"Does Speed ​​Convert Power?"

Three generations of Raikage climbed up from the ruins, and more dazzling thunder and lightning erupted from his body, and a low roar came out of his mouth.

"Then see if your speed is stronger or mine is better!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the third Raikage turned into blue lightning.

He stretched out two fingers to aim at Liu Sheng, and rushed towards Liu Sheng fiercely.

For ordinary people, the three generations of Raikage at this time have already arrived, just like the real blue lightning.

But for Liu Sheng, the third generation is still too slow.

It's like the plot of One Piece.

Cast Navy Six - Shaved 9 But for Luffy with 2nd [-]nd gear on, they're fast enough.

However, even with Luffy in gear 2 and [-], his speed is vulnerable in front of Kizaru.

"Hell Stab.

Do both!"



Three generations of Raikage raised two fingers and sprinted towards him, Yagyu also raised a finger, and a golden light bloomed on his fingertips.

The golden laser was fired from his fingertips, hitting the third Raikage's second hand.

The golden light and the blue thunder and lightning were constantly canceling each other out, and the three-generation Raikage's aggressive offensive was directly blocked by Yanagyu.


Chiyo's eyes flashed on the side, and he waved his hand and ordered the seal ninja under him to take action.

Taking advantage of Yagyu's rivalry with the three generations of Raikage, Chiyo wanted to have Yagyu sealed up.

The seal ninjas of Sandyin Village shot together, and the dense jet-black patterns spread on the ground, extending towards Yanagyu.


old woman!"

Liu Sheng glanced at Chiyo coldly, golden light bloomed on him, instantly turned into countless light spots and flew in all directions, and then condensed and formed in mid-air.

"Sand Hidden Ninja, I'll send you on your way!"

Liu Sheng sneered coldly, and in an instant, his body was covered with golden light.

A strong light was released, and others took out their sunglasses and put them on.

Just as they took out the sunglasses and put them on their faces, Liu Sheng transformed into a golden light and rushed into the ninjas in Sandyin Village.

The golden Tiancong Cloud Sword was pulled out by him, and with a wave of his hand, a thick sword qi roared out.

The tsunami-like sword was unstoppable, and these ordinary Sandyin Village ninjas could not resist at all.

Regardless of

Whether it was a sealing ninja or a perception ninja, their fighting power was not very strong.


Chiyo growled angrily, these ninjas are the wealth of Sandyin Village.

"Liu Sheng, I will definitely let you die without a burial place."

Facing Chiyo's angry roar, Yanagyu shrugged indifferently, "It's scary!"

"Since you are going to kill me, let me take you on the road first!"

Seeing that Chiyo mobilized Kinmatsu's ten people and ten people to kill him, Yanyu casually teased, and cut the lightsaber in his hand without hesitation.

"Tu Dun - Tu Liu City Wall!"

The loess on the side hurriedly shot, releasing the earth to protect Chiyo.

A city wall stronger than Tulyubi appeared in front of Chiyo, resisting the oncoming powerful sword energy.

The powerful sword energy ripped apart the Tuliu city wall, and bombarded the 10 people of Chiyo's Kinmatsu without any tendency, causing them to retreat again and again.

Chiyo sighed in relief as he leaned against the ten members of Kinmatsu to block the remaining power of the sword qi.

However, in the next instant, golden light flashed above her head.

Eight-foot Qionggouyu! The overwhelming light bullets fell like raindrops, and in the blink of an eye, the ten people of Chiyo's Kinmatsu were smashed with holes, and finally they were directly smashed.

Even if these puppets are made of very special and sturdy materials, they are nothing under the intensive attack of Bachi Qionggou.

Puppet masters are not known for attacking and defending, and the only thing they can do is strange means and dangerous poison.

Ten people in Kinmatsu were shattered, and the dense light bullets pierced through Chiyo's body, causing her to die directly here.

"Farewell, old lady Chiyo!"

Liu Sheng fell from the sky, watching Chiyo snorted coldly.

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Chapter [-] Let me give you a ride!

"Sand Hidden Village Chiyo"

Tsunade, who was watching the battle from a distance, was stunned, and sighed with a complicated expression.

Although she and Chiyo are not the same generation, they are old enemies who have fought for many years.

Chiyo is the best puppet master in Shayin Village, and also the best poison master in Shayin Village.

Chiyo once deployed many powerful poisons for Sandyin Village, which made Konoha Village suffer.

And Konoha Village's trump card against Chiyo is Konoha Village's best medical ninja Tsunade.

The reason why Tsunade was stationed in the Land of Rain this time was to fight against the poison master Chiyo.

But just now, Chiyo, an old opponent who had been fighting her for more than ten years, was killed by Liu Sheng right in front of her eyes.


The three generations of Raikage and Loess also look complicated.

Shayin Village as an enemy lost a shadow-level powerhouse, which was originally a gratifying "three nines seven"


But putting Chiyo's death into the current situation, they couldn't be happy at all.

It was Chiyo now, was it their turn next, the three generations of Raikage froze, and a strong murderous intent erupted in his eyes, and only one index finger on his left hand was not retracted.

"Hell Stab.

A hand in hand!"

Three generations of Raikage let out a low voice, used his strongest spear, and charged towards Yanagyu like lightning.

"Finger gun!"



A golden lightsaber appeared in Liu Yu's hand, and he fought with the three generations of Raikage at full speed, and the most terrifying power broke out.

The invisible air waves broke the surrounding earthquake into pieces, and huge pieces of earth and rocks rose into the sky.

The powerful shock wave spread everywhere, causing those ninjas who were not very strong to retreat.


Three generations of Raikage let out a low growl and retreated in humiliation.

The power that Liu Sheng burst out has completely surpassed him.

"Sealing Class!"

Loess gritted his teeth and ordered his seal team to start action.

It was because Chiyo did such a thing just now that Yagyu's murderous intention was attracted.

But now the loess has no choice, if he doesn't take advantage of Liu Sheng now, then he can only beg Lord Yagyu for a lot.

"It's useless again!"

Liu Sheng said casually, his body turned into a light particle that moved, and appeared behind the loess in an instant.

"Speed ​​is weight!"

"Have you been kicked by the speed of light?"

A lazy voice sounded behind the loess, causing the loess to break into a cold sweat instantly.

A golden cross flashed on the soles of Yanagyu's feet: rays of light, and a horizontal kick hit the loess.

The body of the loess flew out in an instant, shattering into countless rocks.

"The soil clone is very skilled!"

Liu Yu said casually, raised his hand and pointed to a stone not far away, and a golden laser beam shot out from his fingertips.

Boom! The earth roared, and a rock-formed wall stood in front of the golden color.

Boom! The laser hit the rock wall to produce a violent explosion, and a figure quickly escaped from the fire.

"You are very good at earth escape!"

The golden light bloomed, Liu Sheng appeared behind the loess, and without hesitation, a sword fell, and cut off an arm of the loess very simply.

The loess screamed in agony, and fell out in embarrassment.

Having lost an arm, he is now useless.

After all, his powerful earth escape

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