Sasuke didn't know but opened it anyway.

Because there was no first battle in the Valley of the End, he is still Shuanggouyu.

Mu Feng looked at Sasuke's Sharingan.

"Sasuke, when will you be able to upgrade to Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Sasuke froze for a moment.

He doesn't know this either.

This eye upgrade requires a lot of stimulation.

Now Uchiha Itachi is not a villain, and the misunderstanding has been resolved.

He doesn't know how to stimulate.

Mu Feng: "Okay, let's leave this problem to science. Go back and rest first."

Sasuke resigned.

Mu Feng wiped it on the table casually.

Gooden Gooden.

He looked at Sharingan and smiled with satisfaction.

My room in Mufeng is the one that is easy to enter.

The iron **** also needs to be skinned.

He rushed into the Shenwei space.

Come to the room where Obito stores the Sharingan.

Obito saw Mu Feng rushing in.

People stayed for a few seconds.

He still has to pretend.


"Fengying, you really don't know how to live or die, and dare to rush into the space under my control."

"Here I am the **** who controls everything."

"You just wait to die."

Mu Feng yelled.


"In this case."

"Then there is no need for a world without me."


Mu Feng put his hands together.

Pull out a simulated black hole.

Obito paled in shock.

do not!

elder brother.

There were many people outside just now.

I kneel down to you now.

Obituary is not pretentious.

If the Shenwei space is destroyed by him.

Then how can I mess around in the future.

"Brother, can we discuss it?"

"I really went to the wrong place."

"And I really didn't seek revenge from you."

Mu Feng smiled charmingly.

"Hmph, so what if you broke my things?"

Obito: "Then what do you want?"

Mu Feng glanced at the Sharingan displayed on the wall.

"These eyeballs are nice."

"Like a ruby."

"I'll take a few back to play."

Anyway, in the end, the whereabouts of these Sharingan were also unknown.

Why don't you take it back and use it as research material for yourself.

Mu Feng swept away half of Sharingan.

Obito felt cold in his heart.

Send Sharingan.

He also politely sent Mu Feng out of the Shenwei space.

Obito sighed.

This time it was really a big loss.

Kazekage is listed as an extremely dangerous person.

Mu Feng actually didn't intend to kill Obito himself.

He also thought about asking Hui Ye to be the network administrator.

How can they do it without bringing soil.

Otsutsuki Kaguya hangs a pestle in the sky every day.

It's a curse after all.

Better to take the process into your own hands.

Let Akatsuki and the others be busy first.

the next day.

Mu Feng took the fruits of victory and returned to the village smoothly.

After the welcome from the villagers, the Ninja Army disbanded and returned to their respective jobs.

Mu Feng also went to look for Dashewan.

"Oshemaru, look what I brought back for you."

Mu Feng took out a single hook jade to write sharing eyes.

Orochimaru was startled.

He took Sharingan.

Take it in your hand and feel it,

Hold it in front of your eyes and examine it carefully.

This is still a real Sharingan.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, whose eyes did you dig out from the Uchiha family?"

He recalled.

Nothing seems right.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes are kaleidoscope.

Sasuke is a double hook jade.

Is there anyone else in the Uchiha family?

Why don't you know?

Mu Feng laughed.

"I picked it up on the road."

"I also picked up a lot."

Mu Feng took out the Sharingan.

Orochimaru was dumbfounded.

so much.


"My lord, you didn't dig the tomb of the Uchiha family, did you?"

"No, I remember their eyes were gouged out a long time ago."

Mu Feng: "Don't think too much, it's fine if you have it. Is it okay to open one more Sharingan project now?" ..

Orochimaru, of course.

"Ok, Ok."

Sharingan, he likes it so much.

"Now there are many researchers from other villages applying for the job."


"For example, Konoha's Shigaraki Tanuki."


Chapter 157 Treat Sand Ninja Village as Your Home

Shigaraki Tanuki is the chief scientist of the "Root" organization and the person in charge of the weapon development plan using interstitial cells.

How did he come?

It is said that Danzo Shimura asked Shigara Tanuki to develop a ninja tool stronger than sand ninja.

Development is developed.

However, the cost is more than ten or twenty times higher than the selling price of others.

What was made did not compete with sand ninja at all.

The plan failed completely.

After Tsunade returned from sand ninja, he abolished the consultant, the elder.

Drive these old guys out of the power center.

Shimura Danzo now hated Mu Feng to the bone.

Tsunade must have been bewitched by him before attacking them.

I must destroy sand ninja.

After much deliberation, Shimura Danzo decided to start with the business that Sand Ninja is vigorously developing.

"Shigara Tanuki, isn't Sand Shinobi trying to recruit researchers?"

"I decided to send you to Sand Ninja Village as an undercover agent."

"You must find out the secrets and weaknesses of the sand ninja village ninja tools."

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