Tsunade, who was processing the documents, raised his head and said solemnly, "Has the Akatsuki organization come?"

After learning that Yunyin Village was destroyed by Akatsuki, Steel Hand's heart became heavy.

The actions of Akatsuki's organization have shown their intentions, and they are determined to win the tailed beast.

And they have the power to destroy a large ninja village, almost no one in the ninja world can stop them.

And after they got the second and second tails and the eight tails of Yunyin Village, the next target is undoubtedly Konoha.

Akatsuki's organization once obtained the Nine-Tails Human Pillar Power, but was robbed by someone using a psychic technique.

The Akatsuki organization will definitely not give up, this time they will definitely kill the Konoha Village to snatch the nine tails.

"That's right, people from Xiao's organization are here."

"Should I deal with them directly, or go through the procedure and let you come first?"

Liu Sheng turned his head to look at Tsunade, and said with a relaxed expression.

"This is Konoha, and protecting Konoha is the responsibility of Konoha ninjas."

"Before we fall, leave it to us to protect Konoha!"

Tsunade pondered for a moment, then said solemnly.

"What if you can't take it anymore?"

Liu Sheng said with a half-smile but not a smile.

"When the time comes, I'll ask you to help."

Tsunade looked serious.

"Yes, but I have a question."

"You are not a close Tsunade in another world, I am.

to help you?"

Liu Sheng walked slowly to Tsunade and asked in a leisurely manner.

Tsunade stared at Liu Sheng with wide eyes, heaved up and down, and was choked with anger by Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng stepped forward with a smile on his face, suddenly blocked Tsuna, and the two separated after a while.

Tsunade stared at Liu Sheng, an unnatural blush flashed across his face, looking a little overwhelmed.

"I would be very distressed if this exact same face were thrown into the arms of another man.


Liu Sheng squeezed Tsunade's chin and said with a smile that was not a smile.

Boom! Just when Tsunade was at a loss, there was a loud explosion outside, and the attack organized by Akatsuki began.

The air force went first, and Deidara, riding a big white clay bird, invaded Konoha from the sky, and dropped clay bombs one after another to bombard Konoha's buildings.

Konoha's alarm suddenly sounded, and a large number of Konoha ninjas began to fight.

Unlike Yunyin Village, Konoha Village has air defense capabilities.

Sakai took out the scroll and drew an eagle, a super beast pseudo-painting! The eagle made of ink rose up into the sky, Sakai sat on it, and charged against Deidara in the sky.

The ninjas of the Nara clan used the secret technique of escapism to turn their shadows into black chains, and when the shadow of Deidara's big white bird flew in front of them, they suddenly bound it.


Deidara's face changed when he was throwing bombs, and the big white clay bird under his feet was not obeying.

Then Saii rushed over, and Deidara didn't care, laughed and took out another clay bird from the backpack.

The Nara family of ninjas below were very relieved to see Deidara's shadow emerging from the shadow of the big white clay bird.

They immobilized Deidara with shadow mimicry and watched him free fall.


"The type that has never been killed!"

In the distance, Liu Sheng saw that Deidara was about to end, and immediately became a human head dog, raising his hand to be a laser.

Before Deidara could show his ultimate art, he was taken away by a laser from Yagyu.

After killing Deidara, Yagyu's body turned into a light particle and disappeared, appearing in a street in Konoha Village in the blink of an eye.

Using the water escape ninjutsu, the dried persimmon shark defeated a group of Konoha ninjas who tried to stop him.

Just as he was about to move the battlefield, he saw the light particles condensed in front of him into the appearance of Yagyu.

"You are Yagyu from another world, I heard your name."

The dried persimmon ghost shark spoke in his unique tone, staring at Liu Sheng with a pair of dead fish eyes full of vigilance.

"Don't be so nervous! In another world, you are my disciple! Even your shark muscles are given to you by me."

Liu Sheng said with a calm expression and a calm tone.

"It's another world after all, what are you looking for me for?"

"If you want to recruit me, then you'd better not speak."

The dried persimmon ghost shark smiled and said with a firm expression.

"Is that so, what a pity!"

1 Liu Sheng sighed, and Jing Hua Shui Yue appeared in his hands.

"If that's the case, then I can only send you to die."

