When they went to Wuyin Village again, they got the news that Yagyu took someone to Konoha to take the Chunin Exam.

At that time, Yahiko felt that something was wrong. After all, he was also the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

In addition, Liu Sheng woke him up, making his consciousness and sense of smell become: a lot stronger.

So he made a decisive decision and brought Xiao Nan to Konoha to check the situation.

Sure enough, the leaves have changed.

"You can come and find the answer."

"I'll give you the answer you want, but not now."

"Come here for a meeting in a while, and I'll give you the answers you want."

Liu Sheng looked at Yahiko who appeared in front of him, thought for a while and replied.

"The Konoha matter is almost handled, right?"

"I think you should inherit the position of Shuiying."

Terumi Mei walked in from outside and closed the door of Hokage's office.

Yagyu crossed Erlang's legs, sitting on the sofa in Naruto's office trimming his nails, and said casually: "I will succeed Mizukage in two days, and then merge the two villages to create a brand new ninja organization."

Terumi Mei walked in front of Liu Sheng, took the nail clipper from his hand, and stared at Liu Sheng with burning eyes.


Liu Sheng raised his head, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"Obviously I came first, I will never let them get there first!"

After a moment of silence, Terumi Mei spoke aggressively.

Then, Liu Sheng collapsed on the sofa.

After the war, there must be a war! After the Konoha war, Yagyu finally ushered in the second war.

What he didn't expect was that this battle was actually initiated by Mei Terumi.

"Like a dude!"

Liu Yu gave Terumi Mei a contemptuous look.

The ability to pick things up is good, but it's a pity that he was cowardly after a while.

Terumi Mei rolled her eyes and turned her body. Under the blessing of the system template, Liu Sheng's physical fitness has already exceeded the limit of her body, and she is not at all comparable to her.

"Lonely as snow!"

"It's too strong, and it doesn't seem to be good."

"Perhaps only Tsunade and Uzumaki Kushina can fight me with their physique!"

Liu Sheng took out a small cigarette and looked at the scenery outside the window with a look of melancholy

Soon after, Yagyu took over as Mizukage in Wuyin Village.

Later, Konoha Village was merged into Wuyin Village and became part of Wuyin Village.

In order to take care of the emotions of the original villagers, Konoha's name has not changed.

"Decades ago, the entire ninja world was in the chaotic Warring States era."

"Take the country of fire as an example, the Qianshou clan, the Uchiha clan, the Hinata clan and other powerful ninja clans have been fighting for years in this land."

"But after the first Hokage established Konoha, the country of fire became peaceful."

"The ninjas who used to fight against each other unscrupulously have become honest and no longer wage wars at will."

"Why because Konoha doesn't allow it!"

"Because a powerful ninja organization has appeared in the land of fire, he does not allow ninjas to fight at will in this land."

"There is no ninja organization in the land of fire that can

Against Konoha, so they can only accept Konoha's call for peace."

"It can be seen that the reason why the ninja world is not peaceful now is because the ninja world lacks a strong ninja organization."

"There is no strong ninja organization to restrain the ninjas in the ninja world, so they are so presumptuous."

"Although the Five Great Ninja Villages are strong enough, they do not have a unified will, and they will not take the initiative to stop the war."

"On the contrary, for power and interests, they will even take the initiative to lead and participate in the war."

"The original Naruto has the strength to suppress the ninja world and the ability to build a powerful ninja organization."

"But he pinned his hopes on the shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and he felt that mutual understanding between people could build peace."

"It's a pity that his hope has not been realized, and the so-called understanding between the five major ninja villages has not been reached."

"In that case, let's change the way to achieve peace in the ninja world!"

"Since the methods of understanding and communication are ineffective, then we speak with the kunai in our hands."

"Adopt all the ninja villages and ninja organizations, and establish a ninja organization that suppresses the ninja world."

Liu Sheng told everyone unabashedly that he wanted to unify the ninja world.

Regardless of

Whether it is the people of Kiriyin Village or the people of Konoha Village, they have suffered enough in the first three Ninja World Wars.

The suggestion made by Yanagyu has great feasibility, and immediately won the support of the two ninjas in the ninja village.

Afterwards, Yahiko quietly found Liuyu and proposed: "Do you have to use war to establish a common ninja organization? I think we can talk to other ninja villages."

Liu Yu said in a casual tone: "You want the five major ninja villages to negotiate and form alliances to establish a common ninja organization to maintain the peace of the ninja world."

Yahiko nodded and said, "Although every ninja village has its own thoughts, if they check and balance each other, peace can still be achieved."

Liu Sheng shook his head and said casually, "Yahiko, I have already said it clearly before."

"The reason why the ninja world has not achieved peace is because of the lack of a strong ninja organization to restrain the ninjas."

"The ninja alliance you mentioned is not a unified organization! Its internal components are complex, and the five major ninja villages are also the objects that need to be restrained."

"Even the Ninja Alliance is composed of Ninja Villages. Who will constrain the five Ninja Villages that form the Ninja Alliance. The Ninja Alliance does not have strong power, and it is difficult to guarantee internal stability."

Liu Sheng explained it, and seeing that Yahiko still looked incomprehensible, he changed his explanation.

"Then you'll see if you reverse the order."

"Once upon a time, there was a huge alliance in the ninja world.

Ninja All ninjas are members of it, and they work together to maintain the peace of the ninja world."

"It's good to come. Ninjas from various countries have formed a small group called villages to speak out in the ninja alliance for the common interests."

"The interests of small groups and the interests of the alliance gradually conflict, which makes many ninjas become: confused."

"Some people stick to their hearts, while others have fallen. They put the interests of small groups and their own interests above the interests of the alliance."

"When this situation intensified, the ninja alliance split and turned into ninja villages."

"They fought each other for their own interests, and the Ninja League existed in name only."

"Then you should understand."

"The establishment of a ninja alliance through negotiation is nothing but a large group of small groups with power."

"A large group without absolute power will sooner or later be overridden and divided by small groups."

"And the upcoming war is to break up these small groups, so that they no longer have the power to carve up the alliance!"

An alliance without strength is ultimately unreliable.

The lessons of the North Sea hairy bear are enough to prove this.

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Chapter [*]: Bai Jue is in action!

Chapter [*] This is the last chance!

After Jiraiya left with some Konoha ninjas, he settled down in the country of Tian.

For the future, Jiraiya has no clear plans, and his heart is very at a loss now.

And the group of ninjas under him are also very confused, and they are not clear about what to do in the future.

Even their internal divisions have arisen.

"I think we should build a brand new Ninja village and have the opportunity to attack Konoha again."

"It's too slow to wait until the year of the monkey, the month of the horse, and the moon, no!"

"I think we can go to other Shinobi villages for help and deal with the common enemy Yagyu together."

"There were also people in other Shinobi villages who died at the hands of Yagyu, and our purpose in dealing with Yagyu is the same."

"Having a common enemy doesn't mean we're friends.

The hatred between Konoha and other villages is also not small."

"That's right! Our power is too weak now, what if other Shinobi villages want to annex us?"

"In my opinion, let's give up the idea of ​​counterattacking Konoha!"

"We left Konoha because we were worried about Yagyu and escaped to survive."

"Since we have escaped, and we were lucky enough to save our lives, why go to death?"

"That's right, we are not... Liu Sheng's opponents!"

Seeing his constantly arguing subordinates, Zilai also felt tired for a while.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "If you are undecided, maybe we can help."

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