The borders of the Land of Sand.

The wind swept by, and the yellow sand covered the sky.

In the yellow sand shrouded this world, two figures appeared moving slowly.

If you look closely, you can see that one of them is carrying a red-haired teenager who has fallen into a coma on his shoulder.

These two are none other than Uchiha Obito and Deidara.

"Phew, this hellish place in the land of sand, Uncle Ben will never come again.

Deidara snorted, spat the sand out of her mouth, and grumbled with disgust on her face.

"Yes, senior, if it weren't for the leader's order, I wouldn't want to come here.

Uchiha Obito continued to disguise himself as Ah Fei's unobtrusive appearance, nodding his head again and again to indicate that he thought the same as Deidara.

"Hmph, but fortunately, Ichiwei was successfully captured, and this trip was not in vain, so let's quickly pull out the tail in his body.

Deidara gave the Uchiha Obito a blank look, and with a soft snort, threw the Iara on his shoulder.

"But, senior, the leader is asking us to wait for the scorpion seniors to join us before making the next move..."

Uchiha Obito pretended to be tangled and reminded in a low voice.

"I know, I know, you talk a lot!"

Deidara snorted coldly, waving her hand impatiently, but she still didn't have the courage to disobey the leader's order.

After all, in Deidara's impression, the leader's ghostly methods discouraged him.

"Why hasn't this guy come yet... Hmm, what's going on?!!

When I was about to take a break here, I suddenly felt that the surrounding mountains were shaking, and it was completely like an earthquake.

This sudden change made Deidara and Obito a little confused.

The two of them hurriedly lifted the earth and walked to an open place, looking around in disbelief.

At this moment, a terrifying impact erupted from the ruined ruins in front of him.

The strong shock air flow enveloped the yellow sand in the sky, like a sharp scythe spreading out in all directions.

"Not good!"

Seeing this scene, both Uchiha Obito and Deidara changed their faces drastically.

"Detonate Clay Giant Bird!"

Deidara didn't have time to think, and immediately pulled out a ball of clay from her wide sleeve, kneading it nimbly with her fingers, and then threw it into the air.

In an instant, a giant white bird with vibrating wings appeared in the sky.

"Ah Fei, follow me..."

I have to say that although Deidara usually looks at Uchiha Obito in various ways, it is not pleasing to the eye.

But at this critical time, I still choose to help him.

However, what made Deidara dumbfounded was that the Uchiha Obito, who was originally standing behind him, saw that the situation was not good, and he had already escaped with Iara using Kamui on his shoulders.

Deidara was left alone.

"This waste, it's really fast,"

Deidara cursed in a low voice, and then leaped upwards and landed firmly on top of the giant bird.

At the same time.

The terrifying scythe wrapped in yellow sand also swept under the white giant bird at this moment.

Deidara narrowly avoided the Grim Reaper's blow.

"Whew, it's so dangerous..."

Didara, who was sitting on top of the giant bird, breathed a long sigh of relief, fortunately he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss today.

"Damn Ah Fei, don't let me see you later... Hmm, what's that?!"

Deidara was cursing Uchiha Obito in her heart, but out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw two figures under the yellow sand in front of her.


"Whew, it's finally out..."

, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

At this time, in the yellow sand, two slightly embarrassed figures wearing white robes appeared, both of which were tattooed with the word 'god' on their backs.

These two people are the Xiyue Realm and Jun Malu who have just escaped from the ruins of Guloulan.

"Yes, it's good that we escaped at the last moment when the ruins collapsed

, but Princess Sara she..."Jun Malu also sighed a little about the fate of the two, but then thought of the figure that disappeared forever in the ruins of Guloulan, and his tone couldn't help but be a little heavy.

Xiyue Realm was also silent when he heard this, and he unconsciously recalled the last scene in his mind.

It turned out that in the ruins of Guloulan just now, the dragon vein was about to fall into the last moment of the rampage.

It was Sarah, who had royal blood, who did her best to manipulate the dragon veins and seal them all in the amber gourd.

This amber gourd is really as magical as Sara said, although it doesn't look big, but it can store all the dragon vein qi in it, it can really be called an artifact.

However, although the energy of the dragon vein was controlled, the price was that the space of the ancient Loulan ruins that had lost the energy of the dragon vein began to collapse inch by inch.

At the beginning, Gu Loulan relied on the energy of the dragon vein to establish the country, and it can be said that the dragon vein is the foundation of this country.

Now that the dragon vein has been withdrawn, Gu Loulan has naturally disappeared.

Seeing that the space of the ancient Loulan ruins began to collapse, Xiyue Realm immediately pulled Sara and Jun Malu and galloped towards the entrance of the cave.

Although the process was thrilling, the three of them managed to reach the entrance in the end.

The entrance was also a little damaged, but it was enough to support the three of them to leave.

Just when the head of the Xiyue Realm breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave with the two.

Sara spoke suddenly.

She chose to stay here.

"Mr. Saizuki, I'm grateful that you helped me get revenge, but I decided not to leave. Because this is my home, I don't want to run away this time..."

With that, Sara resolutely turned and ran back in the direction of the palace.

Although Xiyue Realm had the intention to stop it, the time was already insufficient, so he sighed lightly and had to turn around and leave.

However, just as the Western Moon Realm was about to leave, a delicate transparent gourd was thrown in, and it was the amber gourd that sealed the dragon vein qi.

Looking up, Xiyue Realm saw Sara standing in the distance smiling and waving at him.

In this way, Xiyue Realm and Jun Malu escaped from the ruins of Guloulan, and also successfully completed the purpose of this trip.

Obtain the energy of the dragon vein.

"Thank you, Sarah..."

Xiyue Realm looked down at the amber gourd in his hand and said silently in his heart.

And yet at this moment.

A clear voice came from behind the two of them.

"You, who are you?" Xiyue

Realm and Jun Ma Lu were also stunned when they heard this, and at the same time turned their heads to look at the place behind them.

However, when Xiyue Realm saw the familiar face of the person who spoke and Xiao Organization's unique black trench coat, a strange look couldn't help but appear on his face.

This can also be encountered?

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