Faint blue thunder and lightning began to linger above his palm, and the sound that came out was like a thousand birds chirping in unison!

“Thunder Thunder Chidori!”

Shuo Yue stabbed the palm wrapped in thunder towards a boulder, and the boulder shattered in response!

Looking at this scene, Shuo Yue shook his head in disappointment, “Hey, it seems that the power of the thunder developed by just a flash of spiritual light is really unsatisfactory!” ”

Kakashi behind him, looking at this scene, has long glared at the dead fish’s eyes!

A flash of light?



The thunder that is powerful enough to shatter a boulder in an instant, actually said that the power is not satisfactory?

Everyone is a genius in the ninja school, don’t lie to me here!”

That flashing thunder light seemed to be engraved in Kakashi’s mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt an inexplicable affinity!

Obviously, this powerful thunder was not invented by him, but he always felt that he had lost something!

Since the last fiasco, he has questioned his swordsmanship.

Is it strong ninjutsu, or is his sword art strong?

The answer he came to was that Shuo Yue had just won by virtue of powerful ninjutsu!

Therefore, he was also practicing ninjutsu during this time, and he also had the idea of developing ninjutsu himself.

However, developing ninjutsu at this stage is too difficult for him!

However, someone did it!

Kakashi looked at Shuoyue’s back in disbelief, and said tremblingly, “You, is this a ninjutsu that you developed yourself?!” ”

Hearing this, Shuo Yue turned around and said with a smile: “Have you seen this kind of thunder ninjutsu elsewhere?” ”

“No, I haven’t seen it!”

Kakashi, who was still angry just now and wanted to fight with Shuotsuki, was already full of shame at this time.

He was originally a defeated subordinate of others, and since he thought that after his hard practice, he would be able to regain his confidence.

But, the reality is harsh!

“This Lei Dun is still too weak to be very practical…” said Shuo Yue to herself.

But Kakashi, who heard this, immediately vetoed, “No, this thunder ninjutsu of yours is very strong!” ”

“I said it’s weak!”

“No, it’s strong!”

“Are you sick, I developed my own ninjutsu, I said too weak is there a problem?” Shuo Yue was crying and laughing.

Chrono Pirate Ninja – Uchiha Shugetsu, uninvited!

It was clear that he was using ninjutsu, but Kakashi was more anxious than him!

Looking at Kakashi’s sad look, Shuoyue couldn’t be more cool in his heart!

So, he changed another spell seal, and the same thunder and lightning began to condense in his palm!

This time, there was no longer the sound of a thousand birds chirping in unison, the thunder and lightning became more pure, and the power of that chakra was terrifying even if it stood three meters away!

Kakashi was like seeing some kind of immortal, and the whole person was frozen in place, only the pure thunder and lightning in his eyes!

Just listening, Shuoyue said softly: “Lei Dun Ratchet!” ”

Once again, swing his arm towards the boulder, and this time, the power is much stronger than that of Chidori!

Shuo Yue flicked his somewhat paralyzed right hand, Chidori and Ratchet, they were all initially used by him according to the principle of magic seals and ninjutsu, and the first time they used it, the power was too much worse! It can’t even be used in real combat!

Nevertheless, it also opened the eyes of Kakashi behind him.

Have you ever seen a ninja who developed two powerful Thunder Ninjutsu in the blink of an eye?

Kakashi has seen it!

At this moment, Shuo Yue’s status in his heart rose sharply!

Think about the time when in the ninja school, everyone knew that there were two geniuses of equal names, one son of White Fang, and one Uchiha.

As a result, it was finally he who was one step ahead and graduated from ninja school!

At that time, he felt that he had won, that he had overcome that Uchiha!

But who would have thought that graduating from the ninja school was nothing at all, and the two of them would still be carried out at the same time!

As a result, he became an opponent in the examination room!

From the beginning, he decided that this scumbag, who had just graduated from the ninja school, could not be his ‘senior’s opponent.

I never expected that in the field of swordsmanship, which he was best at, he would lose without even having a chance to fight back!

That knife was like drawing a dividing line between two people!

From before that, he felt that he was the winner and felt that he was better than this Uchiha!

Since then, he has recognized his status and began to cultivate hard, wanting to regain his honor!

Until today, he found out that he was completely wrong!

What to regain its former glory!

Uchiha Shuoyue’s talent has simply been crushing him!

Both Kakashi and Kakashi, Ho Sheng Uchiha Shuoyue!


“Hey, Kakashi, how about you look at my thunder, do you want me to have a discussion?”

Shugetsu’s voice stunned Kakashi back to his senses.

Compare notes?

Kakashi shook his head weakly, “Forget it, I’m not your opponent. ”

“Huh? Didn’t you just clamore to fight me? ”

“I didn’t, maybe you heard something wrong.”

“No, I heard it!”

“No, you heard it!”

Shuo Yue pouted helplessly, Ratchet is a powerful ninjutsu that can cut off thunder and lightning, but he can only cut stones now, and it will take a lot of time to master this technique.

Exhibiting it and using it in actual combat are completely different things!

Since Kakashi was unwilling to fight with him, he could only cultivate slowly by himself!

On this day, Kakashi did nothing, just sat quietly in the shade of the tree and watched Shuzuki practice ninjutsu for a day.

On this day, he thought more about not ninjutsu, but philosophy.

Why is there such a big gap between people?!


Three days later.

Bofeng Shuimen finally returned from the mission.

Shuo Yue has long been squatting in front of his house!

As soon as he saw the Wave Feng Shui Gate, Shuo Yue threw a bitter past.

Of course, it’s just ordinary Ku Wu, if you blow up someone’s house with an explosion Ku Wu, according to the rules of Konoha Village, you will definitely have to compensate!

Bofeng Shuimen easily dodged this dark weapon, and then looked back at Shuoyue in surprise.

“Are you?” He smiled without hesitation, “Is there something going on?” Shuo Yue-kun? ”

For this generosity, Shuo Yue also said very politely: “Wave wind Shinobu, I have a question I want to ask you!” ”

“Well! Hey! Bofeng Shuimon scratched the back of his head, squinted his eyes and smiled, “I’ll treat you to Ichiraku ramen, and I’ll talk about it after eating!” ”

Ichiraku ramen is the signature delicacy of Konoha Village, and because the store is small, there are often long queues!

In order to save time, Shuoyue decisively pointed to the barbecue restaurant next door and said, “Wave wind Shinobu, let’s go eat barbecue!” I treat you! ”

Bofeng Shuimen pinched his money bag, a little helpless, “Let’s go!” ”

He is not afraid of jokes when he says it, he feels that he is a superior ninja, and he may not have a middle ninja and money!

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