Weakness! Then kill it! He wants to make the other party pay the price! "I think it is better for you to agree with my idea, although I am absolutely weak in dealing with you, this does not mean I do not know what to do!"

The Ghost Rider said: "It's just that I will pay a huge price to do that, so I don't want to do it, so I'm willing to take a step back, and I hope you can too!"

"What if I don't want to"

Liu Sheng smiled sarcastically.

He has also spoken many times just now, wanting to reconcile. After all, he really doesn't want to establish such a strong enemy for no reason, but who will let the other party not let him go? Now that he has an advantage, why should he let the other party go? "It seems that you are forced me."

The Ghost Rider said, his face gradually darkened.

Well, Liu Sheng didn't notice this. After all, the other party is now in the form of a skeleton man, and his whole body is wrapped in flames, so he can't detect the other party's expression.

"The Lord of Hell—"

Without hesitation, the Ghost Rider closed his eyes directly, and he began to call in his heart, the king of hell, asking the other party to help him again.

The enemy in front of him is too powerful, he is not his opponent "Why call me"

The Lord of Hell felt an inexplicable fluctuation in his heart.

Through this fluctuation, he locked onto the Ghost Rider, and he questioned the other party in confusion.

The other party has contacted him just now, and he has already helped the other party in part, then the other party is now contacting him. What do you love to read? Remind you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy Read at high speed!

Chapter 494 The Lord of Hell

"I met an unimaginable enemy."

Ghost Rider informs the other party of the answer.

"An unimaginable enemy, didn't you say that you encountered a 4 existence?"

The Lord of Hell frowned slightly, the other party's words did not match what he said earlier.

"I thought so too before, but after I played against him, I found that his strength is far more than level 4. My strength has now reached the level of a god, but when facing him, I am still not his opponent. There's no fighting back!"

Ghost Rider said.

"how can that be"

All this told by the other party, even the three views of the Lord of Hell were subverted. He frowned, with suspicion in his eyes, obviously not convinced.

This is normal, and other people also don't believe it.

Even said, if it wasn't for the Ghost Rider in front of him, he created it himself, and with his own understanding of the other party, he knew that the other party was not a joker.

If it were someone else, he might have been slapped long ago! Just kidding...that's not the case! "Although he is only level 4 and his own strength is not strong, for some reason, he can actually control the border. Mountains and rivers! And this control is not a small-scale control, it can be controlled almost endlessly, at least there is no problem in suppressing me!"

The Ghost Rider opened his mouth and said, his expression became more and more solemn.

He said: "He has now been pushed to the limit, and if I am not wrong, he seems to be exerting a magical power now, trying to understand my weakness.

I launch a killing blow! I want to borrow another strength from you and help me!"

"Can greatly

Controlling the boundaries suppresses you"

After the Lord of Hell heard this, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The Evil Spirit actually mentioned this before.

It's just that he believes that the other party can only control it to a small extent.

But it can be imagined that the other party can control it greatly! Moreover, the other party can take advantage of this to directly oppress the evil spirit knights, and even push the evil spirit knights who have temporarily reached the level of the gods into a desperate situation! The other party has to seek help from himself! This is something he never thought of! "Then help you again! What's the harm!"

The Lord of Hell opened his mouth and said, his eyes faint, as if two bonfires were burning in his eyes.

As soon as he said this, the next moment, his whole body turned into a jet-black black light, and then he disappeared directly in place, heading towards the place where the Ghost Rider was! Of course, what he used was not Conventional means, simply fly over.

In that case, I don't know how many years will be wasted.

He directly broke through the spaces in front of him and forcibly came to the opponent's side! When he reached the side of the Ghost Rider, he became a normal form.

He is about ten feet tall, with a particularly burly stature, and he is covered with armor made of extremely precious hell iron, and his body also exudes a breath that makes no one approachable.

He looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him at this moment, and said slowly.

“Be sure to find a good spot next time!”

After saying this sentence, he used the great supernatural power, and immediately, his whole body was filled with the power of pitch-black hell, and then everything around him began to change.

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Chapter 495 Identity

The reason why the Lord of Hell said this is because he was positioned as the Ghost Rider, and therefore, he appeared beside the opponent. But the most embarrassing thing is that now the Ghost Rider is trapped, and he appears now Being by the other's side also means he is trapped! This is embarrassing! He still needs to explode his strength to break the predicament in front of him! , he has to recover his freedom first, otherwise all actions are in vain! The surrounding space has changed - the hell that the original Ghost Rider couldn't leave no matter how fast the speed broke out, the two sides of the hell are constantly increasing, as if they have the ability to grow themselves. The land of , actually stopped this ability - it was fixed in place forcibly! This proves that the predicament has been opened! After all, the reason why Ghost Rider can't be separated is entirely because he is in the process of leaving this abyss , the land on both sides will also increase in parallel, and his speed cannot exceed the growth rate of the land on the side, so he can only be permanently trapped here.

