Liu Sheng nodded to show his understanding, because if this thing can be absolutely controlled, it will definitely be put into a lot of use, and by then, the entire Marvel universe will change.

After all, although the probability of a strong person being born is not high, if millions of people mutate together, there will always be a few outstanding people, and these outstanding people will inevitably dance the tide.

The laws of the Marvel Universe do not allow such a situation to exist and will inevitably intervene.

Perhaps this is unbelievable, after all, there is a limit to how strong the mutants can be based on the original origins born in an environment like the earth.

Well, this is a generally accepted rule, at least in the eyes of some people, but only for some people, because in Yagyu's view, this rule is not at all. After all, Spider-Man is such an example, although the other party It is through the spider on the earth to carry out the mutation, but the strength of the other party is indeed so powerful that it completely completes the original biological prototype.

This is enough to prove that this rule does not hold.

"You want to try this mutant potion"

Tony Stark said, the other party is so interested in this mutant potion, do you want to use "Although I am interested in this mutant potion, I don't want to use it."

Liu Sheng shook his head, although he was very interested in this mutant potion and wanted to see how it would work, but in order to prevent himself from becoming a non-human, non-ghost, he still did not intend to use the mutant potion.

After all, this thing is out of control. If he uses it and mutates, what it will look like depends entirely on the probability. He is not willing to do this.

He still likes to take everything in his own hands! Tony Stark nodded, he was joking just now, he didn't believe that the other party would really use the mutation potion, because the other party had absolutely no need to use this thing.

He knew that the opponent's goal was not to become stronger, but to understand the profound meaning of breakthrough.

As for the mutant potion in front of him, he also looked down on it. After all, it was something he invented himself. He knew what the mutant potion in front of him looked like. Although it could become stronger, it was not controllable, and he did not want to take risks.

After all, he has also mastered the ability - money ability! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 336 Changes in the Marvel Universe

About [*] to [*] minutes passed. During this time, Tony Stark introduced his laboratory to Yagyu, and he let Yagyu see many of his inventions.

Liu Sheng was a little shocked from the beginning, some curious, and some emotional, and slowly became numb, because he found that the other party's research products were not ordinary.

There are powerful weapons in it, as well as tools that make life faster. He even discovered an Apple mobile phone inside, but it has been more than 20 generations later. You must know the Apple mobile phone that is sold outside now, but 11th generation, that's a long way off.

"You guy, your brain is really good, you can study so many things."

After leaving Tony Stark's laboratory, Yanagyu couldn't help but sigh.

He finally knew why the other party was one of the protagonists of the Marvel Universe. After all, although the other party didn't have terrifying superpowers, the other party's brain was really good. We must know that the wisdom is the strongest, so the other party can become one of the protagonists of the Marvel Universe. One, and the strength has changed from weak to strong: there is a reason.

"If you praise me like that again, I will float!"

Glancing at Liu Yu, Tony Stark couldn't help but speak.

If ordinary people praised him like this, he would naturally not feel it, after all, he knew that these people were telling the truth, and he was indeed so powerful, indeed a genius.

But Liu Sheng is different, he has really seen the strength of the other party, he has really understood the other party, he knows that the two parties are not of the same magnitude at all, and the other party praises him with a very unreal feeling, like he is.

"I'm telling the truth, yours is worthy of my compliment, by the way, tell you one thing

Love, then you can focus on upgrading Iron Man, Iron Man's upgrade is much better than before, but his strength is still not strong enough, still limited."

Glancing at Iron Man, Liu Sheng admonished the other party.

He found that the crisis in the Marvel Universe did not come quickly, and it was normal on the whole.

After all, the crisis will come only when the superhero has the ability to deal with it.

But this is the original Marvel universe.

He found that with his arrival, this was changing, the entire Marvel universe seemed to be in chaos, and the enemies that appeared next were stronger and stronger than before.

And the enemy that appeared before, appeared again, and the strength became even more terrifying.

It was as if, although it was only a few days away, it seemed like I had practiced for a long time.

As for the other heroes of the Avengers, they are all mutants, and they can constantly strengthen themselves through combat, making their combat abilities more terrifying.

It can be said that they are improving every day.

But the Tony Stark in front of him is not, because there is only one way for him to become stronger, upgrade Iron Man, and upgrading Iron Man cannot be done in battle, and needs to be studied. The other party has not seriously studied it for a while. The time invested in upgrading Iron Man is limited.

"I understand what you mean, I will try my best during this time."

Liu Sheng nodded, he naturally knew what the other party meant.

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Chapter 337 Liu Sheng's Conjecture

Chapter 338

Liu Sheng felt that his brain was a little messed up. He found that he could not see through the world. The world's self-correction ability was too strong. Some of his previous practices had already caused the world to deviate from the main line. Everything has changed.

