Greer's Stone is a magical ore that gives three 3 ordinary women their powers.

These three women can activate the Greer Stone in their bodies, and they can become the current vampires, werewolves and apes.

Essentially, Greer's Stone is an agglomeration of massive chakra.

Long before Kaguya Otsutsuki came to this planet, people on this planet discovered the Greer's Stone and used it to create a splendid super-ancient civilization.

From this point of view, it is an exaggeration to call Kaguya Otsutsuki the ancestor of Chakra.

In addition, the creatures of the three holy places also have chakra, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is the identity of the ancestor of chakra, and the water content is a bit large.

To be honest, Yagyu is still very interested in things beyond ancient civilizations.

Modern technology has appeared in the original, but it was powered by the Greer Stone.

The number of Greer Stones is limited, but Chakra is an inexhaustible source of energy.

Liu Yu thought about it, taking out the scientific and technological products of super ancient civilizations and changing them, it should promote the leap of the technology level of the ninja world.

While this isn't the time to talk about these, it's not a bad thing to get them early.

The three female knights under Hyde attacked Yagyu together without hesitation, and attacked Yagyu without hesitation.

The female werewolf was injured by Yagyu with a laser before, but now he stared at Yagyu fiercely, and without hesitation he let out a roar.

The roar of the female werewolf produced a terrifying sound wave, and a beam-like sound wave attacked Liu Sheng.

"Sonic shock is terrible!"

Yanagyu tactically leaned back and shouted with an exaggerated face.

The female werewolf's sound wave passed through Liu Yu's body, opening a large hole in his stomach.

The inner wall of the big hole shone with golden light, and particles of light poured in from all directions, quickly repairing the flaws in Liu Yu's body.


The female werewolf's expression was stagnant, and some couldn't believe what she saw.

The power of sonic shock, she knows, will it be ineffective for this person in front of her? "His body is a bit special"

The voice of the female vampire sounded, and she flew past Liu Sheng, her sharp claws grabbing at Liu Sheng's body.

Yagyu's body was partially shattered by her, but quickly returned to its original state.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with his body!"

"Let me come and try Lightning!"

The female ape man roared, lightning flashed all over his body, and he punched without hesitation.

Hit Liu Sheng.

There were dazzling thunder and lightning rushing on the female ape-man's fist, which looked extraordinary, and the power was extremely terrifying.

"Lightning is scary!"

Liu Yu said casually, letting the Ape-Man's lightning fist hit him without escaping.

Yagyu adjusted his body to the elemental state, and the ape-man's fist passed directly through him.

"Is this the end of your attack?"

"If that's the case, then it's my turn."

Liu Sheng said casually, his eyes swept lazily at them.

"and many more!"

Hyde suddenly let out a low voice, wearing a thick glove on his raised palm, a 1 emerald gemstone inlaid on the back of the glove.

The emerald-colored gem radiated light, and a blast of energy hit Yanagyu.

"Your means are nothing more than that."

Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth and said, the body that was beaten in two slowly fell backwards.

The golden light shot up into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it re-condensed into the appearance of Liu Yu, "You think a pair of gloves can turn you into a victory."

Liu Sheng looked at Hyde with a playful expression, you thought you were holding the six-gem infinity gloves, "Lord Hyde, let's go!"

The female vampire made a decisive decision and shouted without hesitation.

She opened her mouth to spit, and a thick mist spit out from her mouth.

"It's useless!"

"Didn't you notice before? I saved Zaibuzhan in the mist."

"In other words, this ability to interfere with sight is of no use to me."

Liu Sheng calmly raised his finger, and bright golden light bloomed at his fingertips.

Along with Liu Yu's fingers, streaks of golden lasers burst out from his fingertips.

The screams sounded, and the voices of the four Hyde 4 were all included, and there was no omission.

"Wind escape - the typhoon has passed!"

Yakura made a seal with both hands and released a wind escape ninjutsu.

The destructive power of this wind escape ninjutsu is average, although it has the tearing effect that wind escape ninjutsu has, but it does not have too strong destructive power.

Fortunately, its wind is strong enough, and it is unique in blowing away the mist, and it has always been the nemesis of ninjutsu such as the Hidden Mist.

The fog dissipated, revealing Hyde and others inside.

Hyde looked up at Terumi Mei, Yakura and the others, hesitated for a while and then turned his attention to Zabuzhan and Oni 3.

"What, looking for a hostage?"

A lazy voice sounded, and a golden laser bloomed from Liu Yu's fingertips, piercing 0.

9 on Hyde's shoulders.

Symmetrical! Now once, just now through the fog, both of Hyde's shoulders were pierced by Yagyu with a laser.

His arms drooped naturally, and it was useless to wear gloves.

The three female geeks were indomitable, and after a brief hesitation, they rushed towards Zaibujian.

With a flash of golden light, Liu Sheng appeared in front of them.

"too slow!"

Liu Yu casually raised his long legs, with a golden cross on the soles of his feet: the rays of light were spinning, aiming at the three female monsters was a set of three consecutive kicks.

The three 3 female monsters are just Hyde's thugs, and they have no value except the Greer Stone on them.

Coupled with their bad character, they remain extremely unstable.

Therefore, Liu Sheng showed no mercy when he kicked in a row three times.

Three 3 female eccentrics, out! Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading to collect, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter [-] Divide the tailed beast?

"It's unbelievable that this is the product of a super ancient civilization."

Terumi Mei looked at the technological products left over from the super ancient civilization, and her face was full of shock.

Yakura asked calmly, "Are these things going to be brought back to Kiriyin Village?"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "No, let these things stay here for now! The relics of this super-ancient civilization have not yet been unearthed."

Qing pointed to Hyde beside him and asked, "How do you deal with this guy?"

Yanagyu wanted the products of super ancient civilization, but Hyde refused at first.

But after a cordial and friendly exchange, Hyde finally chose to cooperate.

"He is useless, deal with it!"

Liu Sheng glanced at Hyde indifferently, and waved to Ao to deal with him.

This guy is also a restless master, and if Qing hadn't shown the ability to search for memories, he might have died to the end.

Rather than keeping such an unsettled hidden danger, it is better to deal with him early.

"What did you say you wouldn't kill me!"

When Hyde heard this, he screamed in excitement.

"Yes, I said I wouldn't kill you."

"But the premise is that you agree to my conditions and hand over everything you have mastered in the super ancient civilization."

Liu Sheng glanced at Hyde casually, and said lazily, Hyde said angrily, "Didn't I hand over everything?"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "No, you refused at that time.

When you agreed, the conditions I offered were not this."

"You brought me here, and I won't let people explore your memory.

Fair trade, no bullying."

As he spoke, Liu Yu raised his finger, and a golden light bloomed on his fingertips.

The laser fired, piercing Hyde's head in one fell swoop

Foggy Village.

Liu Sheng brought people back here and received the latest information from the mainland.

Konoha Village, Sandyin Village, Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village, the four major Shinobi villages contacted several times, and finally reached an armistice agreement.

In order to show their sincerity to stop the war and create peace together, they decided to hold a joint Chunin exam in Konoha Village.

"Joint Chunin Exam"

"It's almost like a joint military exercise!"

Liu Sheng curled his lips in disbelief, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

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