A man's happiness is simple.

Fugaku's heart ached.

He received the report from his subordinates. He didn't believe it at first, but after observing it personally, he discovered something remarkable.

"He, he, that kid, is really... is this a genius?"

"Lord Fugaku, isn't that the ninjutsu you taught Uchiha Sakusuki?"

"I? Do you think I have that ability? Fugaku asked seriously with a Sima face.

His subordinates were instantly frightened and half knelt on the ground,"I'm very sorry, Lord Fugaku!""

"Ah, is C-level ninjutsu really that simple? It really can be successfully integrated casually……"

Fugaku left, leaving only a dazed figure behind.

It seems that there is something wrong with my brain


"System, fusion!"

【Ding! Added fire escape and dragon fire technique! Class C】

【Ding! Added Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough! Class C】

【The fusion success rate is 73%. Do you want to start fusion?】


【Congratulations on the successful host fusion! Obtained Ninjutsu·Breaking Wind Dragon Fire……】

"OK, it’s called Ninjutsu·Broken Wind Dragon Fire"


Dragon Fire Technique was originally a large-scale FFF scene, but with the blessing of the Wind Escape Breakthrough, the fire became even more intense!

This technique is not very powerful on a single target, but it is a first-rate ultimate move for clearing out mobs!

It's just a tiny bit worse than Uchiha Madara's powerful fire extermination, just a tiny bit!

Yeah, although it's a bit bragging.

It is estimated that with such a ninjutsu, more than fifty White Zetsu can be burned to death.

That's it!

Four ninjutsu merged into two, and he suddenly had another idea!

As a big thinker with active thinking, two first-level gems can be fused into one second-level gem. Why not try to fuse two second-level gems again?

Now four C-level ninjutsu have been fused to give him two B-level ninjutsu!

So, what if these two B-level ninjutsus were combined again?

"System, I want to fuse the 'Wind and Fire Gun' and 'Broken Wind and Dragon Fire'’!"

【Back to the host, the fused ninjutsu needs to be incremented if further fusion is required.】

"What's the meaning?"

【For example 2×C=B, then 3×B=A、4×A=S】

The system would play math whenever they disagreed, but fortunately Sakuyue had enough brains and was not as smart as Obito.

"I see! In other words, if I want to use 'Fusion Ninjutsu' to fuse again, I need at least three 'Fusion Ninjutsu'. I happen to have three of them now, give me a try to fuse them!"

【Ding! The host lacks three fusion permissions or [Multiple Fusion Cards]! Please check!】

"Mud, seeing that I am about to master thunder and lightning, are you going to do this for me? Why haven't you said that before?"

【Because the condition is not triggered】

"How do I get permission and what card is that?"

【When the host is promoted to Chuunin, three fusion permissions will be unlocked; [Multiple Fusion Cards] can be obtained randomly by signing in!】

"Fuck your cock! This has become a mandatory bundled sign-in!"

Now Shuo Yue finally understands that before breaking the system, he deliberately put the word 'sign in' at the end, which seemed insignificant, but now it seems that even if he signs off for one day, it won't work!

Anything weird and important will be destroyed. You have to sign in and be lucky to get it!

In desperation, he can only temporarily put the three fusions on and open the daily tasks. Only by completing the daily tasks can you sign in!

The system is really an old sow wearing a hood, one set after another!

【Daily task list -

1. Walk upside down and circle Konoha Village 10 times: Reward fusion times * 1

2. Leap frog 5000 steps: Reward fusion times * 1

3. Defeat any student of the same level: Reward fusion times * 1

4. Flirting with any beautiful woman: Reward number of fusions * 1]

The first two items were written by Matt Dai by default, but looking at the last two items, Shuo Yue's smile gradually became more gentlemanly.

It can be said that there is no pressure on him to defeat any of his classmates.

Not to mention that in the ninja school, even Hatake Kakashi, who has graduated, is no match for him now!

That white-haired kid is just relying on his sword skills now. If they fight, they will definitely be killed! Definitely not 50/50!

However, everything in the world can be simple, who wants to be complicated?

He already has a candidate in mind!

After leaving the training ground, he ran directly towards Obito's home.

Obito did not live in the family mansion, but lived in Konoha's residence like an ordinary ninja.

Perhaps due to his talent, Uchiha Fugaku didn't want to bring him back after his parents died.

Shuo Yue did not take the usual route, jumped up to the window and opened it, only to find that the house was empty.

"Alas, the number one licking dog must have gone again!"

Sighing sadly, Sakuyue already understood where Obito would go!

The Nohara family can only be regarded as an ordinary family in Konoha Village.

Their popularity is not as good as that of beating a family with their own hands!

But Sakuyue is at their doorstep, I saw Obito.

After all, he was a man with a handle, so how could he live like a dog?

"Bring the dog, oh no, Obito!!"Shuo Yue yelled from a distance.

On the street, you still have to save some face for your cousin. Take the dog with you. It's okay to bark in private, but you can't bark in public.

Hearing the sound, he was chatting awkwardly with Nohara Rin. Obito quickly turned around and stood up straight with some embarrassment.

"Hey, hey, New Moon? I happen to be passing by here. Do you want to go eat ramen with me?"

"If you don’t eat it, the fate of eating ramen in Konoha Village will be bad!"

As Obito came over, there were two girls, Nohara Lin and her best friend.

"Sakutsu-kun, did you come all the way to see Obito? Do you want to play with us for a while?"

"Eh? Lin? Didn't you just say you didn't want to play with me?"

"Did I say that?"

"Didn't you say that?"Obito said and started to argue.

Seeing Obito's clumsy ability to flirt with girls, Sakuyue hid his face and lamented, when will this brother grow up?

"Well, I have something to do with Obito. Can you lend Obito to me and return it to you tomorrow?"Shuo Yue said.

After hearing what Shuo Yue said, Nohara Lin suddenly blushed nervously and quickly clarified:"Huh? Why don't you give it back to me? Shuoyue-kun, don't talk nonsense. I didn't let Obito do it!"

Lin... blushed...

Obito was stunned.

This is a view he couldn't get even with all his strength!

"Obito, let's go, I'll take you to training. Only when you become better will girls admire you!"

"Lin... so beautiful……"

Looking at Obito being dragged away by Shi Gengsheng, Nohara Lin took her best friend's hand and whispered:"Sakutsuki-kun, you are so hardworking. You are already so good, and you still work so hard every day!" It was a great pleasure to read the book on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Grab a deposit now (activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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