This is a normal thing, his reaction ability is far more than the other party, if he is hit by the other party, it is incredible.

Liu Sheng ducked back, but his attack did not stop. He would still come out and shoot at the robbers. After all, his purpose in coming here was to kill them all.

Then get a sum of money from them to compensate for their Lamborghini!

So this place turned into a small battlefield, fire snakes bloomed in it, and people died almost every minute and every second, after all, there were many people fighting here, trying to kill each other.

Time passed, and soon three minutes passed.

During these three minutes, the police officers had the upper hand. After all, their numbers were more than the other's, and their weapons were also of better quality than the other's.

And because the other party has no way to go, they can only stay here and fight with them.

In addition, Liu Sheng helped from the side, so the overall situation is certain! These robbers have basically been eliminated, and now there is only one person left. This guy is the leader of these people. The reason why he can survive until now is not because of him. The marksmanship is good, not because he hides quickly, but because he doesn't seem to be a normal person, and his body seems to have changed.

This kind of change, although not up to the standard of mutation, but the other party also initially has the ability of terror, that is, ordinary firearms, can't leave scars on his body at all! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 349

"When I escape, I will definitely kill you!"

The leader of the robbers had a fierce look on his face, and he swore that he would never let Liu Sheng go, because if it wasn't for the other party, they would have fled here long ago, how could the whole army be wiped out except him "What should I do? escape from this place"

The leader of the robbers began to think about how he should leave this place. Although he had vowed to avenge the other party, the most important thing at the moment was to leave this place.

Because he couldn't leave this place, how could he have the chance to kill each other? After all, if he couldn't leave this place successfully, he would become a corpse! And just when he was thinking about how to leave this place, Liu Yu also had the same I began to think about how I could get that sum of money from the other party. After all, the other party was obviously a robber, and the money in the other party's hand obviously came from the bank.

Although he wanted to get a sum of money from the other party, because it was what he deserved, but it was obvious that the group of police officers behind the other party would not let him get the money.

So how should he get that money? After all, the money itself is what he deserves and should be compensated to him.

"It seems that I don't need to worry about this issue."

Suddenly his eyes fell on the leader of the robbers, and then he suddenly laughed, because the other party started to climb the floor at this time, and the other party's speed was very fast - this allowed him to basically judge that the other party escaped. day of birth.

That's fine, so that he doesn't have to struggle any more! "Everyone, hurry up and chase, this guy actually wants to escape from here, you can't let him go!"

The leader of the original robber, and his staff are constantly going back and forth with each other: but this

The gunfire suddenly stopped, as if the other party was gone.

The police officers noticed this scene and hurried up, and then they exclaimed! They found that the other party was going to escape from here, and the other party's speed was not very fast, and now they had escaped their line of sight, they quickly Shoot at this time and attack the opponent.

It's just that their speed was too slow after all. The other party had already climbed to the height of five or six floors.

"I will definitely get my revenge!"

The leader of the robbers looked fiercely at the police officers below who kept shooting at him.

He is now carrying a bag with hundreds of gold bars in it, with a total value of nearly 600 million US dollars. This part is specially held by him because he is stronger than others.

Others were unable to lift hundreds of gold bars in one breath, and these weights should not be underestimated.

"Fortunately, I didn't let others take it. Otherwise, I won't gain anything this time."

Looking at the bag behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was carrying the gold bars himself, otherwise, he might lose everything this time and have nothing.

This is fortunate among misfortunes.

"I'm going to kill you, this guy!"

He let out a secret curse, because he thought of Liu Sheng, if it weren't for the other party, how could they have been so miserable and they would have been in a safe place! Love reading, remind you: Remember to save the three things in reading is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 350 One Punch Solution

"are you talking about me"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind him, he looked over subconsciously, and then his pupils shrank, because it was Liu Sheng who appeared in front of him, "Why are you here?"

The leader of the robber looked extremely vigilant, and he was surprised that the other party appeared here.

"You can be here, why can't I?"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng said lightly: "You broke my new Lamborghini, if you have to compensate me, use the gold in your bag to compensate me."


Hearing his words, the leader of the robber narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he took out his gun and fired two shots at the other party without hesitation. Because the money belongs to him, he can't give it to the other party! Who dares to rob the other party? This money, who is his enemy! What's more, Liu Sheng is his enemy, and he must take revenge! Liu Sheng is not panic at all when he sees this scene, although the distance between the two sides is very close, according to reason, he He couldn't dodge the opponent's bullets, but he could let the opponent's bullets miss him! Just before the opponent fired, he rushed up and kicked the opponent's hand, causing the opponent's gun to deviate from the trajectory. The bullet went to the side - "His!"

The leader of the robber felt pain in his mouth. He did not expect the attack of the other party to be so fierce and fast.

However, he is also a ruthless man. After realizing this, he did not hesitate and rolled to the side. Because the opponent shot the gun off the track, the attack did not stop. Fang Ji rushed up and punched his fist. It hit him directly in the chest! "It's impossible to run!"

The behavior of the other party was reflected in Liu Sheng, and Liu Sheng shook his head.

The opponent's body may have mutated and it is stronger than the average person. After all, this can be seen from the opponent's bare-handed climbing to such a high floor, but that's all.

The opponent's physical variation is limited, at most it is much stronger than ordinary people.

