
Because the opponent's body is rippling with the terrifying power of hell, this power will degenerate all creatures, and will eat everything. He is not ready and does not want to face it.

It's just that he couldn't avoid the other party at all, because the other party shot too fast.

Therefore, the opponent's attack successfully hit Liu Yu! Liu Yu's body was infected with the power of hell.

"You are courting death!"

A flash of anger flashed in Liu Sheng's eyes. He thought that the other party was going too far. Although he avoided the other party, he was not afraid. He rushed towards the opponent and wanted to attack the opponent! He was filled with the power of thunder, and this power was the best way to deal with the demon from hell - he wanted the opponent to pay the same price! It's just that this demon didn't Attacked him, and did not choose to confront him head-on.

Instead, he smiled evilly at him at this moment, and then disappeared! It made Liu Sheng stunned for a moment, making him a little confused about the situation! After all, the other party just came over, gave him a touch, and then ran away.

And then there's no "what the hell is this guy doing,!"

Liu Sheng couldn't help but speak.

He didn't understand the other party's purpose, but he knew that the other party would definitely not do all this for nothing, and the other party must have a plan.

"Then see what the hell are you doing!"

At this moment, Liu Sheng squeezed out the seal with both hands and began to cast a spell! This is a very magical spell that can trace a person's position! He can ignore the space! It's very, very scary! Things to remember, favorites, save m.aikanshu8.com's unique domain name, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 484 Ghost Rider

It's just that Liu Sheng's spell has not been used yet.

A sudden change! That is, Liu Sheng felt that a terrifying force came from outside his room, as if something was approaching.

This made him directly interrupt the spell, and at this moment, he came to the door and opened the door.

He wanted to see what was approaching here! His sixth sense told him that he would get the answer here! And when he opened the door, he was greeted with this scene! It was outside his door Oh, the buildings on both sides disappeared for no apparent reason and were replaced by an endless plain! And right in front of him was the heaviest of this endless plain: at this moment, there was a flaming fast-moving horse. The horse is galloping towards him! And on this horse, there is a person sitting! Flames are burning on their bodies, and the flames are burning more and more rampantly! This guy is getting closer and closer to Yagyu—— And in the process, the other side's body also kept changing and appearing, only to see the flesh and blood on the horse and the human being burned by the fire and gradually disappearing into nothingness.

In the end, it turned out to be like this: that is a skeleton horse running, and a skeleton man is sitting on the horse's back! Flames are burning on their bodies, and the flames are getting higher and higher, going straight to the sky! "Evil Knight "

Liu Sheng spoke slowly, and he recognized the identity of the other party.

"What is he doing to me"

Liu Sheng has some doubts in his heart, knight, he has his own task.

Even if Gu Yi left the earth and no one is guarding here, the other party can reappear in the world, but with his understanding of the other party, the other party should focus on his own tasks.

Few things are involved other than tasks.

After all, he is very special. Every time he uses his power, it is equivalent to overdrawing his life, so he rarely involves other things.

Then what is the other party looking for? The buildings on both sides disappear, and there is a runway in the middle. The other party is rushing towards him. This is not looking for him, but what is he doing? "Is it because of my breath?"

Liu Sheng is not a fool, an answer suddenly appeared in his heart.

He thought of the devil, if he remembered correctly, the other party seemed to have attacked him just now, which reminded him of the power of hell.

This kind of breath is easy to detect! He thinks that he is likely to be mistaken by the other party as a person from hell! "It seems to be clarified."

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng intends to clarify.

Graduated Ghost Riders, none of them are not powerful, almost every generation of them is very terrifying, after all, every time they fight, it is equivalent to losing their lives to fight again.

After going through the blessing of hell, how could they not be scary? If he had a grudge against the other party, it would be fine. It was a big fight, and he was not afraid of such an enemy, but he did not want to provoke such an enemy for no reason! He is not a fool! So he opened his mouth and said, "Ghost Rider, I am not a visitor from hell, and I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you, please go away! The reason why I have the breath of hell in me is entirely because the devil just treated me just now. Launched an attack, stained on me!"

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Chapter 485


The Ghost Rider's face was grim, or, because his whole body was full of bones, he had no expression, and because of the gloomy bones, he seemed rather grim.

He looked at Liu Sheng at this moment, and there was an orange light in his eyes.

This orange light swept across his body directly! Liu Sheng saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and he forcibly resisted the urge to shoot.

He knows the other party, this is verifying the truth of his words.

"You lied to me."

The orange light in Ghost Rider's eyes gradually disappeared.

Finally he spoke slowly.

"I'm not lying."

Liu Sheng's face changed, his eyes fell on the ghost knight, a little unbelievable.

The other party didn't find out the truth. "You do have the aura of a demon on your body. The demonic aura I am talking about is not the one left by the devil just now on you, but the powerful demonic aura you were once contaminated with. This demonic aura is deeply hidden. , I almost deceived me, you are a big devil!"

The Ghost Rider did ignore him, but spoke slowly at this moment.

When Liu Sheng heard this, his pupils shrank.

