On the other side, Naruto Uzumaki, who came back from learning the Immortal Art in Miaomu Mountain, stared blankly at Yagyu who was beating the Ten Tails.


Naruto Uzumaki began to doubt life.

The immortal arts he had learned so much and painstakingly didn't seem to be comparable to the power that Liu Sheng showed.

The concubine Gaara was killed by the people of Xiao's organization, which brought a great impact to Naruto Uzumaki.

In addition, he himself was almost destroyed by the people of Xiao's organization, which made him start the study of immortality in advance.

Now that he has returned from his studies, he wants to show his talents and destroy the Xiao organization to avenge his beloved concubine.

As a result, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he saw such a picture of three broken views, which made Naruto Uzumaki a little autistic.

Sasuke Uchiha, who had just mastered the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker, stood outside Konoha Village with a hesitant expression on his face.

He came back here to take revenge on his brother by destroying Konoha Village, but what should he do if the enemy is so powerful that he violated the rules? Sasuke Uchiha felt that even if he had an eternal kaleidoscope, he would be useless in front of the man covered in golden light. .

"Liu Sheng-kun, your strength is indeed terrifying."

No. [*] Orochimaru stood outside Konoha Village, licked his lips and said with emotion.

"However, this time I am not unprepared."

"Even if you 1.

Six's strength is enough to match the ten tails, and I am also sure to snatch the Samsara Eye and the ten tails from your hands."

"Although I am not interested in Infinite Monthly Reading, I am interested in immortality!"

"After becoming the Ten-Tailed People's Pillar Force, and obtaining the Ten-Tails, that huge vitality should be able to live forever."

"Even if I can't live forever, it can keep me alive for a long, long time, enough for me to develop a method for immortality."

Orochimaru muttered to himself.

Finally, Yagyu suppressed Juwei, and Juwei's body shrank rapidly, leaving only the corpse of Uzumaki Nagato.

"The opportunity is here!"

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he used the psychic technique with his hands, and wooden coffins appeared behind him.

The wooden coffins rose from the ground, and then opened one after another, revealing the strong men who were reincarnated by the dirty soil.

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Chapter 122 I'm Not Interested In You!

The coffins of the reincarnation of the dirty earth were opened one after another, and there came out one after another strong reincarnated men with cracks all over their bodies.

Their bodies exude a powerful breath, and none of them are weak.

Standing in front of them are Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, both of them were wiped out of consciousness by Orochimaru, and only retained their fighting instinct.

Orochimaru made a seal with one hand and gave orders to the powerhouses who were reincarnated from the dirty earth.

Go and snatch Nagato's body! The most important thing is Samsara Eye and Ten Tails! Orochimaru already knows all the secrets of Ten Tails and Samsara Eye, and he wants to be the ten-tailed man Zhuli.

The overwhelming reincarnation powerhouse killed Liu Sheng, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"What is that turned out to be the reincarnation of filth!"

Tsunade's face changed, she could see the details of this group of reincarnated powerhouses.

"The first Hokage-sama, the second-generation Hokage-sama, the third-generation Hokage-sama, the fourth-generation Hokage-sama"

You Konoha Ninja's face was ugly, and he recognized an acquaintance in this group of reincarnated powerhouses.

"Woodun - The tree world is born!"

This group of reincarnated powerhouses doesn't care about the surprises and sighs of these ordinary people, the first Hokage of the reincarnation of the dirt will make a big move as soon as it comes up.

Infinite wooden Dunchuck 30 pulls surged in his body, the ground roared, and tenacious vines rose into the sky.

The hard soil was completely unbearable in front of them, and the entire earth was damaged by the overwhelming wood vines.

"Grandfather, Mu Dun"

Tsunade's face was extremely ugly, and his body retreated again and again to avoid Mu Dun's attack.

As the granddaughter of the original Hokage, Tsunade is well aware of the power of Mudun.

Especially this ninjutsu move, it changes the terrain with ease.


Liu Sheng quickly understood what was going on, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

As expected of Orochimaru, are you interested in Samsara Eye and Ten Tails, but just relying on these trash reincarnated from dirty soil can't steal Samsara Eye and Ten Tails from his hands.

