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When Tuanzo, who had no sense at all, was brought back to the headquarters of ‘Root’, everyone who had access to the tools of Danzo himself on a daily basis was stunned.

“Master Tuanzo, what’s wrong with this?”

“Hey! Ryoma-san, why did Lord Tuanzo go out so well, but come back so embarrassed? Who would dare to make a move on the three of you? ”


Usually brainwashing education is done well, and at such moments, it can be reflected.

Seeing that so many colleagues were concerned, Ryoma explained briefly: “Someone used a transcription seal on a woman, sealed the pupil power of the chakra eye on the woman, and sneaked up on Lord Danzo!” ”

“Sharingan!? It must have been done by the Uchiha people! ”

“No need to guess, it was Uchiha Shuoyue who did it, absolutely!”

“Damn it, that Uchiha!”

“I want to assassinate Uchiha Shuoyue, whoever goes, form a team.”

The oil girl Ryoma frowned, and said sharply: “You’d better not act rashly, you can hurt the powerful pupil power of Lord Tuanzang, it’s not something you can deal with!” Let’s wait until Master Tuanzo wakes up before making arrangements! Remember! Don’t act rashly! ”




At this time, Shuo Yue, who was on a mixed task outside, was proud and worried.

Proudly, once a disabled person dares to trigger this transcription seal, then he must be mirewed in illusion!

In this Konoha without a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, everyone is at most Sangou Jade, and no one can bear his illusion!

And in such an abrupt situation, the heart is defenseless!

Who would have thought that he would seal his pupil power on Medicine Master Ye Naiyu?

This method is also tricky!

And the worry is – will you eat spicy roast chicken or five-spice later? Will this affect him drinking beef kidney soup?

If there is any person with power who has the most leisurely in the Ninja World War, it must be Uchiha Shuoyue!

“Found it!” Sunset Hong suddenly exclaimed.

Coming back to his senses, Shuoyue looked forward and saw that it was a huge tree hole.

Excitedly, he directly kicked Akai, who was standing upside down, “Haha, after looking for so long and clearing more than a dozen similar locations, I finally found it!” ”

In fact, there is no need to open the perception, just from the situation around and at the mouth of the cave, you know that there are residents here.

“Shuoyue, this is the hiding place of the Ibli clan in intelligence?” Akai asked.

Shuoyue nodded, “Can’t be wrong, just go in and take a look, but I remind you that it’s best not to be careless, those people are disgusting1en”

“Why, what’s amazing!” Akai was like an iron-headed baby, “No matter what it is, can you still my proud blue beast in Konoha?” ”

“Blue Beast? Can you open seven doors for you? Beast? I think the green beast is enough, you are green enough today! ”

“Naninani!! No way! Seven’s belief, although I can’t open it now, but I can definitely open it in the future! And it’s a powerful physical ninja that you can open casually! ”

“Akai, where did you get your title?”

“Ahaha! It was my arch-enemy Kakashi who recommended the name in my novel, Mizukage oh Mizukage! I’m the blue beast! ”

Shuo Yue: “…”

In other words, in the future, Akai really opened seven doors casually, but there are not many people who are worthy of him to open seven doors.

To get back to the point, the so-called people who live in tree holes, the Ibli people can turn their bodies into smoke, and such passive skills are almost immune to physical attacks!

But the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family also has fatal shortcomings, the hydration art will turn into a soft mud monster when it meets Lei Dun, and the Ibli family is even more funny, blowing a wind can blow them to death!

It’s really the ‘weak wind’!

But this ‘weak’ is not the other ‘weak’.

In terms of combat ability, the people of the Ibli clan are not weak, they can turn into smoke and invade the enemy’s body to cause attacks!

For example, top your lungs.

“Everyone, it’s best to be careful, we are not here to kill the enemy, but to investigate, but the other party is said to be not easy to get along with at all, so we don’t kill them but they want to kill us, this is the difficulty of the mission.” Senju Mohua also said.

That is, of course, to joke.

She was afraid of a yarn smoker.

Everything is ready, go into the hole!

The tree hole leads to the hole in the ground, and there is still a little light in the doorway, but it is dark inside, and Shuoyue’s vision is better, and he can see some candles fixed on the walls on both sides, but no one lights them.

However, when humans walk in dark caves, if there is no light, their hearts will always feel hairy!

So —

“Thunder Thunder Chidori Flow!”

If someone knows that he uses Chidori Stream as a flashlight, I wonder if he will be so angry that he will die on the spot?

The thunder and lightning of Chidori Stream not only illuminates the cave, but also comes with its own BGM!

This is the most tumultuous.

Squeak squeak~~!

With the light of the ‘grenade canister’, several people soon found that the surrounding air was full of fog!

Several people who have prepared in advance know that this is not the natural gas accumulated in the cave, but the ability of the Ibli people!

If they wish, they can do this all day.

Although I don’t know what the point is, it turned into smoke, what exactly was it like at that time… Ahem.

Standing still, Shuo Yue asked into the smoke, “Your Excellency is an Ibli clan?” I’m Konoha ninja Uchiha Shugetsu, you may not know me, but you should always know Danzo, Orochimaru and the like, right? ”

The sound echoed from the cave, and for a long time, the smoke returned to the city to a column, and from the cylinder appeared a human figure.

“Of course we know Uchiha Shugetsu.” It was a man who looked stupid, “But, what is your relationship with Lord Orochimaru?” ”

“Orochimaru and I are iron brothers!”

“How to prove it?”

“emmmm…” To be honest, these people know something is wrong!

If it weren’t for the so-called mission, he really wanted to blow these people to death with a wind!

“Why, it seems that you have no evidence? Then you are lying to us, what is the purpose ?! ”

Saying that, the man also smoked half of his body, intending to invade Shuoyue’s body at any time!


“Illusion Narakumi no Jutsu!”

Sunset Hong’s beautiful voice sounded beside Shuo Yue.

The illusion was launched, and the men of the Iberi clan seemed to see the most terrifying image in their lives.

It took less than three seconds to be paralyzed.

Shuo Yue nodded appreciatively, “It’s worthy of being red, and the illusion is progressing rapidly!” ”

“Heehee, it’s all taught by Teacher Hua, otherwise how could I have such an illusion!”

Behind him, Qianshou Mohua looked at the sunset red dotingly, just like his own mother. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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