The secret trial ended in failure, and the three generations of Hokage found an excuse and directly interviewed.

Chapter [-] is all acquaintances!

Master Yuan agreed to the proposal of the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hijen.

Back at the guest house, Master Yuan gathered the three of Yagyu together, and warned them with a serious face what they should pay attention to during the game.

"Konoha Village has always been known for producing geniuses in the ninja world. You must not be careless in tomorrow's game."

"The quality of your results is directly related to the amount of chips that our Wuyin Village has when negotiating with Konoha Village."

Master Yuan looked serious, and seemed to be very concerned about the result of tomorrow's game.

Liu Sheng waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't worry! Even if Hizan Sarutobi ends up in person, I am confident enough to remain undefeated!"

Master Yuan smiled and said, "Yuguu has special abilities, so I can rest assured of you. What I worry about is Yagura and Terumi Mei."

Not to be outdone, Terumi Mei said: "I have mastered both of my own bloodline limits now. As long as my opponents are not too perverted, I should be sure to defeat them."

The family that Terumi Mei belongs to is also a blood family.

However, this family is too small, and the population is not particularly strong. Compared with the large blood family such as the Kaguya clan and the Shui Wuyue clan, it is no different from the civilian ninja clan.

Moreover, in the past few decades, the Terumi family has never seen a ninja with a bloodline limit, and Terumi Mei is the first in so many years.

She not only inherited the ancestor's Rong Dun (sulfuric acid), but also created a new Xueji Boundary Boiling Dun (acid mist), and her strength ranks among the best among the younger generation of Wuyin Village.

Under such circumstances, Terumi Mei is also very arrogant.

If she didn't have enough capital and arrogance, she wouldn't be able to covet the position of Shuiying.

Yakura was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Although I don't have any special abilities and bloodline limits, I think my strength should be enough to deal with most young ninjas."

Master Yuan looked at Terumi Mei and Yakura, nodded slightly, and recognized the strength of the two.

These two people can become the fourth generation of water shadows and the fifth generation of water shadows in the future, their talents and abilities are not a joke.

Yagura looked at Yakura and Terumi Mei, lost in thought.

If he was not a fake salted fish but a real salted fish, would he be able to sit back and relax by hugging the thighs of these two teammates?

After thinking for a while, Liu Sheng shook his head secretly.

Uchiha was staring at him, and Wuyin Village didn't know how much he infiltrated.

sit back and relax?

These two goods are not necessarily worry-free, and if you want to be leisurely, you still have to rely on yourself.

Sure enough, only the old man can revitalize Wuyin Village.


the next day.

Konoha Stadium.

This is the place where Konoha took the chunin exam in the original book, and the spacious stadium allows ninjas to fight in it.

The seats around the stadium were already filled with spectators from Konoha Village, who were excitedly waiting for the start of the game.

"There are so many viewers? I said, shouldn't Konoha let them in for free?"

Liu Sheng sat in a seat in the front row, twisting around restlessly like a monkey, shaking his head and looking around.

Terumi Mei interjected: "I see, Konoha has collected the ticket money."

Liu Sheng was dissatisfied and said: "What? It's really outrageous! We came all the way from Wuyin Village to make money for Konoha?"

Master Yuan glanced at Liu Sheng and said, "Then what do you want to do?"

Liu Sheng said with a serious face: "This kind of thing involves the interests of Wuyin Village, and we must fight for what is right. If Konoha Village wants to use our competition to make money, it must give us half of the money."

Master Yuan pondered for a moment, felt that this made sense, nodded and said: "I will see the three generations of Hokage later, I will mention this to him."

At this moment, a childish voice from a child not far away rang out: "It will take our Konoha's money, you bad silver from Wuyin Village!"

Liu Sheng turned his head and saw a little loli with red eyes staring at him indignantly.

Although Little Loli scolded the entire Wuyin Village, from the look in her eyes, it seemed that she was the only one who hated herself.

Liu Sheng touched his chin, and he recognized who this little loli was, the most popular beauty in Naruto - Hong Yuhi.

"You seem to hate me very much..."

Liu Sheng said softly with a puzzled face, and looked at the middle-aged man beside Little Lolita Yuhika.

