To be honest, Ye Ying is still very interested in this issue. He wants to see what the purpose of the Otsutsuki clan is in doing these things.。

“Maintaining the gate of Tianzhihen requires a lot of power. The planet is the most powerful cultivator in the universe. Using the planet to provide energy is the best way. Moreover, our Otsutsuki clan wants to continue to evolve and control The power of the planet has great benefits for us!”

Di Xin's voice was a little low, and he seemed a little doubtful.。

If Ye Ying is really from the Otsutsuki clan, is he really so ignorant that he doesn’t know anything?。

It's just that what's here is just a projection, and Di Xin's sense of autonomy is pitiful, otherwise he would definitely have noticed something was wrong.。

Ye Ying was also keenly aware of the other party's suspicion. In order to prevent this guy from finding out, Ye Ying stopped asking questions.。

Otherwise something went wrong and he missed the door, which would be a huge loss for Ye Ying.。

“Ancestor, please let me try to push the door open!”

Ye Ying said to Di Xin, Di Xin nodded, his body moved continuously, and a huge black hole appeared in his body.。

“Go in, there are thirteen doors, you can choose one, remember, you cannot destroy the door, otherwise the power of the door will destroy you!”

Di Xin said coldly, Ye Ying nodded and walked into the black hole.。

After arriving in the black hole, Ye Ying suddenly felt a strong wind rushing towards him.。

“So strong!”

Ye Ying's body was directly torn apart, but soon, his Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan restored his body to integrity.。

“This guy Di Xin seems to have a trial here. Once I die on the spot, he will definitely not care!”

Ye Ying was a little scared. He was unprepared. At the same time, this strong wind was also very powerful.。

After that, countless black hole storms rushed towards Ye Ying.。

Ye Ying kept dodging. He couldn't even use the space technique now. In the space of this black hole, he couldn't control the laws of space at all.。

“I don’t know which one is the gate of rules!”

Ye Ying dodged the space wind knife while looking at the surrounding space.。

The universe around here is dark, and there are some strange light gates vaguely hidden in it, but their positions are uncertain. They are still here at this moment, and they have disappeared into the distance the next moment.。

This undoubtedly makes it more difficult for Ye Ying to find the door of rules. Looking for the door here is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.。

He can temporarily recover with the help of the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan, but the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan also has an upper limit of endurance. Once it reaches the upper limit, he will definitely die.。

The environment here is too dangerous. According to Di Xin, generally those who can push the door open are powerful enough, at least close to the planet-level powerhouses he calls them.。

Although Ye Ying doesn't know what a planet-level powerhouse is, that level of force should be able to easily block these cosmic storms.。

Ye Ying's strength has not reached this level yet, so for him, this journey to find the door is very difficult.。

Before finding the door, Ye Ying may fall into the cosmic storm at any time。

“This is not a reason for me to give up on the Rules Gate. I finally got this opportunity, so I accepted the Otsutsuki Clan Gate! "

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