Why did we die and wounds, only you, Konoha, were safe and sound. Noticing the jealous eyes of the loess, the corners of Liu Sheng's mouth were slightly raised, and he appeared in front of Tsunade with a movement of his body.

"What do you want"

Tsunade sighed softly and said to Liu Sheng as calmly as possible.


"I just want to tell you that you can tell others what happened today."

"I really want to know how the major Shinobi villages will react after learning such news."

6 Liu Sheng smiled slightly and said casually.

"The things you did in Konoha at the beginning should have no intentions."

"Don't argue, I've figured it out by now."

Tsunade stared at Liu Sheng tightly, and said with a heavy tone.

"Tsunade, do you remember the question I told you about?"

"Now, I can give you the answer."

"The reason why the major Shinobi villages attack Konoha is because they are in a competitive relationship."

"If the major Shinobi villages are compared to shopping malls, then Konoha is the one with the best decoration."

"Going to Konoha has a face, most of the guests are pulled away by Konoha."

"If the competition continues in a gentle way, Konoha will sooner or later defeat all the Shinobi villages and let them perish one by one."

"So other ninja villages simply started a war, made everyone rotten, and extended their lives in this way."

"So the essence of the Ninja World War is that the senior Ninja Village executives, who are the bosses of the mall, start a war to keep the mall."

"You didn't want to kill me just now to maintain the peace of the ninja world, but to protect your own property."

"To achieve true peace, these self-serving bastards must be sidelined!"

Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed, his tone firm.

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Chapter [-] She has a delicate heart!

Tsunade let out a sigh of relief and said with a complicated expression: "Sure enough! So, the current situation in Konoha Village is all caused by you."

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "No! The current situation of Konoha Village is doomed long ago. I just accelerated the process and lifted its fig leaf."

"Without me, Konoha Village would have a prosperous attitude in front of everyone.

But its decay is in the bones, no matter how good it is, it is useless."

"Unless someone who is... unreasonably powerful appears, Konoha will collapse sooner or later.

There are too many curses that have already been buried."

"Let's be honest! Your grandfather Senju Hasuma made a huge mistake of not uniting the ninja world while he was alive. This is the best way to achieve peace."

"The original Hokage was too naive! He thought that everyone wanted peace as much as he did, but how is that possible? There is never a shortage of villains in the world."

"Originally, the village was built to achieve peace."

"However, the cart has now been put upside down."

"In order to protect the village, no one minds starting a war."

"If the five major ninja villages are willing to merge, the war in the ninja world will disappear."

"But, could this happen?"

"The senior management of the Five Great Ninja Villages, are you willing to give up the authority in their hands? No!"

"Everyone is obsessed with the interests of themselves and their villages, and their vision and thinking are too narrow."

"If there is real peace in the ninja world, the ninja world must be truly unified."

"The world needs a unified will, a strict teacher!"

"The world will be unified in my hands, and no one can stop it!"

Yanagyu's tone became: impassioned, his eyes fixed on Tsunade.

Tsunade turned his head a little unnaturally, and hummed: "You don't have to be afraid of me telling others about these words."

Liu Sheng's mouth twitched, and he said disdainfully, "Tsunshou, what makes you think my thoughts are shameful?"

"Even if the senior management of the Five Great Ninja Villages are here, I dare to point to their noses and say these words."

"Because compared to me, their power is too small and too small."

Tsunade's expression froze, and some didn't know what to say.


"I think it won't be long before we meet again."

Yagyu waved his hand to Tsunade, and with a single movement he appeared on the battlefield riddled with holes, and put away the corpses of important figures such as Madara Uchiha, Raikage Sandai, and Chiyo.

The corpses of ninjas are an important information repository, and Yanagyu, they put them in a sealed scroll, and plan to send them to Kiriyin Village for study.

After Yagyu left, Jiraiya took Yan and Konan out from a tree not far away.

