"However, what he said about unifying the ninja world will give me some other ideas."

"It seems a little unreliable to simply threaten the whole world with weapons!"

"Maybe when we have collected all the tailed beasts, we can use this tailed beast weapon to conquer the whole world."

"If the whole world was under my rule, there would be no wars."

Xiao Nandao: "The Scorpion of Red Sand sent a message that Deidara was locked up in Shayin Village, and Konoha also sent someone over."

"Ichio Morizuru is still there: The Five Generations of Kazekage in Sandyin Village, do you want to set the target elsewhere first?"

"After all, the identity of the one-tailed person Zhuli is too amazing, and it is also the shadow of a village!"

Tiandao Payne said indifferently: "No need! I'll go to Shayin Village and bring back Deidara and Yiwei Shouhe."

"Didara is also an important force in our Xiao organization, and his explosive escape is still very useful."

Xiao Nan frowned and said, "Will you go out in person or let other groups try it out?"

Tiandao Payne shook his head and said: "That... Liu Sheng from another world easily defeated the high-level combat power of Sandyin Village."

"I also want to give it a try, and indirectly evaluate the strength of that... a visitor from another world."

Xiao Nan didn't say more after hearing the words, nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll go get ready."

Sandy Village.

Under the leadership of Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno came here together.

Haruno Sakura, a disciple of Tsunade Hime, came to detoxify the poisoned Kankuro.

Naruto Uzumaki is a close friend of the five generations of Kazekage Gaara, and it is of great diplomatic significance for him to come.

At this time, Haruno Sakura was using medical ninjutsu to separate the toxins from Kankuro's body, while Uzumaki Naruto was indignant and said something to my Aira.

After Naruto Uzumaki educated Gaara with the Millennium Kill, there was an inexplicable bond between the two of them.

This bond made Gaara and reformed into a five-generation wind shadow.

It also made Gaara never marry for the rest of his life, from a bloodthirsty Shura to a more and more wife-like temperament.

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Chapter 105 Payne Invasion of Sand Hidden Village

Outside Sandy Village.

Beneath a sand dune, it was made into a secret room by people using soil to escape.

Nagato is sitting here, with Xiao Nan guarding him.

The position here is relatively high, and Nagato can use the power of the Samsara Eye to send Chakra into the body of Six Path Payne in Sandyin Village.

Under the control of Nagato, Six Path Payne invaded Sand Hidden Village.

One by one rockets appeared on Shura Road, and as these rockets were launched, the entire Shayin Village was shrouded in flames.

"what happened"

Naruto Uzumaki, who was talking to his good friend, was suddenly startled, and Gaara stood up with a dignified expression.

"Unexpectedly, someone else invaded Sandyin Village!"

At this time, Gaara was very angry, and the killing intent on his body almost condensed into reality, restoring a bit of the bloodthirsty Shura's demeanor in the past.

First Deidara, then Yagyu.

Coupled with the current invasion, Sandyin Village has experienced three successive invasions within a few days.

Moreover, these things happened during his reign, and it was like a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo.

Shayin Village is also one of the five major Ninja villages in the Ninja world, and they value face very much.

If someone blows up Shayin Village again this time, then their Shayin Village's reputation will probably be on par with those of the little ninja villages.

Although the strength of Shayin Village has always been at the bottom of the Five Great Ninja Villages, but no matter how bad they are, they are also a member of the Great Ninja Village.

Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki killed together, ready to teach the intruder a lesson this time.

Then they saw a group of monsters with circle eyes raging in Sandyin Village, these are monsters channeled by beast Dao Payne.

These monsters are numerous and powerful, and they are not afraid of pain or life and death, and they are the best members of the charge.

As soon as these psychic beasts appeared, they restrained [*]% of the power of Shayin Village, so that the ninjas of Shayin Village had to concentrate on dealing with them.

If they let these psychic beasts go unchecked, it won't be long before Shayin Village will be demolished by these psychic beasts.

Moreover, these psychic beasts are huge in size and have great advantages in killing civilians.

And these civilians are the foundation of Shayin Village.


Gaara looked at these psychic beasts angrily, using the sand on his body without hesitation, suddenly wrapped the head of a psychic beast.

