"Then let's go to war."


Why don't you play your cards according to the routine.



Huangtu hurriedly waved his hands.

"My lord, I'm just making an analogy, making an analogy."

The tall man racked his brains, trying to find words to save him.

"I...I think...it's just a forbidden technique...it's not necessary."

Mu Feng: "You also mentioned a forbidden technique. Compared with our economic trade and the friendship between the two villages, it is nothing."

"I don't think you can decide, you'd better go back and discuss it with Tsuchikage Onoki."

"Forbidden techniques are nothing more than external objects."

"It's better not to cause the two villages to fight each other because of it."

The loess came out dizzy.

"Remember, go back and make it clear to Onogi that there would be no four tails without the technique of giving material chakra."

"Nothing at all."

These are the only words he remembers.

Huang Tu thought: I'd better hurry back and report.

He stood on the automatic rolling ladder in the middle of the road.

The automatic rolling ladder automatically takes him forward.

The loess that Sand Ninja Village is now transforming feels completely incomprehensible.

The main roads in the village are paved with metal.

On the left and right of the wide road are sidewalks and automatic rolling ladder roads, with four lanes in the middle.

Other roads are metallized as well.

Buildings with metal exterior surfaces.

The sand ninja people seem to be completely transforming their village into a metal village.

This made Huangtu from Yanren Village extremely puzzled.

Sand Ninja Village is so rich?

It is extravagant to use white pottery-like metal to pave roads and build houses.

But doing this seems to be completely useless except for convenience.

The loess is not seen to be of any use.

The escalator came to the side of the hotel where I lived.

Huang Tu jumped off the escalator, went back to the hotel to pack his luggage, and then rented a car to leave the village and return home.



Mu Feng summoned eight students from Ninja School, including Zi Luo.

They came to a laboratory.

Waiting for them were Mufeng, Dashewan, Yaoshidou and Jiaodu.

With Kakuzu's full cooperation, Orochimaru and the others have achieved results.

Earth Resentment Yu's first generation symbiont.

Dashewan, the method developed by Yaoshidou is very simple and rude.

Kakuzu took out part of the active grudges from his body and then released the grudges, pulling away his own chakra.

Then this part of the resentment is in a dying state of losing its host.

Then quickly bury it in the human body at this time.

The resentment of the symbiote may reach a symbiotic relationship with the new host in order to survive and absorb the host chakra.

During this period, Jiaodu used the Earth Resentment Technique to stimulate its activity outside, in order to achieve the best desired effect.

This kind of experiment has the risk of not reaching a new host in addition to the grievances of the earth.

Maybe the earth grievances will invade the host body.

However, there is Mu Feng, the human t, and Orochimaru, the master of flesh and blood creatures.

The mere first-generation Di Yuanyu still can't do anything.

Mu Feng said to Zi Luo and the other eight people.

"I know that you all became Taijutsu ninjas because you are not good at controlling Chakra."

The eight people in Ziluo nodded.

Mu Feng: "It's too difficult for a physical ninja to surpass those ninjas who know ninjutsu and illusion. There is really no one in a million."

"I believe that when you enter the ninja school, you all hope to become an excellent ninja."

Zi Luo and the others replied: 'Yes, Master Fengying. \"


"Then I'll give you a chance now."

Mu Feng explained to them the function of the Earth Resentment and Yu Symbiosis and showed them the venom with the TV technique.

Zi Luo and others expressed great interest in the symbiont that can allow the host to fly into the sky, greatly enhance the host's ability, and repair the host's body.

Mu Feng continued: "This is the first generation, and we don't know what the situation will be. But I will try my best to protect your safety."

"If you want to quit, you can say so."

"There's no shame in taking risks and exiting."

"This is your own choice, not my order from Kazekage."

"Then you choose."

Zi Luo raised her hand without hesitation.

"My lord, I'm coming."

Not to mention anything else.

Guang Mufeng adopted their group of orphans.

Such a great kindness is worthy of Zi Luo's dedication.

Mu Feng: "Have you considered it? Don't choose to agree just because of me."

Zi Luo was silent for a while, then raised her head and said firmly: "I want to become a stronger ninja."

Mu Feng nodded.

"Then you come forward."

Pharmacist Dou made an incision in his heart.

Jiaodu began to take out a bunch of Tentacles of Earth Resentment.

He relieved the art of resentment from the earth.

The black tentacles began to vibrate desperately.

Seems to be grabbing something.

Yao Shidou stuffed the Tentacle of Earth Resentment into his heart at a very fast speed and sewed it up.

He infused medical chakra.

Jiaodu used the technique of resentment to stimulate the tentacles of resentment outside.

Zi Luo felt the pain from near the heart. Fairy Book Pavilion

He made a pained expression.

Chapter 120 If you come to solve the problem, please get in the car

Electromagnetic escape: Electromagnetic imaging.

Mu Feng's eyes flashed with lightning.

Under the electromagnetic eye, the physical condition under the skin of Violet.

Mu Feng saw it clearly.

That group of Tentacles is barking its teeth and claws like an octopus.

Death makes it instinctively pierce the violet blood vessels and absorb chakra in the body.

This is a good sign.

Indicates that it reacts.

Mu Feng: "Ziluo synthesizes chakra, try to gather chakra towards the heart."

Zi Luo obeyed the order to endure the pain and refine chakra.

He still can't control Chakra.

But he still tried his best to send it to his heart.

The Tentacles of Earth Resentment also seemed to sense the presence of Chakra.

Peristalsis is faster.

Violet is also more painful.

The heart-piercing pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made him sweat profusely, and he almost couldn't stand still.


The tentacle of earth grievance began to drill flesh and bone for chakra and energy.

The corners of the eyes looked extremely painful.

He said coldly. Fairy Book Pavilion

"There is no way to bear this kind of pain without giving up your own psychology."

At the beginning, with very strong hatred, he abandoned the village and himself as a devil to resist the torture of devouring flesh and blood.

"I think adults should not let these children try."

Young children are the best at growing up.

Adults are adults.

Their bodies, hearts, emotions, and thoughts have already matured.

What the Earth Resentment Symbiosis needs is growth and stimulation.

Perhaps small children can bring about breakthroughs in symbiosis.

Mu Feng cheered Zi Luo in his heart.

In the end, Zi Luo fainted from the pain after the bell.

The pharmacist pocketed to check the situation.

"My lord, your breathing is steady, and your life is not in danger."

Mu Feng's electromagnetic eyes also saw that the Tentacles of Earth Resentment and Yu were still on his chest, and they squirmed from time to time.

It seems that the experiment is half successful.

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