Didn’t Shuoyue go buy oranges?

Is it to bargain with the three generations of Mekazekage, but kill people?

“Shuoyue, what’s going on with you and Wind Shadow!”

In Konoha Village, the high-level side is aware of the kidnapping of the water stopper, and Senju Mohua can be regarded as the last high-level person.

In the end, that matter is the fault of the three generations of wind shadows.

She also knows that whether or not war breaks out in the future, Konoha and Sunahide are hostile!

However, this kung fu of buying an orange will kill the wind shadow of the people?

Shuo Yue did not answer Qianshou Mohua’s question, but set his sights on the three generations of wind shadows.

This is a shadow, equivalent to a boss, and the items that burst out are much brighter than those miscellaneous ninjas!

Among them, there is a golden legend!

【Blood Succession Boundary: Magnetic Escape】

Secondly, there are the secret techniques of sand and iron and some miscellaneous ninjutsu.

Pick these things up one by one, and Shuo Yue is satisfied.

killed three generations of wind shadows and relieved the breath in his heart; Burst his blood succession limit, rejoice!

One word summary: cool!

“Yes, did you two kill three generations of Kazekage-sama?” Senju Mohua asked with a frown.

After all, it is the shadow of a village, and after killing, it will cause a series of chain reactions!

What makes her care more is that just these two people killed the three generations who were known as the strongest wind shadows in history?

The Red Sand Scorpion was unfamiliar, and the corpses of the three generations of wind shadows who were always looking away from it, disdained to answer this question.

Shuo Yue thought for a while, then explained: “We didn’t kill it, just now Lord Wind Shadow walked here, and suddenly died of heat.” ”

Heat to death?

Are you too lazy to make up lies with your heart now?

Thousand Hands Mohua sighed, in front of this kid, she didn’t know when, she had become only accepting reality!

Unable to refute!

Powerless to educate!

You can only follow him!

“Lord Shuoyue… Awesome! “Uchiha Mai who follows behind him doesn’t know why, so he will only follow as a licking dog.

As for Sunset Red, it will always be on his side!

Seeing this, Qianshou Mohua sighed helplessly, “Alas, let’s go quickly!” If a nearby ninja finds us, the situation will not be good! ”

“I’m the ninja of Sunahi.” The Red Sand Scorpion suddenly said.

“Huh? Aren’t you a rebel? ”

“Oh, I mean, although I am a traitor, I can prove that we did not kill the honorable Sandaimei-sama, we just fought with him, and he himself himself off.”


“Scorpion, the way you speak, like a big artist!”

“Shuoyue, we have to go!” Senju Mohua urged.

The mission has been completed, and there are still unexpected gains.

He didn’t want to linger in the desert now, “Okay, scorpion, see you again!” ”

When the words fell, everyone in Konoha rushed in the direction of the Fire Nation.

Looking at the back of their departure, the Red Sand Scorpion was full of yearning.

“I really want to make him my puppet…”

If it is a competition ability, it is obvious that Shuoyue’s blood succession limit is stronger!

However, looking at the miserable situation of the three generations of wind shadows under his feet, the red sand scorpion can only be reaped when it is good.

Looking at the inexhaustible ghost flame not far away, he silently left with the body of the wind shadow.


【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the blood succession limit – magnetic escape! 】

Shuo Yue has always felt that magnetic retreat is a very powerful blood succession limit.

Whether in the era of cold weapons or the era of hot weapons, metal is indispensable in people’s utensils.

It’s just that several magnetic ninjas in Sand Hidden Village use magnetic ninjas like a younger brother!

Actually use magnetic escape to control sand iron and placer gold, that’s all.

The way they control is actually to gather small into large and use volume to deal with enemies!

That’s just stupid!

Isn’t it easier to deal with the enemy with a smaller size?

For example, is the sand iron condensed into an iron cone, or is it spread out with fine sand iron flowing into the opponent’s body and attacking strong in its body?

A good magnetic escape is still used as a five-attribute escape technique!

It’s a pity that in this ninja world, the ability of Magneto is not excellent, otherwise, he really wants to be a Magneto!

“System, can you help me see, what is better to fuse with this magnetic escape?”

[Back to the host, any unit and any unit in this system can be fused! ] 】

“What’s the difference between what you said and what you didn’t!”


“Forget it, throw it first, and wait for me to explode to the Blood Succession Limit next time, and the three of them will fuse one by one!”

The three blood succession limits fused, and he didn’t know what strange things would come out of the fusion.

However, I heard that the fusion of the three attributes of the earth shadow will make a dust and blood succession elimination, if the three blood succession limit realms are fused, wouldn’t it be directly hanging the sky?

The bitter and humble technique that exists in the theatrical version is to absorb blood and follow the boundary, claiming that he can not die by absorbing five.

If he followed this, then he would directly fuse the five blood succession limits, wouldn’t he be able to directly go and play cards with Kaguya Niangniang?

After returning to the village, the eighth class reported truthfully.

It was on the issue of three generations of wind shadows that several people firmly said that he was passing by and dying of heat.

This reason made the ape flying sun chop and puff of smoke.

The descendants of his former teammates have already killed even the strongest wind shadow in history, what else can stop him?

Uchiha Kagami is still just a thinker, and Sarutobi now feels that this son may not be able to become a strong person like Uchiha in the future!

Of course, the mention of Uchiha here is only taken out to make a strength positioning.

If Shuoyue really became a person like Uchiha, Ape Flying Sun would be able to cry out for the New Year!

Without further ado, there is now a very serious question before us.

That is, in today’s international situation, Yunyin and Yanyin are both stinky tempers, and they are too lazy to explain to anyone, and the posture is about to start!

The Land of Fire and the Land of Wind often have trade, but the practice of the Sand Hidden Wind Shadow is very unpleasant and has formed a bond.

Coincidentally, at this time, a country’s top combat power has been damaged, and now even if the ape flying sun does not want to start a war, the daimyo’s side will exert pressure!

In other words, there is no need to wait for the Sand Hidden side to be held accountable, and the Konoha Ninja Village in the Land of Fire must take the initiative to prepare military strength!

Prepare for war!

Well, some ninja groups are about to adjust again!

It is good to bring the old with the new, but if in a frontal war, the 3+1 group will definitely not work.

In this way, Hokage’s workload has increased a lot!

“It’s time to try to get Orochimaru to help with these official duties, and if after this war, Konoha Village can still maintain the state it is today, let Orochimaru take over my old man’s class!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper invisibly neutralized an extreme flag.

Then, he got up and walked towards the place where the big snake pill was stationed.

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