Tsunade said angrily: "Shut up, I agreed to the treaty because you all agreed that it was okay. Are you saying that you are stupid when you say you are fooling?"

In this way, Konoha's high-level officials quarreled for n days about how to negotiate with Sand Ninja Village.

It was the first time they encountered such a weird situation.

After signing the contract, Sand Ninja Village is very observant.

The merchants stationed in the village are very disciplined and never make trouble.

Ninjas who arrive at the village will immediately go to Hokage Building to register.

Although Konoha didn't care about it.

But Sand Shinobi is really keeping the promise.

You really can't find anything wrong.

Do other people have a little more goods.

Is it wrong to be a little cheaper?

It doesn't make sense.

So noisy to the end.

Tsunade slammed an iron fist on the table.

"Enough, stop arguing!"

Noisy chest hurts.

"I will personally go to Sand Ninja Village to discuss with Mu Feng."

"I will definitely come back with a satisfactory result."

Tsunade brought Shizune to Sand Ninja.

Mu Feng also received the message from Konoha, and now came to greet her.

Tsunade sat in the car and looked out the window.

The road in Sand Ninja Village is very strange.

The road is covered with metal arched covers that completely cover the road.

Tsunade asked curiously: "Why did you build the road into pipes?"

Mu Feng replied casually: "The desert sun is poisonous, if it is cultivated like this, the sun will not be able to shoot down."

In fact, these self-shrinking metal covers are the defensive covers of Sand Ninja Village.

When an enemy comes, villagers can hide in their houses or hide under the cover.

If the enemy breaks into the village.

The cover will form a barrier with the street houses to isolate the enemy in it.

Never let sand ninja appear in the same situation as Konoha.

If the enemy rushed into the village, the whole village would be at a loss and run around like a disaster. ..

Tsunade reluctantly accepted this reason.

The car drove all the way to Fengyinglou.

Tsunade and Shizune get out of the car.

There is no Kazekage Yanyan in Sand Ninja Village.

But there is a central control tower under construction behind Fengyinglou.

Tsunade pointed to the two large circular buildings next to the central tower.

asked jokingly.

"What did you build!"

The two round buildings are actually ready to be loaded with the natural engine and chakra engine equipment, and are ready to supply energy to the central tower.

Two circular buildings plus a central tower.


High emotional intelligence: like a mountain.

Low EQ: Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Cannon.

Chapter 122 Sand Ninja Village Famous Dish: Gifted Crab

Mu Feng blushed.

"Haha, of course it's the Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Cannon."

Tsunade and Shizune showed puzzled expressions.

We read a lot.

You can't fool us.

Mu Feng said seriously: "Actually, there are cannons everywhere in our Sand Ninja Village, and this is the biggest one."


Mute →_→.

Mu Feng: "Haha, I'll show you guys some fun in the future."

Mu Feng invites them into the Wind Studio.

"Come, come, I have prepared something delicious for you."

The three came to the restaurant.

Mu Feng asked people to serve wine and food.

Tsunade and Shizune took off the robe and cloak that covered their whole body to protect them from the sun and wind.

reveal their clothes.

Mu Feng glanced at it, and cried out in surprise.

"Gift Crab!"

On the exposed legs of Tsunade and Shizune, they clearly wore nylon underwear produced by Sand Ninja Village.

The bonus of *** is powerful.

Mu Feng was caught off guard.

Tsunade frowned.

"What do you mean a thick gift crab? What is a thick gift crab?"

She stared at Mu Feng.

If there is anything weird about you kid.

Be careful with my iron fist.

Mu Feng quickly explained.

"Is such that."

"The so-called thick gift crabs are crabs, which are cultivated in our village."

"Is the crab you want to raise in the desert a good gift?"

"That's why I'm called Houli Crab, and I'm ordering."

Tsunade stared at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's face was full of sincerity.

Tsunade accepted his explanation.

"Okay, then let's try the gift crab from the desert."

Mu Feng hurriedly changed the name of the kitchen.

Since then, Sand Ninja Village has added a famous dish.

Huge gift crab.

On the banquet.

Mu Feng took Tsunade to drink.

Tsunade didn't drink much this time.

His expression was a little gloomy.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If there is any problem, everyone can talk about it, it can always be solved."

Tsunade: "You have earned a lot of money from Konoha, and we seem to be helping you make money."

Mu Feng laughed.

People who are dull will also slowly perceive changes in the situation.

"What's wrong with this? Your strength has been strengthened, and the life of the villagers has become better. Even you have become more beautiful wearing our underwear."

"What a wonderful thing!"

Tsunade felt something was wrong and didn't know what was wrong.

She drank a glass of mulled wine violently. .

Mu Feng: "If you think it's not good for me to take your money, you can take our money."

Tsunade stared at Mu Feng.

"How to earn?"

Mu Feng laughed.

"Our village can also send tasks to Konoha. For example, if our village needs greening, you can send Yamato to do it."

"Our village needs teachers, and you can also send teachers to earn labor money."

"Our village needs to open up other local markets, and you can also be our agents."

"Isn't it great for everyone to work together to make money?"

Konoha Village accepts Sand Ninja Village's mission.

A village accepts tasks from another village? !

is this okay?

Tsunade frowned.

Mu Feng pointed to the two big crabs on the table.

"You can see that they are all crabs, so they are just more noble?"

"Isn't the money in our village the same as that in the daimyo?"

Tsunade nodded.

"Let me think about it."

"By the way, what's the matter with your name in the Kingdom of Wind?"

The Kingdom of Wind's big name disappeared overnight, and forty-six nicknames emerged.

Such major events naturally attracted the attention of all countries.

Mu Feng explained.

"A small name is just a smaller name. You can't deny his status just because he is small."

"It's great that our nickname of the Kingdom of Wind is willing to contribute to everyone."

"In the future, it would be better to change the mission from one daimyo to forty-six minor daimyos."

Tsunade shook his head.

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