
"Cannon Aiming at Area A,"

"The cannons in area b blockade the forward position."

Area artillery blocks the rear position. "

. . . ..

. . .

Didara didn't know that he had been aimed at the front, back, left, and right positions by dozens of cannons.

Mu Feng held the remote control handle of the cannon.

He turned to Tsunade.

"Do you want to have a shot?"

Chapter 125 Sand Dun. Gatling Bodhisattva

Tsunade accidentally took over the handle.

"how to spell?"

Mu Feng pointed at the screen.

"Look at the circular aiming, it's aimed at Deidara, you can press a to launch."

"Press a for single shot."

"Press b to fire."

"It's that simple."

Deidara really didn't expect it.

I actually became n in a video game.

Tsunade pressed a bluntly.

More than a hundred air cannons fired together.

Didara is 1.

A strange noise was heard from below.

The sound was like the bang of a wine bottle cork being uncorked.


He was surprised to find that when he threw 1 down, it flew towards him.

How is this going.

The giant bird under its feet was directly hit by an invisible iron hammer all over its body.

Belly deflated.

The tail was directly smashed off.

The wings were also smashed to pieces.

Didara was taken aback for a moment.

What's happening here.

A strong wind pierced through the giant bird's body and cut the soles of his feet.

Only then did he understand.

The opponent is attacking with wind.

Is it such a powerful wind escape?

Didara hurriedly threw another giant bird to transfer.

The original giant bird had been shattered under the bombardment of the invisible air cannon.

Looking at the shadows under your feet.

The belligerent Didara's war was completely ignited.

"Despicable and shameless sand ninja."

"I'm going to blow you all up to the sky."

More 1s flew out of his hand.

A rainstorm of bombs rained down on Sand Ninja.

In the command tower.

Mu Feng happily operated the game controller.

Air cannons are perfect for dealing with this bomb rain.

The huge air mass directly rolled up the falling and brought it to the sky.

Some even flew up to Deidara and bombed him.

Didara didn't expect that he could still fool himself.

In the sky, he had to avoid both the bomb and the invisible air mass.

The whole person was in a panic.

The scorpion on the ground sees this happening.

He shouted to Didara: "Retreat."

An exasperated Didara resolutely refused.


"I must let them taste the power of my art."

Didara is ready to make a big move.

Mu Feng masturbates enough.

"Light Prism Tower, is it fully charged?"

"My lord, the charge is complete, and it can be launched at any time."

Didara Tudun is vulnerable when encountering a thunderbolt laser.

Mu Feng was going to use the Light Prism Tower to finish him off.

The prism tower on the screen began to flash.

Gaara spoke at this time.

"Teacher, let me go."

Mu Feng: "Do you want to go play?"

Gaara: "I want to test my strength."

"Okay. Then you go."

Mu Feng agreed.

"The Prism Tower is on alert."

Gaara stepped on the sand ball and flew out of the command tower.

He flew towards Didara.

Dirada who is preparing to make 2 see Gaara flying out of the shadows.

He smiled evilly.

"Hehe, you finally came out."

Gaara flew to a position 100 meters away from Didara.

Dirada confirmed it.

"You are Gaara, right?"

Gaara looked at Deidara with beastly eyes.

"Hmph, those who hurt the village cannot be forgiven."

The mouth of the gourd is opened.

A steady stream of sand flowed from the gourd.

Didara was not afraid at all.

He has already studied Gaara.

This guy likes to attack with sand.

I just need to attack him with missiles, force him to defend, and then mix the explosive clay spider into Gaara's sand to detonate him.

Didara raised his palm, ready to launch the missile.


I love Luo Jieyin.

Shout out.

"Sand escape. Gatling Bodhisattva."

The sand quickly converged into a human form.

Two tall, Sandman Bodhisattvas with huge Gatling guns appeared on Gaara's left and right sides.

Didara was stunned.

What is this stuff.

Gaara wouldn't wait for his reaction.


Gatling Bodhisattva spun the Gatling machine gun in his hand, firing sand bombs frantically.

The sand bombs hit Didara like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

Didara was drowned by the sand bomb before he could react.

Tsunade watched the Gaara attack scene on the screen.

She looked at Mu Feng.

The eyes are very strange.

"Do you sand ninjas like to **** so much?"

Mu Feng chuckled.

"Closer to vermilion is red, near vermilion is red."

"Ha ha."

The frantic Gatling fire lasted for several minutes.

Didara's position was obscured by the sand.

Only screams of pain could be heard from inside.

Finally, Sandman Bodhisattva stopped.

After the sand smoke.

Didara appeared with tattered body, torn skin and broken hand.

He barely stood on the dilapidated giant bird.

He is outraged now.

I was beaten like this by Gaara.

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