
"A'Ban is really strict!"

"However, I think it's enough to have my ability."

"Are you right, Mr. Madame!"

Yanagyu said casually, raised his hand and pointed at Madara Uchiha.

The golden light spurted out from his fingertips, condensed into an arrow and shot towards the opponent.

Susanoo! Uchiha Madara has a light blue Susanoo on his body, forcibly blocking Yagyu's laser, and golden spots of light splash around.

Susanoo gave birth to a large hand, blocked Yagyu's laser with the back of his hand, and pushed the condensed light particles in all directions.

Boom boom boom! The highly concentrated light particles were knocked out by Madara Uchiha, and a violent explosion occurred all around.

"A mere rubble, nothing like me!"

"Little devil, do you want to dance too?"

Madara Uchiha roared, driving Susanoo to the sky and killing Liu Sheng.

"I would be very honored if I could dance with the battlefield rose!"

Liu Yu opened his mouth casually, golden light bullets appeared in his hands, and then the light bullets fell like raindrops.

Eight-foot Qionggou Yu! Susanoo, who was bombarded with dense golden light bombs, was forced to use his pupil power to repair the damage.

After the two sides approached, Madara Uchiha and Liu Sheng turned into light and transferred again.

"Is that all you have to do over and over again?"

Madara Uchiha looked at Liu Sheng angrily, displeased.

"It's scary!"

Yagyu said casually, completely looking at Madara Uchiha.

"Although I only have these few tricks, you still can't help me."

"Mr. Lu Xun said it well!"

"Long live the three-axes, one extra axe is wasted!"

"Light can attack, move at the speed of light, and transform into light. These three moves are enough."

"In the world, there are very few who can block these three moves."

"The most important thing is that they are easy to operate, simple and rude, and also in line with the wretched character of the yellow monkey."

Liu Sheng smiled and said, completely ignoring Madara Uchiha's murderous gaze.

"Only this rogue means will win, and you will never be convincing!"

"The real powerhouse must have the power to crush everything!"

Madara Uchiha stared at Liu Sheng angrily.

"It's scary!"

Yagyu curled his lips carelessly, with an expression of "I don't", which made Madara Uchiha's blood pressure rise again.

"Old Uchiha Madara Yo!"

"Your anger fully shows your powerlessness."

"Faced with my skills, you can't do anything at all."

"You can only use this kind of inferior aggressive tactics to ask me to confront you head-on."

"But what a pity!"

"The role I play now is a very wretched guy."

"So you are destined to be disappointed. I will not compete head-to-head with you."

Yanagyu said casually, making Madara Uchiha so angry.

"It's scary!"

"Back then, the battlefield rose was already old and fading, and she could only be incompetent and furious in the face of me."

"Time is not forgiving!"

Liu Sheng said with a look of emotion.

In all fairness, Yagyu still agrees with Madara Uchiha's statement.

His current ability can make most people in the ninja world fear and fear.

But it is very difficult for anyone to convince people from the bottom of their hearts.

He does not have the strength to crush all enemies, nor does he have the strength to resist powerful attacks for others.

Such a leader will make people feel uneasy.

However, Liu Sheng stared at Madara Uchiha with a faint smile on his face.

Although, he still does not have the strength to crush everything.

But when he kills Madara Uchiha, everything will be different.

Madara Uchiha was one of the two strongest people in the ninja world back then, Shura in the ninja world, and Rose in the battlefield! Especially now that he is in a state of total victory, he belongs to the kind of strong... who can hang up the nine big-tailed beasts and pump them. .

With a pair of Samsara eyes in hand, even if Qianshou Hashirama was resurrected, it would be difficult to defeat him.

8 If Liu Sheng can kill Uchiha Madara in this state, the achievement must be no trivial matter.

At that time, he will unlock more Kiabou templates and gain the strength that can crush the entire ninja world.

Yanagyu raised a finger, golden light bloomed on his fingertips, the cross: the golden light kept spinning on his fingertips.

"Battlefield Rose, let me give you a ride with an attack!"

Yagyu spoke lazily, and golden lasers shot out from his fingertips, hitting Susanoo outside Uchiha Madara fiercely.

"Boring attack!"

Madara Uchiha rode Susanoo to resist Yagyu's laser attack, and couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by battlefield rose?"

Liu Sheng raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle, "Battlefield Rose, it's you!"

"The rose dancer who dances in the battlefield, who else but you deserves this name"

Madara Uchiha looked annoyed, this name is too feminine! "Asshole!"

"If it wasn't for me that I'm not good at the art of sealing, I'd like you to look good this time!"

Madara Uchiha said bitterly, and powerful pupil power spurted out of his eyes, making Susanoo become: more and more solid.

"someone is coming"

Liu Sheng, who was releasing the golden laser, moved in his heart, and the domineering look made him aware of the approach of a strange ninja.

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Chapter [*] Great Swordsman Swordsmanship!

"Aging Madara Uchiha!"

"Did you let Bai Jue attract people?"

"Konoha ninja, sandy ninja, rocky ninja have already arrived, and the rest of the cloudy ninja are probably coming soon."

"Do you want them to come here to collect your corpse?"

Liu Sheng noticed that there were ninjas around, stopped the attack in his hand, and said casually.

"Is it finally here?"

"Little devil! Compared with me, you are still too tender."

"In this battle, it must be me who will win."

Uchiha Madara sneered.


"Not to mention whether you can win, even if you really beat me, can you deal with those ninjas outside in your current state?"

"And if I'm not mistaken, you're dying now."

"According to my guess, you will use up all your life force in three minutes."

Liu Sheng said lazily, looking at Madara Uchiha with a playful gaze.

Madara Uchiha said calmly: "Victory and death do not conflict, they can come together."

Speaking of Uchiha Madara's face, there were dark lines, it was a special curse mark! These attentions swam on Uchiha Madara's face, and finally poured into his eyes.

"what is this"

Liu Sheng asked curiously.

"Spirituality, these eyes will not be left for you."

Madara Uchiha gave Liu Yu a deep look with mockery in his eyes.

"never mind!"

"Even if I don't get these eyes now, it doesn't matter."

To Madara Uchiha's surprise, Yagyu didn't care about Samsara Eye.

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, "Don't tell me you don't know the value of Samsara Eye!"

Liu Sheng said casually, "I know the value of the eye of reincarnation!"

"The eye of reincarnation not only possesses various powerful skills, but is also the key to becoming the pillar power of the Ten Tails."

"Only the eye of reincarnation can channel the alien golem, and only the eye of reincarnation can absorb the ten tails."

Madara Uchiha said with a gloomy expression: "You know too much, that Bai Jue doesn't seem to know so much information, right?"

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