After reciting nearly two thousand words, Metkai's breathing became a little disordered."By the way, it's best not to talk when you are practicing! Otherwise, you will be more tired!"

Shuo Yue laughed, Metaka was a big man. The experience I summarized is very simple and easy to understand. As long as you can understand human language, you can understand it!

Much simpler than the high school English listening test!

As he changed according to those practice methods, sure enough, he felt much more relaxed!

Even during the run, you can feel your physical strength gradually recovering!

In this way, after running eighteen laps with Akai, the daily task was finally completed.

As for Matt Dai's old short legs, that guy actually ran fifty laps around Konoha Village while standing on his head!

When the two stopped, he had just finished part of his practice.

"Yo! Kai, it seems that your classmate is also working very hard!"

Meitkai sat on the ground and replied with some envy:"This is Shuoyue-kun's first time practicing physical skills. He ran twenty laps the first time!"

"Wherever you go, haven't you run almost forty laps?"

After a commercial exchange, the Konoha Hokage Rock in the evening was filled with happy air.

"In this case, Kai, you have to take the next step in your practice!"

Hearing that the training was to continue, Akai's face immediately showed deep dissatisfaction,"Five hundred push-ups again?"

"No, I want to teach you real physical skills! Matt Dai looked like a father in the setting sun.

Seeing this, Sakuyue wanted to get up and leave. There is an unwritten rule in the ninja world, spying on others without permission.

However, as soon as he stood up, Matt Dai stopped him with his hand.

"Uchiha's hard-working boy, I haven't seen a boy like you for a long time, so stay!"

The meaning is very clear. He invited Uchiha Sakusuki to stay and learn his taijutsu!

Whether he can learn it or not, whether he likes his taijutsu or not, one fact will not change!

That is, he He has taught the young man of the Uchiha clan!

This may not mean much to a mere old loser, but it definitely has a profound impact on the young Metkai!

Sakuyue nodded, this middle-aged man is interesting!

"ah! ? Is Shuoyue-kun really willing to practice physical skills with me?"

"Although I prefer ninjutsu, there are advantages and disadvantages to learning some taijutsu, right?"Shuo Yue said slowly, but who knows, a few hours ago, who said that physical skills are something that barbarians can learn?

Sure enough, some people in this world cannot escape the laws of true fragrance!

Matt Dai stepped back He took a few steps, and then began to perform his most basic physical skills at a slow speed.

"Konoha whirlwind!"

Konoha whirlwind is a Konoha fluid technique. As long as the requirements are met, everyone in Konoha ninja can learn it. This makes Sakuyue a little disappointed.

He thought that Matt Dai would teach Akai some secret skills!

But think about it. , even if the secret technique is taught, the 7-year-old Akai may not be able to understand it!

Being able to learn Konoha Tornado here without any trouble is some compensation for the hard training.

Sakuyue looked very carefully, Konoha Tornado is a. The continuous kicking technique coincides with the Uchiha Fluid Technique.

Its essence is not difficult. The key is to practice repeatedly.

He struck directly towards Matt Dai and used Konoha Tornado for the first time. The Konoha whirlwind didn't take shape at all, let alone hurt people. It basically used the most difficult operations to produce zero output.

However, the second, third, and tenth consecutive attacks were all blocked by Taijutsu experts. After Tedai parried it, he found the way out!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Taijutsu Konoha Tornado taught by Matt Dai!】

"As expected of a boy from the Uchiha clan, he learned the Konoha Whirlwind so quickly after just watching it once!"Matthew praised

"Ah, Shuoyue-kun has already learned it?"Akai is still in a daze.

"I've barely learned anything. In actual combat, I might as well rush up and stab the enemy. I still need more practice."

"This is already amazing! juvenile! Matt Dai held out a shining thumb, and then turned his attention to his son,"Kai, it's your turn next!""

"Ahhhh? Dad, I haven’t seen it clearly yet!"


Matt Dai was very patient with his son and did not criticize his son just because Shuo Yue was so far ahead. Judging from this, he was actually a very good father.

While Akai was practicing by himself, Shuo Yue took the initiative to ask Matt Dai for advice.

"Senior, I just discovered that Konoha Tornado is a taijutsu that mainly attacks the upper plate. Is there a corresponding taijutsu that mainly attacks the lower plate?"

Sakuyue came prepared. There are only a few Konoha fluid techniques that he can name. In addition to the basic physical techniques of Konoha whirlwind, of course there is also the well-known Konoha gale!

Sure enough, Matt Dai spoke again with approval. Once he gave a thumbs up,"As expected of you! Yes, there is indeed one, I will show it to you now!"

Maitedai is very proud to have someone ask him for advice on taijutsu. Anyway, these taijutsu are made public by Konoha-ryu, and these younger ninjas will learn them sooner or later. If they are taught to this extremely talented young man in advance, they will not What’s the psychological baggage?

"Konoha gale!"

This time Shuoyue opened a Magatama Sharingan. Although this Sharingan did not have the ability to copy, its blessed pupil power allowed him to understand every bit of Konoha Gale's power-generating skills on a deeper level.

When After Matt Dai's demonstration was completed, Shuo Yue didn't even need to practice, and the system's beep sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, for receiving the Taijutsu Konoha Gale taught by Matt Dai! 】

Mainly because Konoha Gale's moves are too simple. From an analysis point of view, it is just a move to sweep the hall's legs. It is an operation that can be performed with legs.

"How about it, did you learn it this time?" asked Mattei

"Hmm, let me practice alone again."Sakuyue closed the Sharingan in advance and replied

"Hey, Kai, work harder! Your classmate has learned the second taijutsu! You can't lose!"

Ignoring the father and son for the time being, Sakuyue sat back on the Hokage Rock and opened the system.

The fusion system requires at least two techniques, which is why he took the initiative to ask Matt Dai for advice.

Konoha Tornado and Konoha Gale, One attack and one attack, taken apart, they are just two mediocre physical skills.

However, it is not necessarily the case after fusion!

"System, integrating Konoha Cyclone and Konoha Gale!"

【Ding! The fusion success rate is 90%. Do you want to fuse now? 】

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