"Tell us something important"

When the other people heard Liu Sheng's words, their expressions changed. The other party said it was serious, so this matter must be serious. After all, the other party was once so powerful, and it must be no trivial matter to be able to get into the eyes of the other party.

"We are now, perhaps facing a huge hidden crisis."

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Liu Sheng said without hesitation.

"Hidden Great Crisis"

Hearing his words, the US captain looked a little puzzled. He couldn't understand the other party's words.

"During this period of time, when you punished evil and promoted good, did you find anything special?"

After glancing at the people in front of them, and then with their extremely confused eyes, Liu Sheng asked.

When other superheroes heard it, their eyes narrowed, and they began to think about this, because during this time, they did encounter a lot of weird things.

"I always felt that I was being spied on in secret, but I went to look for the other party, but I couldn't find any traces. I don't know if this feeling is a special feeling."

Hawkeye said, there was a special color in his eyes.

He didn't take the initiative to tell this matter, but after the other party said so, he thought it was not.

"I used to

After killing many people, mechanical products appeared in their brains, or other parts of their bodies. I don't know what that is, but they all have one thing in common. I think they should all come from the same place."

The captain of the United States said that this is where he found the difference.

"The electromagnetic force here in Los Angeles has been much higher than usual these days."

Nick Fury spoke up. He happened to be staying in the villa today. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's still being repaired, he can't be in S.H.I.E.L.D. that hasn't been fully repaired yet

live in it.

After all, the radiation inside is enough for him to eat a pot.

And because of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When repairing, he will naturally check the data, and will naturally observe the surrounding situation. This is what he discovered during this period of time, which is different from before.

"The underground world has begun to look for ways to explode the human body in a short period of time."

Black Widow said, and he also noticed something special.

"These things can be easily explained if they are taken out, but now that they are gathered together, I think everyone should be able to perceive that something is wrong."

Greeting everyone's slightly puzzled and slightly surprised eyes, Liu Yu's tone was indifferent, as if he was telling a trivial matter that could not be more normal.

The superheroes nodded, for this sake, they naturally sensed something was wrong.

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Chapter 339 Bold Guess

"It seems that the changes in the world are more serious than I thought."

Everyone had a look of thought on their faces, because they were wondering why this happened.

Liu Sheng is also thinking, but what he is thinking is different from what everyone is thinking. What he is thinking is that what he has investigated and known is limited, so many things have happened in this world, which makes him glad that he This thing can be said.

Otherwise, it is very likely that with his current strength, he will not be able to handle this disaster! After all, what he originally knew was similar to that of Black Widow.

That is, someone is looking for a way to boost the human body in a short time. As for Nick Fury's mouth, the surrounding electromagnetic force has risen sharply, and the mechanical product that the captain of the United States said, also from the eagle eye seems to be secretly spied on these He didn't know at all.

"The existence behind these robots is more terrifying than I imagined."

Liu Sheng couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. He found that he seemed to despise the other party, and this shouldn't happen to him. You must know that his strength is not as terrifying as before, and he can't do it anymore. You can turn the tide of the battle abruptly.

He must return his mentality to normal as soon as possible! "Then what should we do next?"

Many superheroes thought for a while, and then he found that they had no clue at all, so they put their eyes on Liu Sheng again, after all, it was the other party who proposed this matter.

They think the other party should have noticed.

"I think it is very likely that a mechanical product was born.

He began to try to make himself stronger, and then intend to destroy us humans to the superheroes in front of Yagyu, and said.

When he said this, his tone was very certain, as if he knew the answer.

After all, although there have been many changes in this world, some changes are impossible to change, and that is the cause of all things. After all, causality exists in every world.

The process and the result will change, but there will be absolutely no change.

When the other people heard it, their faces were in a trance, and their hearts tightened.

After all, what the other party said, they are facing a very terrifying enemy! You must know that the technology in this world is not... the technology in other worlds, he is very advanced, and he promotes development, which can almost reach the pinnacle of technological development, comparable to God, Even beyond the possibility of God! Otherwise, Iron Man will not become so terrifying and powerful in the later stage! At this moment, the other party tells them that mechanical products have given birth to their own wisdom, which is unheard of before them, and makes them feel Be vigilant, because the first generation of a certain product is generally the most awesome, because they are changes from nothing.

Of course, this change generally doesn't apply to living things.

Tony Stark's heart suddenly burst, because he remembered that the other party was looking for his purpose today, it seemed to be to see the Ultron robot he developed and the other party said such a thing now, how is this possible Don't let him think too much that he is a person of extraordinary wisdom, so he has a bold guess in his heart at the moment read!

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