"You don't think I recruited you because of how important you are?"

"Don't be stupid, your dust strength is insignificant to me."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Sheng's body moved and appeared beside the dried persimmon ghost shark, Jinghua Shuiyue, and chopped down unceremoniously.

The shark muscle automatically protects the master, but was cut in two by Jing Hua Shuiyue, and together with the ghost shark who tried to stop Yagyu, he was beheaded with one sword.

"It's really sincere to go to Huangquan together with one knife and one knife!"

Liu Sheng sighed indifferently, and turned his attention to his character template.

After he killed the dried persimmon ghost shark, the flying section and the shark muscle, the new achievement allowed him to unlock the blue dye template to the level of 60%.

"Next, Nagato"

Yagyu looked into the distance, where Six Path Payne was fighting Konoha Ninja.

The scene at this time is different from the time when Six Path Payne invaded Konoha in the original book. The Hinata clan who should have left Konoha for a business trip stayed behind, and the physique expert Matekai is still there:.

Jirai was not killed in action, and they all knew about the information about Six Path Payne, and Konoha's side had a lot of advantages.

But this time, it was not only the six Payne who invaded, there were others who were eyeing them.

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Chapter 118 Six Paths Payne... The whole army was wiped out!

After Deidara and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark were killed by Yagyu, only Payne, Xiao Nan and Jiao were left to attack Konoha by Akatsuki.

Jiao: Du, this person needless to say, this is a very powerful person.

He was able to escape from the hands of Senju Hashirama, which has already explained a lot of problems.

Being able to take the initiative to join the opponent to work for the opponent when he can't beat Tiandao Payne further illustrates his character.

Jiao: They didn't rush to get ahead, but quietly watched Liu Dao Payne fight.

There are not many people in the Akatsuki organization now, and it is estimated that this battle will be the last battle of the Akatsuki organization.

Jiao: They all think that if Payne can win, it's not too late to add the icing on the cake.

If Payne is in danger, the corner doesn't mind falling into the trap, after all, he was forced to join.

Standing across from Six Path Payne are Matekai, Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Zilai also summoned the two immortal toads from Miaomu Mountain, and said in a heavy tone: "You guys help me buy some time, I want to enter the immortal mode."

Tsunade and Matekai both agreed and took the initiative to attack Liudao Payne.

Just like the previous routine, the three 3 Paynes who are not good at fighting stay on the big reincarnation-eyed flying beast in the sky, and look down to provide other Paynes with a small map.

Shura Dao Payne moved, all kinds of modern weapons appeared on him, and chainsaws emerged from behind him.

The chainsaw continued to rotate, making a chi chi sound, which sounded extremely terrifying, turning Shura Dao Payne into a hedgehog.

One after another rockets appeared on Shura Dao Payne's arm, and they were launched continuously.

The rocket with the tracking function hit Jiraiya, and Jiraiya ran without saying a word.

He can move when he enters the fairy mode, after all, his fairy mode is different from other people's fairy mode.

He only needs to summon two celestial toads, and he doesn't need the trouble of condensing natural energy.

Because, he will not condense natural energy at all.

The eight-door Dunjia - open! The sixth door - open! Green arrogance appeared on the surface of Matekai's body, and then he kept punching and bombarding, one after another burning gas bombs hit the hungry ghost Dao Payne past.

Towards the peacock! Matekai used taijutsu against the hungry ghost Dao Payne, which was a tactic that had been formulated long ago.

Do Payne, a hungry ghost who is good at absorbing chakra, is not very useful in front of Matekai.

Tiandao Payne wanted to stop it, and when he raised his hand, it was a shot of Shen Luo Tianzheng. The powerful repulsive force condensed into a protective shield, blocking all the arrogance bombs of Matekai.

"The bounce attack has a time limit, then"

Metkay sneered, and his body appeared behind the hungry ghost Dopay.

"My physical attack has no time limit!"

Konoha is a whirlwind! One leg fell, and the hungry ghost Dao Payne was directly destroyed.

Then, in an instant, Matekai punched Tiandao Payne with a backhand.

The speed of the strong physique is beyond people's imagination, and the fight can be said to be incomprehensible.

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