The middle-aged man wore a pair of wide sunglasses, dressed like a Terminator, and seemed to be the father of Kurenai Yuhi.

"Wait a minute! Your breath... It's you. It was you who used illusion to test me that day?"

Liu Sheng was stunned, no wonder Little Lolita was so hostile to herself.

"You're wearing sunglasses... Are you imitating me because you adore me, or is the after-effects left by my blinding dog's eyes not healed?"

Liu Sheng looked at Yuhi Zhenhong with interest and asked.


Yuhi Mahong didn't want to talk to Liu Sheng, but just snorted coldly.

"Bad Silver!"

Little Lolita Yuhihong glared at Liu Sheng angrily, and said with her teeth and claws.

"Little brat, you know shit!"

Liu Sheng rolled his eyes and taught a lesson rudely.

He also used the water to get out of his hands and let the other party leave here to do something.

Yuan Shi frowned and said, "The competition is imminent, what are you doing with your chakra scattered?"

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "Suddenly I remembered something very important. I arranged for water to take care of it. Don't worry, nothing will be delayed."


Naruto Office.

Three generations of Hokage looked at the young people standing in front of him with a satisfied smile on his face.

Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku, and Hyuga Hizu, these three are all newcomers to Konoha, and they should be enough to deal with the three people from Kiriyin Village.

"Today's game is very important to Konoha."

"Your performance will be directly related to Konoha's vital interests."

Three generations of Hokage instructed the three of them and took them to Konoha Stadium together.


"Three generations of Hokage are here, don't forget to ask for money then."

"Lottery? I bet there must be some black box operation."

"The ninjas they sent must restrain the ninjas on our side."

"The worst, they also have the means to deal with us."

Yagyu leaned back on the chair, looking at the three generations of Hokage operating on the high platform, and muttered.

"The first game: Terumi Mei vs. Namikaze Minato!"

After some operations on the high platform, the participants of the first game were settled.

Liu Sheng glanced at the big screen, which showed the candidates from both sides, all of whom were acquaintances.

Chapter [-] Golden Glitter?I am the sun!

Terumi Mei said solemnly, "Is it Minato Namikaze? I've heard of his name."

"Konoha really sucks! He even asked a shadow-level powerhouse to deal with me, an ordinary chunin."

The current Namikaze Minato has already made a name for itself on the battlefield.

The name of the golden flash had already appeared when he walked across the battlefield of Yanyin Village.

However, the current Namikaze Minato has not yet developed the super ultimate move of the spiral pill, and killing mainly depends on Kunai.

He can become a shadow-level powerhouse, relying on the elusiveness of the Flying Thunder God and the speed of the world, and the pure destructive power is not particularly good.

However, the ninja is a high-offense and low-defense unit after all. For most people in the ninja world, Kunai's lethality is enough.

And Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God technique gives her a crushing advantage when facing ordinary Chunin and ordinary Genin.

Namikaze Minato dealing with ordinary Chunin and ordinary Genin is just like turning on the mowing mode, and its deterrent power is much stronger than that of ordinary shadow-level powerhouses.

"Don't worry! There will be no problem, at most you will lose faster."

Liu Sheng looked at Terumi Mei and said comfortably.

Terumi Mei rolled her eyes and said with a grudge on her face: "The name of Minato Namikaze's golden glitter was killed by him on the battlefield."

"It is said that his flying thunder god technique is extremely powerful. After using it, the whole person turns into a golden flash, which can end the life of the enemy in an instant."

"You're not afraid that he has a bad heart during the battle, or if he misses, then I will die."

Liu Sheng smiled and said casually: "You don't have to worry about this issue. With me here, you will not be in danger."

Although the strength of Namikaze Minato is good, Liusheng's domineering and laser are not vegetarians either.

With the domineering advance prediction and the speed of light attack of the laser, Yagyu has absolute certainty to protect Terumi Mei.

Even if Namikaze Minato came to the game with a mission to kill Terumi Mei in the game, Yagyu could keep Terumi Mei safe and sound.

Terumi Mei let out a breath and said, "Since you said so, then I'll go."

Terumi Mei walked off the auditorium and stood in the stadium for the match.

Minato, with blonde hair, appeared on the stadium with a warm smile.

The middle-aged and elderly women in the audience gave him warm applause for his appearance.

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