The sand squeezed the head of this psychic beast with force, making it disappear into white mist.

"Spiral Pills!"

When Naruto Uzumaki saw that his beloved concubine's village was trampled on like this, he couldn't help but burn with anger, rubbed a ball and smashed it towards a psychic beast.

"found it!"

Yunyou's voice suddenly sounded, and the three people in Peidao came over.

The way of heaven, the way of hungry ghosts, Shura, the three 3 have melee combat ability to go to Gaara.

"The clothes of the Xiao organization, the members of you all weave"

Gaara stared at the five 55 Paynes in front of him with a cold expression, and shouted in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that besides Ichiyo, even Ren Zhuli appeared here."

"This is really an unexpected joy, and it's just this time to catch you all."

Tiandao Payne said indifferently, Shura Dao Payne immediately.

Shot, the dense rockets were launched towards the two people Zhuli.

Absolute defense! Gaara used sand to form an absolute defense, blocking Shura Dopein's rocket attack with difficulty.

The power of Shura Dao Payne's rocket attack was not small, which made Gaara feel a little difficult, and the absolute defense formed by the sand was blown away by a large piece.

"Be careful, this is not an easy enemy to deal with."

Gaara reminded Naruto with a solemn expression, for fear that the man he liked would be killed by the other party.

Naruto Uzumaki patted his chest and assuredly assured: "Don't worry, I will definitely defeat him."

Uzumaki Naruto made a seal with his hands and used his signature ninjutsu - the technique of multiple shadows.

Hundreds and thousands of whirlpools appeared, roaring and rushing towards the three 3 Payne on the opposite side.

Tiandao Payne walked in front of the other two Payne, and stretched out his palm to aim at the group of Naruto Uzumaki in front of him.

Shen Luo Tianzheng! The incomparably violent repulsive force burst out, directly bombarding the oncoming group of Uzumaki Naruto.

The fragility of the shadow clones caused them to instantly shatter into white mist when they encountered the impact of repulsion.

After destroying a group of Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clones, the violent repulsion attacked Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki unabated.

Gaara used sand for absolute defense, but was directly destroyed by Shinra Tianzheng, and the two were blasted out together.

At this time, Kakashi Hatake and other ninjas from Sandyin Village rushed over here.

After these people eliminated the monsters from the animal channel, they immediately sensed the fluctuations in the battle and came to support them without hesitation.

Just as the battle was in full swing outside, Xiaonan, formed from countless pieces of white paper, flew towards the prison in Shayin Village.

Of course, this Xiao Nan is not Xiao Nan's body, but a clone of Xiao Nan.

But even if it is just a clone, with her ability to be close to the elementalization of her body, it is enough to easily solve the guards here.

Without much effort, Xiao Nan killed all the Shayin ninjas in charge of guarding here, and found Deidara who looked extremely miserable.

"Xiao Nan really didn't expect that you would come to save me, I thought I was abandoned!"

Deidara looked surprised at Xiao Nan who appeared in front of him, and Xiao Nan released him expressionlessly.

"Payne is fighting outside, let's leave quickly."

Xiaonan reminded Deidara, but Deidara didn't care.

"The boss, Payne, is fighting, how can my subordinate escape at this time?"

"My clay should be nearby, find them, and I'll give Penn a hand."

"I was attacked by a bastard last time, and Sandyin Village has not yet experienced my art well!"


Deidara cried confidently, and ran to find his clay.

Xiao Nan shook his head helplessly and left with Deidara.

Outside Sandy Village.

The villagers of Shayin Village gradually ran out to take refuge, and the entire Shayin Village became a battlefield for Liudao Payne, Airo, and others.

Chiyo and Eurazo made their moves one after another, but there was no good way to face Payne.

The lethality of the puppet masters mainly comes from their poison, while their enemy Liudao Payne is a puppet transformed from six corpses.

Their toxins are useless against Payne, making them much less of a threat.

Fortunately, their puppets are not weak, and they also have considerable attack power.

Regardless of

Whether it's Chiyo's Kinmatsu's 10 people or a special puppet of Eizo, they all have the power to destroy Payne's body.

This allows them to maintain the combat effectiveness of the strong in the album when facing the Six Paths of Payne.

But even so, they played very hard.

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