Liu Sheng raised the mirror flower in his hand and waved it gently, and the sword energy like a tsunami roared out.

A group of reincarnated powerhouses in front of them were directly torn apart by this sword energy, and then quickly began to recover.

"Recovery is too slow!"

Liu Sheng said with a cold expression, and as soon as his body moved, he came to the side of these reincarnated powerhouses who were recovering.

Jinghua Shuiyue, raised high, without hesitation slashed at the bodies of these filthy reincarnated powerhouses.

Directly hit the blade of the soul, easily shattering the souls of these strong men.

After their souls were shattered, the ninjutsu of reincarnation from the dirty earth would have no effect.

Suddenly, a kunai was fired towards Liu Yu, and the kunai was marked with the family crest of the Qianshou clan.

Fei Lei Shen Slash! The moment Kunai approached Liu Sheng, a white-haired man appeared beside Fei Lei Shen Kuai.

It's Konoha's second Hokage! The second Hokage holds a sharp sword, and it doesn't...just like Liu Sheng's neck.

Liu Sheng looked at this scene with a cold expression, and the overwhelming spiritual pressure poured out from him.

The second Hokage was forced to retreat by the burst of spiritual pressure, and then Jinghua Shuiyue slashed at him.

"Second Hokage, never killed!"

Liu Sheng felt very excited, killing these filthy reincarnations would also provide him with unlocking Du.

Susanoo! Madara Uchiha used Susanoo, and the tall blue giant punched Yanagyu.

Liu Sheng swung the knife with a calm expression, and the huge Susanoo couldn't even hold his knife.

"Just kidding"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes widened, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Susanoo, who seemed almost invincible to him, was so vulnerable in front of Yagyu.

"Run for your life!"

Seeing Liu Sheng chopping vegetables and melons like slaughtering the powerhouses reincarnated from dirty soil, Orochimaru thought helplessly in his heart.

Originally, I thought of being a ten-tailed human Zhuli, but now it seems that I can forget it! Although after becoming a ten-tailed human Zhuli, it is very likely that I will gain immortality.

But Orochimaru felt that he was likely to be killed by Yanagyu before he became Ju-Tailed Zhuri.


At this time, Uchiha Obito had a look of absolute despair in his eyes.

Using the Kamui space as a cover, he touched Nagato's corpse.

Yagyu noticed Uchiha Obito's actions, but ignored him.

Because his current unlocking degree is not enough, it is not bad to sacrifice a Six Dao Obito next.

Looking at Madara Uchiha who was reincarnated in the dirt in front of him, a mockery flashed across Liu Yu's face, and he slashed without hesitation.

Kacha! Madara Uchiha's soul was beheaded by Yanagyu and turned into countless pieces.

Now even if Uchiha Obito wants to revive Uchiha Madara, that is impossible.

Tsunade looked at Liu Sheng with a complicated expression as he cut off all the incoming enemies, and finally let out a long breath.

With such amazing strength, it is no wonder that he can unify another ninja world.

"Nagato's body is gone"

Jiraiya was the first to notice the disappearing Nagato's corpse, and screamed in surprise.

Tsunade also changed his face and shouted: "Nagato has Samsara eyes and ten tails on his body, this is bad!"

Liu Sheng said calmly: "Don't worry, it's fine."

"Even if someone gets Samsara Eye and Ten Tails, they won't be my opponent."

"Besides, when will your kid hide from the Uchiha clan kid, come out!"

Liu Sheng cast his gaze not far away, Uchiha Sasuke came out of the shadows.


Naruto Uzumaki screamed with excitement, his expression excited.

Sasuke Uchiha was unmoved, his eyes fixed on Liu Sheng.

"Look at what I do 283. I have no interest in you."

Liu Sheng waved his hand casually, and said with a cold expression.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you are now Konoha Rebellion."

"What do you want to do when you go back to Konoha?"

Tsunade took out the momentum of the five generations of Hokage and questioned Sasuke Uchiha with a serious look.

"I wanted to ask you something, about Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha family."

"Did you order Uchiha Itachi to slaughter the entire Uchiha clan?"

Sasuke Uchiha said coldly, making Tsunade and the others' faces change.

"what are you saying"

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