He never thought that the other party's basis for judging that he was also from hell, it turned out to be the aura left by the previous demon. He even forgot this! He quickly began to judge his own situation.

The force of the body is on his whole body, constantly checking his body.

Then he took a deep breath, he was safe, his body didn't change, um, except for the hidden breath in his body, that was the breath left by the previous demon.


This is also the main basis for the other party to judge that he is a demon! "I'm really not a demon, I have this breath in my body, it's a complete accident!"

Liu Yu opened his mouth and wanted to explain that he was unwilling to establish such a powerful enemy as Ghost Rider! "Nothing to say."

But Ghost Rider obviously doesn't want to talk nonsense with him.

In the hands of the Ghost Rider, a pistol appeared at: At this moment, the other party directly raised the pistol:'s head, then aimed at Liu Sheng, and then the other party pulled the trigger in his hand! "Whoosh!"

The next moment, a bullet was fired from the pistol.

He exploded extremely fast and shot Liu Sheng fiercely! "Are you treating me like a soft persimmon!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Sheng was also a little angry in his heart. He felt that he had given the other side enough favor, but the other side seemed not to take him seriously.

He decided to prove himself.

At this moment, he slowly stretched out one of his hands.

On that hand, there was a terrifying power permeating the air—the next moment, a huge wall appeared in front of his eyes, and the wall exuded a frightening aura, it was the air of black and yellow, an extremely terrifying aura. Earth property element.

This force changes, making people tremble! The other side's bullet directly hit the wall! Then the wall changed, and the point that was hit by the bullet actually extended to the surroundings. One after another terrifying ripples appeared—it felt especially terrifying! After all, that frightening aura became more and more maddening.

He pervades the surroundings, as if invading everyone's heart.

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Chapter 486 Boundary

Ghost Rider's expression changed, and he looked at the wall in surprise.

He originally thought that under his own shot, the opponent would surely die.

But he underestimated the other party! The other party was able to enchant Xuanhuang Qi, this kind of earth attribute to just reaching Qi is not an ordinary dick, it has a terrifying and unparalleled defensive power! But he didn't talk nonsense, he shot again! Because his strike just now was just a normal strike, the power was very limited, and the opponent could resist it. Although he was very surprised, it was not impossible.

He just hit one more blow! And this time, he directly used half of his strength - he didn't believe that the other party could stop it! The next moment, he pulled the trigger again, and a bullet came directly from the pistol It shot out, his speed exploded to the extreme, and instantly penetrated the wall formed by the air of black and yellow! The wall formed by the air of black and yellow broke in an instant! It dissipated directly and turned into normal elemental energy.

Liu Sheng saw this scene, his face remained unchanged, the opponent's second attack could destroy the wall formed by the mysterious yellow energy, which was already in his expectation.

After all, Ghost Rider's strength is very strong, and it has reached level 8! The gap between the two sides can be said to be like a gulf.

The reason why he was able to block the opponent's blow at the beginning was entirely for one reason, and the reason was that the opponent didn't care about him at all! But this means different things! "But if you want to kill me, you can't Reality."

Seeing the infinite bullets appearing in his heart, Yagyu spoke slowly.

His hands quickly pinch out the mark.

The earth in front of me has actually changed, and the ground is uplifted.

Block after block of mountains, they actually blocked Liu Sheng! "Absolute defense!"

Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth, and the mountain in front of him actually formed a kind of boundary! It was beyond the imagination of ordinary people and was already similar to the existence of laws.


The bullet exploded at a terrifying speed, and the mountain was smashed into two halves with a bang! The mountain still did not stop the bullet! But unfortunately, there is more than one mountain, but only one bullet. Therefore, the bullet continued to hit the mountain. Although it is constantly being destroyed, the speed of the bullet is getting slower and slower.

In the end, the bullet stopped and stopped in front of the big mountain in front of Yagyu! The opponent's second hit has been successfully stopped by Yagyu! "How is this possible!"

When the Ghost Rider saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he couldn't help opening his mouth! He was surprised that the other party was able to stop his second attack. He was surprised, why the other party could control the surrounding mountains. They are no longer in the world, they are now at the junction of the world and hell.

This is the place called the border! The edge of earth and hell, their junction.

The things in the border are indestructible, especially the mountains and rivers here, these things belong to this world alone, and have the characteristics of being indestructible and immovable.

Of course, if your strength has reached the level of a heavenly father, then you should not say anything.

However, according to Ghost Rider's observation, the Liusheng in front of him is only 4.

How could he move the mountains here? To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 487 The Evil Knight Asks for Help

Chapter 488

The reason why the Ghost Rider did this was very simple. It was entirely because Liu Sheng's methods were so unbelievable that they could shake the mountains and rivers of the border! This was terrifying to the extreme, subverting his three views! Such an existence Although weak, he still did not underestimate it. After all, he had just played against the opponent, and he already had a preliminary assessment of the opponent's strength.

That's absolutely extraordinary! So he did it just in case.

Yanagyu didn't know what Ghost Rider was doing.

After all, when he watched stories about Ghost Rider before, the other party had never used this method to seek help from the Lord of Hell.

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