If the opponent is compared to him, there is still a long way to go! The angle of his punch is very tricky and very precise. He has full confidence that the opponent can't dodge, even if the opponent tries to dodge, even The body is rubbing against the ground.


Liu Sheng was directly condescending, his body squatted down, and his fist directly bombarded the opponent's chest! His own, he naturally won't be merciful! The fist slammed on the opponent's body, the opponent's body slammed, and then the opponent's mouth spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's body began to convulse.

The opponent's eyes were already bloodshot, giving people a very terrifying feeling.

There was an unbelievable look in the other's eyes, and he was staring at Liu Sheng at this moment.

Because the reason why he looks like this is entirely because of the opponent's punch, and the power of the opponent's punch far exceeds his imagination. He was beaten like this by the opponent's punch! Liu Sheng's face did not change, he He walked up directly at this time and took the other party's bag away.

Because this bag is his goal, and the compensation belongs to him! As for the other party's current appearance, it is completely what the other party deserves! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it Love to read the only one domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 351 Energy Fluctuation

If the other party didn't break into the 4th store and didn't provoke him, the other party might not be like this, so the other party deserves the current appearance of the other party! Carrying this bag directly on his body, Liu Sheng glanced at it, The leader of the robber with only one breath left, he did not take care of the other party, but at this time, jumped from the roof to the distance.

Because he heard a sound from the stairway next to him, he estimated that it should be the group of police officers attacking, and he didn't want to take a photo with this group of police officers.

Just a few seconds after Liu Sheng left, this group of police officers came to this building, as expected, before the head of the robber, who was lying on the ground and his body was convulsing.

"what happened"

When the other party first came, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because they saw each other actually fell to the ground, only one breath left.

It shouldn't be! You must know that the other party has just climbed several floors with his bare hands. If the other party is not alive and well, but the other party looks like this, how can the other party climb so many floors in one breath. "He must have been attacked by another robber. ."

One of the police officers noticed something different, he pointed to the backpack that the other party had lost, and said, "Before, he had a bag on his back, which contained gold bars robbed from the bank, but the bag disappeared. It's gone, and the wounds on his body can be seen at a glance from beatings, so I guess he was attacked by his accomplices!"

The others nodded because they thought so too.

"Then take him back quickly and do his best, but you can't let him die like this!"

A police officer rushed to speak, you know, they

But a bag of gold bars was not recovered. This was their negligence in their work, so the leader of the robbers in front of them could not die! Take it back and take it to the hospital

Liu Sheng didn't know what happened here. If he knew, he would definitely die of laughter, because although the guesses of this group of people are correct, their identities are completely wrong! He is not... a robber! "How to put this The gold bars are digested and turned into cash"

Liu Sheng quickly left the vicinity of the leader of the robbers. He was eating noodles in a noodle restaurant at the moment. While eating noodles, he was thinking about how to digest the gold bars he had obtained.

To know the total value of these things, but as high as: 600 million.

It's not... an easy thing to convert them into cash.

"Am I stupid!"

He suddenly slapped his forehead at this moment, with a smile on his face, because he remembered a very important thing, that is, this matter can be handled by Tony Stark, after all, the other party is the boss of Stark Industries Group , the other party definitely has this ability.

So he doesn't need to put more thought into this matter.

So he stopped thinking and quietly ate the bowl of noodles in front of him, but he didn't even eat lunch, and he was already a little hungry and needed a good supplement.

And eating this bowl of noodles, when he was almost at the bottom, he suddenly stopped moving.

Because he sensed a wave of energy, love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the love reading it's unique domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 352 Unknown Premonition

This energy fluctuation made him have a greedy desire, which is similar to a person who has not eaten for a long time, suddenly seeing a large meal in his eyes "energy that can be swallowed by me."

He murmured.

He found that the strength of this energy is not very strong, and it is completely within the range that he can accept, which means that he can devour this energy and use it for his own use.

He was a little excited, because he had been looking for this kind of low-quality energy that could be swallowed by him for a long time, but so far he had not found a chance to meet him this time. How could he not be excited? He hurriedly settled the bill and walked out. Shop and start looking for this energy.

Following the trajectory of this energy fluctuation, he bypassed the winding alleys and soon came to the empty corridor. It was actually a very long alley, and it was so narrow that it could barely fit. Even a slightly stronger adult man can't pass through here.

The only people who can pass through here seem to be children and thin men.

Liu Sheng's eyes were a little excited, because he sensed this energy, right at the end of the corridor! He hesitated, and at this time moved forward.

After all, it is very dangerous here, and the road is too narrow. If there is an emergency, there is no way for him to resist. After all, his current strength is limited.

But he didn't want to miss this opportunity, because he finally encountered it once, the energy substance that can be absorbed by the current him, he will seize this opportunity.

And just walked a few steps away, after thinking for a while, he came back.

because he thought

A better way, he started to climb up, climbed directly to the top of these houses, and then he started to walk towards the innermost from the roofs of these houses, although this promenade is not narrow on these roofs , He did this, although it would waste some time, but it was much safer than before! As Liu Yu went over, he began to think, why here, he would perceive this kind of energy, it seems that such energy should not appear Tread."

He strolled on it, not in any particular hurry.

After all, this thing is already in front of you, and it can't go anywhere.

Time passed, and a minute or so passed in the blink of an eye, and now he came to the other end.

He looked down condescendingly, because this is the source of the energy distribution! "But why is there nothing"

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