Chapter 152 I'm sick, of course it's my brother

Uchiha Itachi slowed down.

Huangtu immediately bound the coffin with earth escape.

Rocks squeezed from all sides and from four directions.

It seems that it is going to crush Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi is not in a hurry.

Feet stared at the rock wall.

people in the air.

huh huh huh.

The whole person suddenly turned into dozens of crows and flew away.

Crow avatar technique.

Huang Tu and others lost their target for a while.

in a little while.

A crow flew behind Iwanin.

Uchiha Itachi appeared.

Fire Escape · Dragon Fire Art.

Another dragon barbecue.

The rock ninjas were very speechless.

Onoki snorted angrily.

"Hmph, what are you doing here?"

"In addition to spitting fire, can't we have something hard?"

\"Spitting fire like this can't hurt anyone.\"

Ten rock ninja defend together.

Haolonghuo really couldn't hurt them.

Mu Feng: "Didn't you say that there is a soul? Isn't this just a ninjutsu battle between ninjas with souls?"

Onoki rolled his eyes.

What are you running around setting fire to!

Huo Dun is very powerful, right?

Let's see whether you are Chakrado or our Rock Ninja Chakrado.

Onoki didn't care either.

You just spend it.

See who spends whom.

Mu Feng smiled slightly.

If Uchiha Itachi is playing for real.

When you come up, I will give you a set of illusion packages such as illusion · bubble, magic · shackles and so on.

Or open a Susanoo.

You guys have been cleaned up long ago.

But why does he keep setting fires?

Uchiha Itachi is indeed an old man who was killed out of a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses.

Facing ten rock ninja jonin is also easy to do,


Turn ten people around.

He also knew that this was the friendly match that Mu Feng said.

He didn't kill Yan Ren. ..

Otherwise, these ten people are not enough to kill him.

Sasuke was a little embarrassed.

He is not as rich in combat experience as Itachi Uchiha, and he is embarrassed by the rock guns and explosive soil that will emerge from his feet at any time.

He even hit the ground.

Immediately, a bunch of rock guns burst out from under their feet.

He simply opened the seal of the sky, state two.

Grow wings.

fly in the air.

Of course, Yan Shinobu didn't think about letting him go.

Heitu: "Chitu, use a stone puppet to lift me up."

They don't know Ohnoki's light and heavy rock technique now, so it doesn't hinder the use of other methods.

Chitu clapped his hands on the ground.

A stone puppet got up and dragged the black soil and walked towards Sasuke.

Molten Escape · Lime Condensation

Black soil spits out lime from its mouth, and combines with water to form quick-acting cement, which solidifies the opponent in a short time.

She wants to wrap Sasuke in cement.

Sasuke pulled out the Zanpakuto.

"Let's resound! Jian Yu Lei Ya."

The three-branch sword Jianyu Leiya appeared.

"Pierce through! Thundergun."

Chidori hit Jianyu Leiya and turned into a thunder gun and shot it out.

Thunder and lightning met cement but it didn't help much.

Lightning splitting some concrete didn't stop them from moving on.

Sasuke had no choice but to spread his wings and escape.

On the ground, terracotta manipulated the puppet to chase after it with big strides.

Kuroto manipulated the cement into an arm to catch Sasuke.

Sasuke dodged left and right and accidentally got hit.

When the cement hand approached.

Black Soil snorted.


The cement exploded directly.

The blasted cement is like a goddess scattering flowers.

A lot of cement hit Sasuke's wings.

Sasuke lost his balance on the wings.

Started to fall to the ground.

Ohnoki: "Haha, it's good to be able to fly."

Mu Feng: "Don't be so complacent, lest you get slapped in the face later."

Onoki: "Hmph, I can't beat two of you with twenty?"

Onogi pointed at Sasuke who was flying upside down in the air.

"Look, I'm about to be caught by my granddaughter."

Sasuke is really dangerous.

Black Soil is manipulating Cement Hands to grab him.

The rock ninjas on the ground were already hungry and thirsty.

What kind of rock guns and soil pillars are good.

They planned to give Sasuke a big move as soon as he landed.

Tudun · Tuliu Dahe.

The mudslide directly buried him.

"be prepared."

"Trap him as soon as he hits the ground."

Sasuke struggled to avoid the black earth, and the red earth chased him down.

The cement on the wings is getting heavier and heavier.

He flew slower and slower.

It seems that it will not last long before falling to the ground.

At this time.

A crow flew over.


It turned into Itachi Uchiha.

Itachi Uchiha held Sasuke's foot.

"Go up."

Sasuke looked at Itachi Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi smiled.

"come on!"

Uchiha Itachi's body fell to the ground.

With the help of Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke flies high.

Fly above the black soil.

Uchiha Itachi fell down.

Iwanin no matter who is on the ground.

Anyway, come down and eat the set meal.

"Earth Dungeon Rock Pillar Prison."

The soil pillar imprisoned Uchiha Itachi.

"Earth Dungeon, Earth Flow Great River."

The earth flow river created by the eight people is almost like a mountain torrent erupting.

Huang Tengteng mudslides swept across the earth like a giant rolling beast, and washed away the large grasslands and forests nearby.

Uchiha Itachi was swallowed by it directly,

All of a sudden, no one could be seen.

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