Konoha Ninja Village.

Hinata’s mansion.

Kyoko Hinata sat silently in front of a man with extraordinary demeanor.

“Kyoko, you don’t have to doubt yourself.”

“Brother Hinata, I don’t believe it’s an illusion!”

Although Hinata Hiashi is called the elder brother, Kyoko and Hiashi are not related, but only the honorific title of the clan family.

“But it was really an illusion. It’s also an illusion I’ve never seen before. Hinata recalled today’s experience.

Today, I happened to be free in the village, and I happened to meet someone from the Uchiha clan who came into contact with Kyoko Hinata.

At that time, he did not show up, because it seemed that he was just a child and there was no threat.

However, when he saw that he had scare away Hinata Kyoko’s teammates with his magic alone, he immediately became interested.

Soon, Kyoko Hinata also struck!

However, her attack trajectory is strange!

It is clear that the attack will not fall short, but it is all in the air!

This kind of low-level to infant-level mistake will definitely not happen to a qualified ninja!

So, he opened his eyes and took a closer look!

In his field of vision, that Uchiha family’s Shuoyue, its chakra eyes have been running, and even Chakra has turned cyan!

He immediately sensed that it was an illusion, but he couldn’t see anything unusual about the flow of chakra on Kyoko Hinata’s body!

After the average illusion ninja has unleashed the illusion, he will stand still or walk up and kill enemies who have sunk in the illusion. But that boy is different, he is still fighting with Hinata Kyoko, but Kyoko’s appearance is more like being teased!

Fearing that there would be unknown dangers in the development of things, he came out of the shadows and wanted to stop it.

But the little ghost of the Uchiha family on the other side is very exciting!

As soon as he sensed his chakra, he immediately retreated!

“Kyoko, based on your description, I guess it’s probably directly into your brain to manipulate, so you don’t feel that you have fallen for illusion! His illusion does not directly attack you, but makes you have a series of illusions, combining illusion with reality, which is simply volitional manipulation… What a terrifying pupil technique! ”

Listening to Hinata Hiashi’s analysis, Hinata Kyoko sat in place and did not react for a long time.

She couldn’t even figure out what kind of person she met today!

According to Hinata Hinata, that damn rogue simply created a whole new art and created a new school of illusion!

How could this leave her unbeaten!

“Brother Hiashi, thank you today, please keep this matter secret for me, I will definitely take revenge on that damn one!”


“Senior, is there a sentence I don’t know if I should say it?” Shuo Yue asked to Materday.

“Whatever the problem, just ask me! I promise to guide the teenager out of the confusion! Mater Dai patted his chest and said.

Shuo Yue stopped temporarily, “I want to learn the Eight Gates of Dun Jia!” ”

“!!!” Mat Dai’s expression changed drastically, his eyes stared directly at Shuo Yue, and his expression was really terrifying!

“Well, if it doesn’t work, forget it, I’m not forcing it…”

“Woooooo Shuo Yue was halfway through his words, and was startled by Mater Dai’s psychopath-like cry, “Shuo Yue! Can I really pass this on to you? Don’t you really dislike ?! ”

The technique of Eight Doors Dun Jia was invented by the second generation of ninja scientist Hokage, and according to its learning difficulty, it can only be regarded as A-grade ninjutsu!

But the power of this technique is undoubtedly undoubted, just the first door can make the ninja exert 100% of his physical ability, and his strength and speed will be greatly improved!

However, after three doors, this technique will cause great damage to the body! Especially the meridians!

Once the meridians are broken, they will change from a ninja to a waste who is not even as good as a civilian!

Weighing the pros and cons, not many people will major in such a technique!

It’s just that the Matt family has neither the Blood Succession Limit nor a good talent in ninjutsu, and they want to become excellent ninjas, they have no choice!

You can only strengthen your body through this hellish exercise, in order to bear the heavy price of the Eight Gate Dun Jia!

Wound the enemy by a thousand, self-damage by eight hundred!

Mater Dai thought about passing on this technique to his son Matkai in the future, so that he could become a good ninja.

But I didn’t expect that one day, someone would still want to learn this technique!

Moreover, this person is still the all-round genius Uchiha Shuoyue!

Others are excited!

And Matt Dai, a psychopath, cried directly!

“Shuoyue, can I really teach this technique to you?”

“Uh, didn’t I ask you? How it feels like you’re begging to teach me! ”

“Yes! If you want, I will teach you even if I beg you! Mater Dai hugged Shuoyue’s thigh and said with tears in his eyes, this is not teaching ninjutsu to him, but preaching!

After four months of contact with Shuo Yue, he knew very well what kind of child this was, and when it came to talent, Akai was definitely incomparable.

Even in terms of hard work, Shuoyue is even more than Akai!

His appreciation of this person is already equal to that of his son!

In the future, if this person can prove with Akai that his persistence is meaningful, then he will die without regrets!

A story of being at the bottom of a ninja, a frog at the bottom of a well fighting the sea.

Shuo Yue was quite embarrassed by Metday, he first picked up Materdai, and then said: “Senior, I want to learn the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, please teach it to me!” ”

“Ah! This is youth!! Shuo Yue, I can teach you this technique, but you must promise me that you are not allowed to open the fourth door until you become a superior Shinobi!” Mater Day said with rare seriousness.

Shuo Yue knew that the third gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia had already exerted its physical potential to the extreme, and it was out of a safe boundary!

Further opening the fourth door is equivalent to crossing this safety boundary, although it will gain stronger power, but it is also overload and will cause harm to the body!

As for the fifth and sixth gates, that will only multiply its own damage!

And the final eighth gate, that is really the ‘door of death’!

Matt Dai is doing this for the good of the moon.

“I see, I will comply!” He replied.

“Very good! So let’s move on to the practice of youth now! After that, go and learn the Eight Gates of Dun Jia! ”

In this regard, Shuo Yue did not have any objections, after all, his current daily task was not over.

Without having to say it, he will continue to do so!

The cultivation of the Eight Gates Dun Jia is not difficult, what is difficult is this hellish training!

Without this precondition, the average person may not even be able to open the first door!

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