The next day, after entering the ninja school, he did not go to the classroom, but went straight to the principal’s office.

The system says that he can only open the next permission if he is promoted to Naka-ninja.

Only those who graduate from ninja school in advance and obtain the qualification for shinobi can go to the assessment of ninja.

The process is a must.

This headmaster of the ninja school is an old man, Shuo Yue is not familiar with it, according to rumors, this principal is still a middle ninja, but in Shuo Yue’s opinion, he can’t stop his fusion ninjutsu!

“Uchiha Shugetsu?”

“Yes, Headmaster.” Shuo Yue said expressionlessly, sometimes let these people think that he is an unreasonable Uchiha clan with nostrils pointing to the sky, but it is easy to do things!

“Early graduation application… That, your grades are indeed passed, I can pass here, but I still need to report, you go back to the class for the time being and wait for news! ”

Before Kakashi, the principal was already very proficient in early graduation applications, and he was even more pleased with this batch of students.

Those who have the ability to graduate early, those are the elite of the elite!

A class of students can send several elites to Konoha Village, and he has a light on his face!

Shuo Yue nodded, since he went through the process, he could not avoid various procedures, and he had already been mentally prepared.

Similarly, when you become a true ninja, the amount of Konoha pension you can receive will change.

No matter how old you are, as long as Konoha decides that you are already a ninja, then you have the ability to be self-reliant.

This is also the reason why he is known as a genius parallel to Kiki Kakashi, but he is slow to graduate early.

Who wants to work hard to earn money if they can lie down and receive money!

But the system forced him to.

“Yes, then Headmaster, I step down.”

“Go, Shuoyue.”

Back in the class, the teacher did not have any complaints about Shuoyue’s lateness.

Instead, his face was full of pride.

Qimu Kakashi’s white hair has graduated, and Shuoyue, this child, is more psychologically mature, and the graduation assessment must be 100% passed!

In this way, under his hands alone, there are two well-known geniuses almost at the same time, say it, in the circle of teachers, can it not be bullish?

Isn’t it just a casual way to ask a female teacher to come out and discuss learning?

As soon as he returned to his seat, Obito, who had not yet disappeared the lump on his face, came over with a thief.

“Old watch, I heard that you went to the principal’s office? Don’t be afraid, I didn’t say that you hit me, I just said that I hit it myself, and the principal will not punish you! ”

“Ah, Obito-san, you are such an egg man!”

Shuoyue was inexplicably a little moved, how much like the kind of iron buddies when he was a child!

“Hehe, I went back yesterday and thought about it, you are also to train me, I can’t blame you!”

And lo and behold, what a baby!

It’s a pity for such a person not to be a Hokage!

“Obito, do you want to catch up with Kiki Kakashi? Or even surpass him? Shuo Yue suddenly asked, as an old watch, he wanted to pull the soil with a hand.

Obito has always had two obsessions, the first is to chase after Nohara Rin, and the second is to surpass Kakashi.

The first one has too many uncontrollable factors, but the second, he has to say the handle, that can definitely help bring soil!

“Beyond Kakashi?! Me me me, of course I thought! ”

“Then you have to open the Sharingan!”

Obito’s physical skills and ninjutsu qualifications are limited, and it is impossible to catch up with Kakashi if he relies on systematic training alone.

But Obito is not an ordinary person, he is a Uchiha clan, and writing wheel eyes is his biggest advantage!

It is often said that the Uchiha family left the Sharingan, what is it? Hehe!

But Shuoyue really feels that this statement is a bit shabi, what is it that the Uchiha clan left the Sharingan? So what is it that the ninja left Chakra? What is it for humans to leave the air?

It is clear that there is talent and will not be used, that is the younger brother!

Obito is naturally also very yearning for the Sharingan, and he wears goggles every day to protect his eyes.

“Sharingan?! I want to open it too, but unfortunately I still don’t feel anything! ”

Hearing this, Shuoyue smiled mysteriously and said, “Sometimes, we can use some extraordinary means!” ”

“Huh?” Obito expressed doubt.

Shuo Yue didn’t answer, he planned to wait until he turned on the Sangou Jade, and then cast an illusion spell on Obito to force him to open the Sharingan.

It’s just that now he is also a jade, only increased his detection ability, and he does not have such a strong illusion ability.

Just as the two were talking, a string of footsteps sounded outside the classroom, and it was the principal that Shuo Yue had just met.

The principal also had a strange ninja beside him.

And seeing the principal come to the classroom in person, the first person who became nervous was no one else, it was Obito.

He swore and said to Shuoyue: “Don’t worry, old watch, I will never tell the principal that you beat me for more than ten minutes, nor will I tell him that you beat me with your fist to make me bleed my nose!” ”

“I believe you’re a ghost!”

“Don’t worry!”

However, the principal’s opening did not seem to meet Obito’s expectations.

“That, excuse me.” The principal said politely to the teacher on the podium, and then said to Shuoyue on the seat, “Uchiha Shuoyue, your application has passed, now come and participate in the assessment!” ”

“Huh? Huh?! Obito stared at Shuo Yue with an exaggerated expression, “Wait, wait, what the hell did you apply for?!” ”

This is different from what you imagined, dear!

Shouldn’t the headmaster be here to deal with fights?

How did it become what the hell did the application pass or something?

Shuoyue smiled slightly and patted Obito’s shoulder, “Nothing, just an early graduation application.” ”

“Early graduation application? Nothing more?! ”

Because Obito was extremely emotionally unstable, the voice was heard by everyone in the classroom.

Originally, Shuo Yue wanted to leave low-key, but now, it seems that everyone’s eyes are staring at him like a glowing light!

“I’m Buddha! Kakashi graduated because of that, and now Sazuki-kun is leaving, we are so stressed! A certain boy complained.

“Yes, in the same class, everyone else is so good, and we are all like crane tails!”

“Ahhhhhhh I knew my Shuzuki was no worse than Kakashi! ”

“What is your Shuoyue! It’s obviously my Shuoyue! ”

“Get out! Aren’t you Chef Kakashi?! Hum! ”


No matter what, Shuoyue ignored these sometimes envious and sometimes sour classmates, and left the classroom with the principal.

The graduation assessment is very simple, as long as the usual grades pass, then you only need to assess the transformation technique, the avatar technique, and the substitute technique.

If you succeed, then you can get the lower ninja forehead.

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