Everyone saw Kaedehara Manyo **** a sword from the sailor who rushed towards him.

He casually resorted to a sword technique.

Chihaya vibrates.

The secret sword is as passionate as a rushing wind.

Pull the rushing sailors to their positions.

He twisted his wrist.

The sword slapped.

Knocks up enemies within range.

Sailors were thrown into the air.

The gushing air flow is constantly rotating.

Bring wind damage to them.

Kaedehara Manyo also rose into the air like climbing a taki due to the air current.

He flies into the air.

Below are sailors whirling and screaming in the wind.

Looks like it's ready to hit.


"Stop, I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

Dried persimmon blue shark yelled anxiously.

Fengyuan Wanye stopped and looked at Mufeng.

Mu Feng nodded.

Fengbara Manyo didn't use the combat skill Chihaya Shin's falling attack Chaolan dial.

The younger brothers of Dried Persimmon Blue Shark also fell from the sky one after another, hitting the deck with a thumping sound.

Mu Feng looked at Qianshi Qingsha.


He was surprised and said, "I thought you would persevere, but I didn't expect you to surrender so soon."

Dried persimmon blue shark looked at Mu Feng.

he sighed.

"I was wrong."

"I should know that you are not simple, and I am delusional about robbery."

Just be a raft and float in the deep sea.

Also dressed in fancy clothes.

You should be careful yourself.

Money is still attractive.

Mu Feng: "Then you should also try to compete with me, I think you have the strength of a ninja no matter what you look like."

Dried persimmon blue shark laughed at himself.

"Your team members are so powerful."

"As the leader, you should be stronger."

Mu Feng: "Then you just accept your fate so easily?"

Dried Persimmon Green Shark nodded.

People who walk on the sea are so strange.

They are extremely free, rebellious, and fearless.

But the other side of their character is extremely obedient.

It's like a storm is coming.

They will struggle.

But when the storm is too strong.

They can only give up struggling,

Leave everything to fate and God.

This is the attitude of Mist Ninja towards the strong.

If I am not as good as you, then I will obey you.

You are the captain, and I listen to you.

Mu Feng let him go.

"Well, good luck to you."

Mu Feng casually struck a whale not far away with a bolt of lightning.

The whale, which had just surfaced and was about to breathe, was directly paralyzed by electric shock.

Turn your belly open and lie on the water.

Dried Persimmon Qingsha and his little brother were astonished.

I rely on.

This man is so strong.

Mu Feng: "This is our fare."

At the dining table, Mu Feng and his party were eating and drinking.

Dried persimmon and Qingsha were carefully by the side.

Dried persimmon blue shark: "Brother Tiefeng, you need to find Terumi Mei."

Mu Feng: "Yes,"

Ganshi Qingsha asked again: "Then why are you looking for her?"

Mu Feng came over with a sharp look.

Dried persimmon Qingsha quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Is such that."

"Terumi Mei was banned by Mizukage-sama."

"Everyone in the village knows that she must have offended Shui Ying."

"No one dares to approach her now."

"Head, why are you still looking for her?"

Mu Feng drank a glass of wine.


How did the situation change like this.

Doesn't she still have Qing's help?

It seems that many things must have happened during her return to the village.

Mu Feng put down his wine glass.

he laughed.

"It's actually like this. I heard that Miss Terumi Mei is very beautiful."

"That's why I'm here to propose to Terumi Mei."

Chapter 321 The truth of the blood mist

Proposal? !

This reason is a bit ridiculous and ruthless.

Dried Persimmon Qing Sha didn't know what to say for a while.

He kindly advised.

"The Terumi family is a big family in Mist Ninja Village."

"Terumi Mei is also the envoy of Terumi Patriarch Terumi Lu.

The major electors are always members of the **** family.

What three or four.

They are all on their own islands, and there are intertwined forces on the territory, with several generations and dozens of generations of forces.

This is generally the case in the nation of many islands.

What is one thing that can't just be seen?

Still have to ask why?

Look at the actual logic inside it.

Why can the policy of the Mist of Blood be implemented?

It is wrong for you to regard it as the persecution of all bloodline limiters.

Because people like Terumi Mei, Kanshi Kisame and others are fine.

If you think of it as a combination of major families to persecute those who have no power and power, blood successors and limiters, then it is logical.

Every appearance of blood succession boundary may represent the appearance of a new family.

The major families or the major island owners robbed resources, islands, and territories in order to restrict newcomers.

They joined forces to persecute the powerless blood successors and limiters.

This is the truth.

When resources are limited, animals drive out and kill their own kind.

When a shark is wounded and bleeding, it is its own kind who strike first.

Humans are animals too.

Nor can it be exempt from vulgarity.

Mu Feng smiled.

"Oh, that's really troublesome."

Dried Persimmon Blue Shark: "What's the trouble?"

Mu Feng: "You don't understand. You should continue to be a promising pirate."

Dried Persimmon Qing Sha smiled honestly.

"Hey, I'm actually very honest."

Mu Feng shook his head.

"That can't be done."

"You are going to be the cadre of the famous Whitebeard Pirates."

"You have to continue to be a pirate."

"Not only to do, but also to do something special."

Whitebeard Pirates?

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