serious.

"The triangular structure is the most stable. There should be another village in addition to our two villages. In this way, the three parties will deter each other and there will be no easy action."

Lei Yingai touched his chin.

"What you said is quite reasonable, so which one should we find as the third one?"

Mu Feng said again.

"No, just a third party is still not safe."

"In case, I said in case, they are suddenly annexed by you or me or he suddenly falls to your side, then the Fifth Ninja World War will definitely break out,"

"It's not good, it's not safe, it's still not good."

Lei Yingai was also confused.

"Then what do you say?"

Mu Feng: "We have to prepare at least two alternatives. In case there is any change in the third company, the fourth or fifth company will be on top to maintain balance."

"We also need to set up various buffer zones between the five companies, so that we can effectively ensure that there will be no big riots among all parties."

"Lei Ying, tell me if my method is good."

Lei Yingai was stunned.

He was a little dizzy from being surrounded by Mu Feng.


"very good."

Darui was speechless.

Cover your eyes and don't look.

Lei Yingai finally recovered well.

He recalled it.

The third maintains a balance, the other two can be replaced at any time, and there are various buffer countries.

This Nima is not the current situation in the ninja world.

The five major villages, the five major countries and the buffer countries,


Lei Yingai kicked on the sofa table.

The case fell apart immediately.

Lei Ying and Ai shouted angrily: "Feng Ying, you dare to trick me."

Mu Feng was helpless.

"Brother, it's you who played me first."

"What cooperation conquers the ninja world."

"What are the benefits of conquering the ninja world? Tell me."

Lei Ying Ai was stunned for a while.

What are the benefits of conquering the ninja world?

This seems to be known by everyone.

If I really said it, I seemed to be unable to speak for a while.

Mu Feng shrugged.

"Look, I can't tell you what to say."

"I'll count it for you. It's nothing more than that you don't need money to eat, and you can sleep when you want to sleep. What else can you benefit from?"

Lei Yingai: "There are also people in our village, people in the country of Thunder can also enjoy it. I am also doing this for the well-being of the country."

Mu Feng rolled his eyes.

"How many people can there be?"

"The poor are still poor. Your conquest of the world is for you and not for them. What else can they get besides being cannon fodder for you."

"People, don't be too greedy."

"Let you eat openly, how much can you eat? Change from three meals a day to ten meals?"

"Let you sleep open, how much can you sleep? I always look at the door and cry."

"A person's life is nothing more than a glass of water, a bowl of rice, a bed, and soil."

"Thinking too much, doing too much, is a waste."

Mu Feng taught Lei Yingai a lesson.

According to what you said, wouldn't it be useless for me to conquer the world.

Lei Yingai was a little dazed.

Mu Feng secretly smiled.

mock up.

You're a bit muscular.

In front of you is the master of lying down.

You want to fight again.

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