But now the earth on the edge will not increase any more, and everything will be solved naturally.


Aware of this scene, the Lord of Hell and the Ghost Rider hurriedly left here.

The reason is very simple, that is, under their feet, there is a big river that is rushing. This big river has a restraining effect on them, even the Lord of Hell is no exception, so they do not want to contact with it, they can leave directly, naturally they will not be here too much. do a stay.

Of course, although this big river also has restraint effect on its lord, the restraint effect is relative. For Ghost Rider, if the restraint effect reaches a little touch, he will suffer

If it is severely injured, it will even die directly. But for the Lord of Hell, it is a slight injury, and he will not even be seriously injured. Even if it is lighter, it will make him feel uncomfortable at most. The Lord is extraordinary and has reached the level of the heavenly father! If it is just a big river in the middle of the border, it can seriously injure him, or even kill him, then the powerhouse of the heavenly father level is too unbearable, and there is no need to be so supreme. .

But this river is not easy.

After all, it can make the other party uncomfortable, and even hurt the other party. Can't it mean "there's another one?"

Seeing a figure suddenly appearing in front of him, Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed.

He just used his supernatural power to see and stare, and he was looking into the weakness of the Ghost Rider. In just a few seconds, he was about to perceive something. He was confident enough, and if he gave himself a little more time, he would be able to get the answer. , know where the opponent's weakness is, but who can know, kill Cheng Yaojin halfway! And the opponent's strength seems to be terrifying! After all, the opponent can easily solve his own hell magic! You must know that although he is not strong , but now he is relying on the power of the mountains and rivers of the border. He estimates that he can easily crush the gods, that is, the 9th-level powerhouse and his own magical powers, which are easily solved by the opponent.

This is enough to show the strength of the other party! That is the Heavenly Father level powerhouse! And there is only one Heavenly Father level powerhouse in hell, so the identity of the other party will naturally be revealed - the well-deserved king of hell! Lord of hell ! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 496 The Perfect Plan

"I didn't expect that a freak like you would be born."

The Lord of Hell said with some emotion.

He was standing in the void at the moment, next to the Ghost Rider standing behind him.

His eyes fell on Liu Sheng, and there was a sound in his mouth.

"Your strength is only 4. Through some unknown means, you can control the mountains and rivers of the border, so that you have the strength to fight against the gods!"

The Lord of Hell opened his mouth.

Then he probably felt that what he said was inaccurate, so he shook his head and said.

"It can't be said that, after all, the strength of the Ghost Rider is considered to be strong among the 8th-level powerhouses, and with my strength assistance, he temporarily stepped out of the 9th level, but his strength is also the leader of the 9th level! It is comparable to an extraordinary level 9! You are not simply suppressing him, you have the power to fight, you are completely crushing him, so that he has almost no ability to resist!"

"So now your strength - should belong to the infinite proximity to the Father!"

The Lord of Hell is sure.

"Your strength is also terrifying. After all, you managed to escape from my magical powers."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth and said.

He said: "To be honest, I don't want to be an enemy of a strong man like you. After all, no one wants to have another enemy for no reason, so if you are willing to leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened. I can let it go!"

This is Liu Sheng's answer after rational analysis.

He doesn't have any grudges against the other party. "That's not good!"

The Lord of Hell shook his head and said, "The Ghost Rider is my subordinate, and he acts according to my will.

Form, what is the difference between you hitting him and hitting me, I will definitely take care of it, and you have to pay the price you deserve for your behavior today!"

He opened his mouth slowly, as if to: state a very normal thing.

"You said that, it seems that you are determined to eat me."

Liu Sheng said, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, because the other party was too arrogant.

"This is not very simple, don't forget your essence, you are just a little guy of 4. The reason why you have terrifying power now is because you are in the border! As long as I find a way to get you out of the border, Wouldn't that solve the problem?"

"How can you be my opponent by then?"

The Lord of Hell opened his mouth and said, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle, as if seeing everything.

The Ghost Rider beside him was stunned, then stretched out his hand and patted his head with a dazed look on his face, as if the Lord of Hell was right. Boundary, unable to gain strength with the help of the mountains and rivers of the boundary.

Then the other party is an ordinary 4.

This kind of guy, he can slap to death I don't know how many! Seeing this is a way to easily deal with each other, Liu Sheng was also stunned when he heard it.

Then a strange look appeared on his face.

It was an expression that could not be described in words. It was a bit similar to how you thought about how your brain is so smart. It was just that although the meaning belonged to this meaning, it gave people a sense of sarcasm.

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Chapter 497

Chapter 498

The sound waves on both sides are not pure sound waves.

In their sound waves, there is part of the soul shock.

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