
Mu Feng raised his glass happily.


late at night.

Everyone in the barracks rested.

There are only automatic machine guns, light prism towers moving, and patrol ninjas patrolling.

Outside Mufeng's big tent.

In the darkness of no corner.

First, an orange one-eyed mask with Ning Ciwen appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Obito's whole person appeared.

Divine power.

Today's battle made Obito look at Sand Ninja Village with admiration.

Sand Ninja Village, which was originally thought to be the best in the village, did not expect to be so powerful.

Especially Kazekage Mufeng's strength made Obito salivate.

If only he could control him like he controlled the fourth Mizukage Yakura.

Then I use the chakra of the ten tails to launch a giant illusion infinite moon reading on the whole world to create an ideal world without war and eternal peace. The plan for a world with Lin may succeed more quickly.

He passed away with the mentality of giving it a try.

Obito inspected the big tent,

It seems that Mu Feng is very confident in his own strength,

There wasn't even a single guard around.

According to intelligence.

He drank a lot today.

All drunk.

Then here's your chance.

Obito opened the curtain and walked in.

? ? ?

As soon as Obito entered the door, he found something was wrong.

A huge room that I didn't recognize at all.

There are rows of computers inside.

The room was full of people.

They sat on low sofas.

Some of them wear headphones.

Some are standing.

There are people around to watch.

From time to time, the sound of horns can be heard in the room.

"Spray it button."

"Congratulations to the player of machine 85 for winning."

"Award network fee."

"The Bronze King of Ionia aboard,"

. . .

. . .

Obito was stunned.

Where are you?

Isn't this Kazekage's tent?


He understood.

I was under the illusion.

He activates Chakra, controls, and gets rid of the illusion.

Internet cafes disappear.

Mu Feng was sitting on the bed,

Those piercing eyes were looking at Obito.

He muttered.

"It seems that the electromagnetic escape directly affects the human brain, which is still a little bit worse."

"All of a sudden you get rid of the illusion."

"It seems that TV technology is better."


"Looking at your outfit, you should be from the Akatsuki organization."


"Want to avenge your two accomplices?"

The entire camp is under the magnetic field induction of Mufeng.

Obito appeared.

He just knew it.

But now he pretends not to know.

Obito is behind the scenes.

Then I have to do the darker hand.

Chapter 155 Thunder Gossip

Obito looked at Mu Feng who was watching him with a smile on his mouth.

He knew it in his heart.

I'm afraid this trip was in vain.

The opponent's perception ability and illusion ability are not inferior to his own.

The idea of ​​manipulating him is probably impossible to realize.

Then flash people first.

Laugh with soil.

"Haha, sorry."

"Wrong way."

"Can I go now?"

Mu Feng thought: You kid is still pretending to be crazy and stupid with me.

"Where do you think this is?"

"Leave it!"

Mu Feng flew forward and punched fiercely.

The current on his body dragged out the streamer.

The fist is full of lightning.


Obito narrowed his right eye.

So strong.

I'm afraid he was seriously injured in this punch.

The right eye kaleidoscope writing sharing eye rotates.

Divine power.


The right eye can be incorporealized by itself, that is, at the moment of being attacked, the attacked part is transferred to a different space, which can be used to avoid attacks and pass through barriers. The disadvantage is that in the monocular state, it is attacked without interval for 5 minutes crackable.

Mu Feng's fist pierced his abdomen.

The whole person rushed behind him.

Fist hit the tent.

The tent collapsed.

Lightning flashes in the night.

This awakened everyone in the ninja army.

Mu Feng shouted loudly: "Everyone don't come here, I can deal with it alone."

Gaara, Sasuke and the others could only watch Mufeng confront the strange man in black mask from a distance.

Obito: "Hee hee, you can't hit me, and I can't hurt you. Why don't we just let it go."

Those who don't know the power of Shenwei may be fooled by his virtualization ability.

Mu Feng knew his information.

"Hmph, can't hit you?"

"You say that, I'm even more excited."

"I'm going to try to see if I can hit you."

Mu Feng sparked with lightning all the way.


Obito Kamui activates.

He was unscathed.

Mu Feng's movements were as fast as lightning, but he couldn't hit the opponent.

This time, the people around him were stunned.

Gaara and Sasuke stared at Obito.

Who is he?

Why is it so powerful?

What kind of ninjutsu is he able to allow the attack to penetrate the body without being injured?

Others also saw that Obito was extraordinary.

Obito laughed: "Kazekage, I'm right. Why don't you let me go. I didn't do anything anyway."

There was no trace of regret on Mu Feng's face because he didn't hit anyone.

He chuckled: "But you collapsed my tent, and you have to pay for it."

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