[The system introduction has been completed, please pay attention to receive a newbie package! ] 】

“Not bad, this system is quite authentic!”

【Ding! You get the Beginner Pack: +1 Fusion, +1 Lucky Grass, +1 Common Ninjutsu Scroll

Looking at a ninjutsu scroll that appeared out of thin air in his hand, Shuo Yue did not have any doubts, such as this, isn’t this the basic operation of the system!

However, the so-called ‘lucky grass’ made him a little puzzled, since it did not appear in his hands, it meant that it was a virtual prop.

“Is it that four-leaf clover on top of the green head?”

[Lucky Grass]: Increases the success rate of fusion by 10%, and cannot be reused.

This is the answer given by the system.

Since this kind of prop has appeared, it seems that the success rate of fusion should be very low!

“System, let me ask the question, what is the success rate of fusion?”

[Back to the host, according to different fusion levels, the success rate will change differently, such as fusion D-level ninjutsu, the success rate is more than 90%; Fusion S-level ninjutsu, the success rate is below 15%. 】

“Your system must not be made by some fox company! So if I fuse the blood snare, is the success rate 1%? ”

[If the host is not confident in his luck, he can increase the success rate through props, Lucky Grass (10%), Lucky Orb (25%), Extreme Rate Pearl (100%)… These items can be obtained by checking in! 】

Shuo Yue nodded and realized a very serious problem, that is, ‘signing in’ is too important!

“Ma Dan, remember to check in even if you don’t eat in the future!”

After reading this, his gaze returned to the scroll in his hand.

[Common Ninjutsu Scroll]: A scroll tailored to the host, 100% of which best matches the host.

As the elder brother of Shuishui, Shuoyue’s talent is naturally not bad, he has tested his Chakra attribute for a long time, and like Shuishui, it is the three systems of fire, wind, and thunder.

In addition, he also learned the art of fireballs, which the Uchiha family must learn.

However, due to the age limit, there will only be such a ninjutsu at present, and the rest of the time, you can only practice the art of shuriken.

As for physical skills… How tired it is, it can be used as an artillery battery, and it is definitely not cannon fodder! This is a basic rule of salted fish moon!

As long as Chakra is more, using Chakra feedback to enhance the body, can also increase his own speed, so that even if there is a ninja close, he can quickly escape!

“Let me Kang Kang Kang this ninjutsu scroll open what treasure!”

Slowly unfolding the ninjutsu scroll, one after another tadpole-like fonts wanted to come to life, shining with white light, Shuoyue only felt that there was an instant more ninjutsu in his mind.

[You have obtained the C-level Thunder Ninjutsu – Thunder Ball. 】

Although it is only a C-level ninjutsu, Shuo Ye is already content, with his current amount of Chuck, a more advanced ninjutsu will drain his small body plate at one time, in case of a miss, he can only lie on the ground and be disposed of!

It’s better to have one more skill that can be used, one more guarantee.

Moreover, he has another chance to integrate!

“System, just gave me the number of fusions, right, I want to fuse my fire and thunder ninjutsu, by the way, after fusion, the original ninjutsu will not disappear, right?”

[No, will the host host start fusing now?] 】


【Ding! Add the Fire Ball Technique! Grade C].

【Ding! Add Thunderball Thunderball! Grade C].

[The success rate of integration is 70%, does integration start?] 】

“Melt it!”

With a mixer-like sound in his head, soon, a brand new ninjutsu came out!

[Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing and obtaining the Ninjutsu Purple Star Wave Flame Flame Explosion Zero Style! ] Ninjutsu Level – Not Evaluated! 】

Shuo Yue closed his eyes and felt the new ninjutsu fused, from the principle to the inferred manifestation, the power is probably not weaker than the B-level ninjutsu, but the Chakra spent is only the consumption of a huge fireball!

That’s perfect!

Only, what the hell is the name?

Is it a reference to the name Ghost Wave Feng Shuimen SAMA?

“System, just rename ninjutsu and call it ‘Ninjutsu Thunder Explosion’!”

[Name change successful.] 】

Although he now really wanted to find a place to test the true power of the new ninjutsu, time was no longer allowed!

Because he coaxed the water to fall asleep, he wasted a lot of time, plus the system was so delayed just now, he was late for school at noon!

The prep bell has rung, and if you don’t arrive at the classroom before the official bell rings, there will be a lot of trouble!

Glancing at Shisui again, Shuotsuki quickly locked the door and rushed towards the ninja school.

A ninja, even if he has not yet obtained the qualification for the next ninja, the speed of carrying the chakra is far faster than the world long-distance running champion.

The moment he stepped through the classroom door, the ringing of the official bell came like a tail.

Shuo Yue wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, took a few sharp breaths, usually did not pay attention to physical cultivation, this is the end!

Yes, the lesson is profound, but just don’t change!

The teacher on the podium glanced at Shuo Yue, thinking that he didn’t know anything, and he didn’t dare to ask anything.

Every teacher prefers the top students in the class, who doesn’t want a ninja of the level of Sanshin to appear under their name in the future?

In his class, there are two students who can make him infinitely tolerant.

One is the little white hair of the Qimu family, and the other is Shuoyue.

But a few days ago, Kakashi had graduated early, and now, there is only such a baby left in the class!

“Shuoyue-san, get back to your seat!”

The classrooms of the ninja school are very large, obviously the scale is like a multi-purpose teaching hall, but there are not many students present, and there is often a considerable gap between the same table.

Shuo Yue grinned and found a seat in the back row, because he was tired from coaxing the water and needed to take a nap.

However, before he sat down on the bench and was not warm, a sand sculpture with goggles next to him reached out and poked him.

“Hey! Feed! Cousin! ”

Shuo Yue turned his head with an unhappy expression, “Take the dog, climb for the master!” ”

People in the Hokage world have an average of early love, early marriage, early childbearing and early birth.

And now that he is nearly seven years older than Shisui, his parents’ world line has long changed, so the oni has almost become cousins with the Uchiha Obito family.

“Wow, old watch, I decided not to be a dog today, I’m going to confess to Lin!”

“Go, success counts as a loss!”

Speaking of Nohara Rin, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a daily task of teasing any beautiful woman!

A daily task, that’s a chance to integrate!

However, looking at the girls in the class, it seems to be completely in line with the iron law that ‘my class is full of ugly women’.

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