Tsunade looked up into the distance and said without looking back: "You don't need to hide, he can find you."

Ji Lai also shook his head with a wry smile and said nothing.

If possible, he really didn't want to face Liu Sheng.

Yahiko was silent for a moment, then raised his head and stared at Tsunade: "Is what that person said just now true?"

Tsunade was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Whether what he said is true or not is up to you to judge."

"The reason why he told me this just now may have been for you guys."

"The one you made

I have heard of the Xiao organization, and the starting point of regulating the war is a good one."

"But the world is not as simple as you think, and the reasons for war are complicated."

"The village is a collective, not a life.

Collective decision-making favors rationality, and emotional warfare is rare.”

"So your idea of ​​regulating the war is not realistic, because you can't give Shinobu village what he wants to get by starting the war."

"Ninety percent of wars are for profit, but unfortunately your organization can't give them the benefits they want."

"Liu Sheng said just now that other Shinobi villages attacked Konoha because they didn't want Konoha to develop too fast."

"I think it is also one of the important reasons to take the resources that Konoha has to grow himself."

"This is their purpose, do you know that the organization can regulate such a war?"

"Although your organization has achieved certain results in regulating the war, I can tell you very clearly."

"Those achievements are not your credit, but those Ninja villages have long been willing to negotiate, but they are just using you as a step."

Perhaps stimulated by Yanagyu, Tsunade explained to Yahiko with a complicated expression.

Tsunade left Konoha in the original book, apparently seeing through the darkness and decay of Konoha.

And she also became the fifth Hokage, which is enough to show that her IQ and strategy are not simple.

Although her style is simple and rude, it looks like a [reckless] character.

Even when he was fighting with the dirt spot, Tsunade was completely stubborn and stubborn.

But don't forget, Tsunade itself is the best medical ninja in the ninja world.

How could a woman who has been dealing with life and death all the year round be really carefree? She has a delicate heart! Yahiko was silent for a while, looked at Jiraiya and said: ".

Teacher Jiraiya, what happened to the Son of Prophecy you mentioned earlier?"

Zilai also said with a sense of disappointment: "The one who signed a psychic contract with me is Miaomu Mountain, one of the three holy places of the ninja world. The big toad immortal in Miaomu Mountain has the ability to predict the future."

"He predicted that I would accept a disciple who could change the ninja world and bring the ninja world to destruction or new life.

Nagato has the eye of reincarnation, and I think he is the... the son of prophecy who can change the world of ninjas."

Yahiko smiled and asked with a complicated look: "Since you think Nagato can bring the Ninja world to destruction or new life, why did you ignore him before?"

Li Zhao "A person who can influence the future direction of the ninja world, no matter how much attention is paid, why are we separated for so long, and you only come to see us now?"

"It's fine if we are just ordinary masters and apprentices. You don't even care about the future of the ninja world? Master Jiraiya, can you tell me the reason?"

"Don't lie, I'll check after the fact."

Yahiko's tone was a little indifferent, making Jiraiya silent.

After a while, Zilai also sighed softly and said, "Because, I have another disciple who is suspected to be the Son of Prophecy."

Yahiko said silently: "Who is it?"

Jiraiya said: "He is the golden glitter of Konoha, I think you should have heard of it."

Yahiko smiled inexplicably: "So it is! Compared with Nagato, who has traces of the Kingdom of Rain on his body, you would rather let Minato, who was born in Konoha, become the son of prophecy, right?"

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Chapter [-] No wonder Tsunade despised him!

"Our background makes you doubtful, but Namikaze Minato's background can make you feel at ease."

"Or you really don't want to let Nagato lead the ninja world, because it may hurt Konoha's interests."

"I didn't expect that even Teacher Zilaiye has such a narrow mind.

That's fine with the others, but you are someone who wants to cultivate the son of prophecy!"

"Isn't the son of prophecy you cultivated to lead the entire ninja world? Why let him be obsessed with Konoha?"

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